The Lost Forest | Teen Ink

The Lost Forest

May 16, 2024
By NoemiGL BRONZE, Willits, California
NoemiGL BRONZE, Willits, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mario was a boy who was very shy and was intimidated to talk to people. He spent most of his time alone where no one was around. One thing he loved doing was to explore the trees. It was the only thing that made him feel peaceful. He did not like talking to people. When they asked him something, he rarely answered them. All the 

kids in school made fun of him because he was different from everyone else. He was alone and did not talk to anyone. He liked to wander off and walk around the isolated pathways that led to the forest nearby. After all, Mario spent all his free time exploring the forests by himself away from society. This of course made him a target for others to pick on him and bully him. Mario had been used to this and even though no one knew it he did have a friend; unfortunately, no one could know about it. 

  Rocky was a boy who was very social and had a lot of friends. He loved talking to other people. Rocky was the complete opposite of Mario, who never talked to  people because he was embarrassed. Although Mario and Rocky were opposites, they were somehow good friends because Mario also liked to explore the forest. Even though they were friends, they kept their friendship hidden from the rest of the world. Rocky was very popular in school and did not want to ruin his reputation if others knew he was friends with Mario. Mario was happy he had a friend even if it meant only in secret. He was happy when he and Rocky got to hang out and talk. Rocky was the only person Mario felt comfortable talking to. Mario and Rocky  bonded because they both shared a love of trees and loved exploring the forest.  

One day, Mario and Rocky wanted to explore a new forest with a mixture of excitement and curiosity. The air was so fresh and clean they could smell the pine scent from the trees and there was a peaceful energy that surrounded them both. The best part of being in the forest was that no one was around. No one could hear their conversation except the trees, birds, and wild animals. They felt safe talking about anything they wanted without feeling judged by others. Mario and Rocky  could understand each other even though no one knew they were the best of friends.  

 As they walked along the path covered in bright leaves, they noticed a flash of light in the distance. They approached carefully and discovered a beautiful fairy with glowing wings. “Welcome to the magical forest”, the fairy said with a smile. “Here you will find unforgettable adventures and exciting challenges”. Mario and Rocky did not know how to reply but they were excited to go in and explain. They both started walking further into the forest but the fairy flew in front of them and said. “But first, you must overcome my riddle to continue”. Mario and Jordan exchanged glances. excited and they accepted the challenge of the fairy. 

The fairy continued explaining to them what the challenges would be. She explained that In the magical forest, there were three enchanted doors. Each door was guarded by a guard and could  only be opened once you completed the challenge. The first door required you to find wisdom, the second door required courage, and the third door would  only open with an act of kindness. The fairy asked which door do you chose and how will you  overcome the challenge?”. Mario and Rocky  looked at each other with determination and began to plan their strategy. 

They knew this adventure would be full of surprises and challenges but they were willing to face them together. The fairy, Mario, and Rocky  continued exploring the magical forest. While they were walking they came across a crystal clear stream flowing in the middle of the forest. The water stream was so clear and blue. The light shone on the water and it almost looked like crystals falling. Mario and Rocky  were stunned. They had never seen anything so beautiful. Once they passed the steam of water they discovered an ancient bridge that led them to a hidden cave. Both Mario and Rocky were very curious to go into this cave, but did not know if the fairy would allow them to go in. Both of them turned around to see the fairy and gauge her expression to know if they could go in and explore the cave or not. To their surprise, the fairy was not there anymore. 

“Where did she go?” Mario asked Rocky. 

Mario shrugged his soldiers, letting his friend know he did not know. 

Mario looked around and said, “I say we go in”. 

They entered the cave not knowing what they would find but both were eager to find out. The thing about Mario and Rocky was that they both were not scared of the forest and the mysteries it held in it. They wanted to know all the deepest secrets of it and feel like they were part of it. 

As they walked into the dark cave, they felt chills down their spine. The cave was cold and dark. You could feel the presence of someone but they could not see anyone in there. 

“Hello,” said Rocky.  “Is anyone here?”

No one answered so they kept walking around in the dark very carefully trying not to run into anything or trip and fall. 

“I can't see anything”, said Mario 

Rocky also could not see anything in front of him but knew it was not just him and Mario in the cave. Rocky normally was not scared easily and liked to have his curiosity take the best of him so he decided they should stay. “Let's keep exploring. I think if we touch the walls we can find a door to something,” said Rocky. After an hour  still in the cave, Mario and Rocky never found a way out. Rocky told Mario that they had to go back because they had not found anything, but Mario did not want to leave until they found something in the cave. Mario told him, You think we are going to find something? We are not going to find anything because we are not looking at anything. The cave is dark and cold. 

Ultimately, Rocky agreed to stay a little later. When they reached the end of the cave they found a mysterious guardian, a giant. He was a gentle giant. He told Mario and Rocky if they wanted to find the lost treasure they should pass a test of their bravery. After passing the test that the gentle giant told them, Mario and Rocky continued looking for the treasure they were looking for while the two of them were walking in the magical forest they found a small and very mysterious island. 

Mario told Rocky to go see it on that island when they arrived at the island they saw many bright creatures.  


 One of them was the fairy they found for the first time. They were quite surprised to see all those shiny creatures. On that island was  the treasure that they had decided upon when the fairy asked them at the beginning of their arrival there. As Mario and Rocky arrived, they went along and encountered many types of creatures such as bright fairies, playful elves, and unicorns. These animals offered their help to Mario and Rocky to find the treasure. For them to reach the treasure that the fairy had told them about, they had to solve other challenges.

 On the island where they arrived, there was an enchanted door that could only be opened if they answered correctly one of the questions the fairy asked them. With the help of Rocky and Mario they managed to overcome the test that the giant had given them and thus they were able to continue the search for the lost treasure while the two of them continued walking through the magical forest where they found a beautiful lake. One of the bright creatures told Mario and Rocky about an old map that was there to find the lost treasures. On the shore of the lake, there was a tree in which the treasure was found. When they went to look at the three there was the treasure and the fairies. Whe Mario and Rocky were looking at the treasure in the tree, he couldn’t believe that he was there, but there was a problem that the two of them couldn’t take the treasure. Everything the fairy did was just fun for Mario and Rocky, they were happy to have been able to do that. Afterwards they returned to their house after having been there in the forest.   

The author's comments:

My name is Noemí García and I am 18 years old. I was born in Atlanta Georgia but I was raised in Mexico. My favorite language is Spanish, although many people say I should learn more English.

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