fairytale | Teen Ink


May 19, 2024
By Anonymous

Once upon a time in a town off of Iceland, there was a land named Arendel. In Arendel lived a royal family, with seven royal sisters, but one locked away. Her name was Elsa and she was the youngest of the group. Her parents forbid her from any activities the rest of her family got to experience all because of her secret. Elsa had powers. Not just any powers, heat powers. Elsa shot sand from her hands, lasers from her eyes, and radiated a burning bodily heat that would burn anyone’s fingers at the touch. One day while Elsa was locked away in her room, she thought her heat was controlled. She requested her parents come into her room and she hugged both, instantly killing them from heat exhaustion. Elsa’s scream brought her sisters.

“What have you done?!” One sister screams as she enters.

“You killed mom and dad!” The other sister yells.

Elsa gets scared and whips her hand out, instantly spraying sand all over the bedroom, and in her sister’s eyes. Burning them instantly. As her sister’s clutch their eyes in pain, Elsa makes the run for it out of the castle. She leaves a fire trail behind her, burning the carpet on her feet and eventually burning down the whole castle and village. The whole city goes dry and enters a drought, with no water and a lack of food. Elsa continues her trek onto the once snowy mountain top, now covered in sand. Elsa comes across a tavern that once sold winter clothes, but now sells floaties and swimsuits.

“Yoohoo! Big winter blowout!” The merchant says as Elsa enters.

“Do you have any summer clothes I could borrow?” She asks, looking around the tavern

“Hm..” The merchant thinks “Only winter clothes on sale for right now, but you could go dig in lost and found.” He says pointing to the bin in the corner.

At the lost and found bin, Elsa digs until she finds suitable clothing for her venture. As she digs the clothes out to wear a voyager enters the tavern. He takes off his jacket as his face beams of sweat.

“I need summer clothes.” He says, turning towards the merchant.

“Big winter blowout! All summer clothes besides swimsuits and floaties will be in lost and found.” He says.

The voyager finds clothes and then slams his money down on the counter. Elsa stares at him.

“Excuse me. I was here first.” She says with a grunt and a snarl.

“Actually..” He says “I was here in line before you.”

Elsa sides eyes him and then takes her clothes, then just slams a 20 on the counter. She puts her clothes on then ventures outside and continues up the hill. As she continues to climb, she becomes out of breath. She realizes climbing a sandy mountain is harder than it seems. She wipes the sweat from her forehead and takes a seat on the mountain side. She then hears a rumble and is soon greeted by the voyager she saw in the tavern just moments ago.

“Need a ride?” He says in his dune buggy.

“I don't even know you.” She says as she continues to pant. “Besides, I can climb by myself.”

“No you can’t” He says “This mountain is the tallest in all the land and you’ll collapse in the heat.”

Elsa thinks about it for a second. Then decides to get up and takes a seat in the dune buggy. The

mysterious voyager continues on in his buggy with the princess in the passenger seat.

“So where are you off to?” He asks

“My dune castle.” She says “I got banished to it by my sisters for killing my parents.”

“So what’s your name?” He asks

“Elsa. What’s yours?”


So, as Elsa and Gootoff ventured to Elsa’s castle, they continued to talk about their lives and realized how similar they were. They approached Elsa’s sand castle and Gootoff realized he could not leave her! He’s in love!

“Thanks for the ride.” Elsa says, getting out of the dune buggy.

“I am in love with you.” Gootoff says.

Elsa could tell he was in love. So, they kissed each other and Elsa was in love too! Instantly, the sand blew away and the snow returned. It was not as hot as it was before, instead it turned freezing cold. The water returned and the plans and fish became alive once again. They both returned back to Arendel and the people rejoiced at the princesses' return! Her sisters cried tears of joy and Elsa announced her and Gootoff are getting married and everyone lived happily ever after!



The author's comments:

I felt inspired by my younger sister who loves Frozen

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