From Saturn to the Moon | Teen Ink

From Saturn to the Moon

May 25, 2024
By saturnscribes BRONZE, St Louis, Missouri
saturnscribes BRONZE, St Louis, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The alarm screamed a daunting noise across Saturn’s dorm. Twisting and turning, she hoped for the alarm to stop itself. After 5 minutes, the endless sound failed to cease. Dragging her body out of bed, forcing her legs to do their job, she walked over to her desk and whacked the alarm off. It read 10:30am, in an hour, Saturn would soon have to meet with the employer of her favorite animation company, Novel Craft. She stayed up past 3am, downing energy drinks to finish her portfolio. Her portfolio took over three weeks to complete. She had been dreaming of a job at an animation company since middle school. While she was proud of the work she completed, this could really make or break her pride.
Soon, a pounding was heard at her door. Saturn let out a quick huff and carelessly walked towards the door. The knock came again. She grew annoyed.
“Give me a second!”
Finally, the two minutes it took for Saturn to open the door, her roommate walked into their shared home in half the time. Once her roommate stepped inside, she took a good look at Saturn. Saturn realized how much of a mess she was. A not so pleasant glance was taken at the brownish green stain on her shirt. Saturn’s hair was wrapped in a purple scarf and she was simply dressed in bunny slippers, shorts, and a hoodie that read the name of her school, “Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts.” Saturn’s roommate, Aiko began to speak.
“What happened here?” Motioning towards Saturn’s desk.
Annoyed, Saturn snarkily chirped, “Nothing.”
“Just asking, no need for snarkiness this early.”
Aiko sat her things onto her own bed. Aiko was a Fashion major, unlike Saturn who majored in Studio Art. She had a spunky, colorful style. She was very optimistic and more easy-going. Her and Saturn have been roommates since their freshman year.
Analyzing the room a bit further, Aiko began to ponder, “Is that interview with the fancy place today?”
Saturn rolled her eyes, “Yes, by ‘fancy place’, you mean Novel Craft. It’s seriously the best animation company in the nation.”
“Like I said, a fancy place.”
Saturn began to check the time. It was 10:45. Saturn grew anxious.
Spiraling while walking back and forth across the room, Saturn stated, “I am completely losing it. I am exhausted, scared, and impatient. What if they don’t like me? What if they don’t like my drawings? Oh no! What if-”
Aiko took a hold of her shoulders to stop her pacing, “Calm down Saturn, please.”
“If they don’t appreciate the talent that you have to offer, they’re not worth it. Please go into this interview with a level head. You got this!” Pulling her into a hug, Saturn fell into her close friend’s arms.
Saturn got ready in a hurry. She had 20 minutes to make it to the interview. She frantically grabbed everything she needed, which included her laptop, tablet, notebook, and tote bag. She ran towards the door and grabbed her house keys upon the wall, she slipped into her shoes, quickly unlocked the door, and sprinted out. In a hurry, she failed to fully close the door, but luckily, Aiko was there to do so for her.
Saturn was a broke college student without a car, so she had to walk with her heavy tote-bag in hand to Novel Craft. Maneuvering around the loud streets of Saint Louis was definitely a challenge. She bumped into many on the sidewalk. As she was nearing the end of a block, an older man bumped into her causing her and her things to fall down.
“Oh jeez, I am so sorry miss.” The old man reached his hand out. Saturn was apprehensive to take it. Instead, she helped herself up.
“It’s alright.”
The man had glasses and a long gray beard. Saturn guessed that he couldn’t be younger than 80 years old.
“This happens to be my first time in Saint Louis. Do you know where the–”
Saturn quickly interrupted him, “I’m sorry sir, but I’m seriously in a hurry.”
“Please, miss. I could really use your help.”
She urgently checked her digital watch. It read 11:25. Saturn weighed two choices in her head: she could be a prick and keep walking or she could waste her time helping an innocent old man.
Is God testing me? If I fail this test, will I somehow reincarnate as a roach instead of a billionaire!?
“Okay, sir. I’m sorry, but what is it that you need help with again?”
“Ahem, well you see, I am trying to find this…” the man zooms in on a photo in his phone, pulling his glasses closer to his face to take a better look.
Saturn peers over the man’s shoulder to see for herself. The picture looked fake and wasn’t in the best quality.
“I apologize sir, but are you sure this building exists?”
“I am sure of it! Ahem. Excuse me, I am sure of it.”
Taken aback, Saturn is reminded of what she needs to do. Saturn looks at her watch.
“Uhhh I am so sorry, but I need to go now, sir. Have a good day.” Saturn quickly ran away from the old man. She had 5 minutes left until her interview started.
“Miss! Please, I need your help!” The old man yelled down the sidewalk to Saturn, but she was already halfway down the street.
Muttering to himself, “These disgusting humans.”
Saturn finally made it to Novel Craft. A smile grew on her face. There were tons of people inside of Novel Craft’s building. Saturn made her way towards the front desk to ask the receptionist the direction to the floor she needed to be at for her interview. Her email read: Congratulations! You have been chosen to participate in Novel Craft’s interview process. Please come to your interview at least 5 minutes before your scheduled interview time at 11:35AM. Meet us on floor five, sign in and wait until your name is called. Thank you. See you soon :)
Checking her watch, Saturn grew anxious as she realized it was already 11:30AM. After receiving directions, she ran towards the elevator. The elevator was packed and humid.
That old man may have made me a little late, but I still succeeded! Hopefully, I don’t smell too much like sweat.
Hoping to keep the sweaty smell at bay, she started to feel deep inside her tote-bag, searching for her perfume oil. Moving her hand all around, she could not feel the oil. She never leaves home without it. Looking down into her bag, noticing something tiny and round, Saturn reaches to pick it up. As she goes to pick up the item, she shrieks. It pricked her! Others inside the crowded elevator glared at Saturn. Saturn hung her head low in an effort to not be seen, but the damage was already done.
After spending what felt like an eternity inside the elevator, it stopped at the floor for Saturn’s interview. Walking towards the waiting room, Saturn’s heart started to beat faster. She paused, attempting to calm herself.
It is going to be okay, you’ve been waiting for this. You’re not nervous, just excited.
She replayed these words while towards the receptionist’s desk.
With a trembling voice, she began, “Uhh, hello. I am here for my interview.”
“Name,” the receptionist replied coldly.
“Omg, yeah sorry, my name is Saturn Caddel!”
The lady started squinting at the computer, beginning to type in Saturn’s name. Saturn started to dwindle with her fingers while waiting for the lady to speak again. She noticed the older lady’s name tag. Her name was Jane, it seemed fitting.
“Okay, so it seems that your interview is scheduled for 11:35AM.”
“Yep, that is right.”
“Well, you’re late. Please take a seat in the waiting room..”
“Okay, thank you-” Saturn paused, looking towards the name tag once again, “Ms. Jane.”
Jane looked back at Saturn coldly, ushering towards the waiting room once again.
Saturn found an empty seat to wait in, she placed her tote-bag next to her and checked the clock. 11:40AM was the time. She reached into her tote-bag hoping to the pricking object. She searched frantically, still unable to find the cause of her recent embarrassment. Saturn’s search abruptly stopped once her name was called to head in for her interview. She was directed to interview room number 146.
The uniqueness of the room amazed Saturn. From top to bottom, it was filled with murals upon the wall. The room had framed pictures of famous artists she looked up too. Stuck in a daze, Saturn didn’t realize the interviewer walked into the room. The interviewer asked Saturn a series of questions, some she deemed she did well on, others just okay. It wasn’t towards the end of the interview when problems arrived.
Saturn leaned to the side of her chair, ready to leave. She reached for her tote-bag. Her hand slipped inside and again, the sharp round object pricked her. Trying her best to hold her pain in, she looked down and noticed the sharp object was moving.
I’m going crazy, right? This can’t be happening.
Saturn rushed out of the interview room, ran to the nearest bathroom and snatched the round thing from her bag, holding it in her hand.
“What the heck are you?” Saturn whisper-yelled.
“Oh, well nice to meet you too. Humans are so rude.” The strange thing rolled it’s eyes.
“Well you are in my bag.”
“I suppose you’re right. Well, nice to meet you. My name is Moon.”
“Were you the thing that was pricking me?”
“About that, I had to. I was hungry and you had crumbs in your bag.”
“When did you get in there?”
“So you see, while you were talking to that old man. The one with the beard; I jumped from his pocket into your bag. He was trying to kidnap me. To make a long story short, he’s an evil space traveler.”
“What the heck? Space traveler? I guess that’s why your name is moon.”
“Actually, I am Moon #146 from the planet Saturn. And that man you were talking to, it wasn’t a coincidence that you ran into him. He believes that you, Saturn, are a burden to the Earth and his plans. His name is Slanode.”
“This is honestly all too crazy to handle. A space rock is talking to me, a wizard man is after me, and I’m a burden to earth. Seriously, why today?”
“Listen, once we walk out of this building, Slanode will be on your tail. I know this is all so sudden, but he has been tracking you forever. He wants you gone.”
Saturn came to terms quickly with what was going on. The two came up with a plan to get rid of Slanode. Exiting Novel Craft, Saturn quickly noticed Slanode. He was hiding behind the building.
“On my count, you make a run for it,” explained Moon.
“You ready, Saturn? 1…2…3…Go!”
Saturn ran around the block, down the street, she noticed Slanode chasing behind her.
Saturn screamed to Slanode, “What do you want from me?”
“I want you gone!”
She continued running, waiting for Moon’s go for the next part of the plan. Once they made it further down the block, there would be a secluded alley Saturn would lead Slanode to. They were nearing the alley, Slanode was slowing down. He ran fast for an old man.
“Saturn it’s go time!”
Saturn stopped running, her and Moon made it to the alley. Slanode was in a position that cornered Saturn.
Menacingly, Slanode came close to Saturn, “So, I see you got acquainted with my little friend, Moon. Haha, he can’t save you.”
“Stay away from me!”
“I’m pretty sure it’s too late for that.” Slanode got closer to Saturn, pushing her back against the wall of the alley. Saturn’s heart started beating rapidly, afraid of the plan failing, She looked down at Moon and he winked at her. It was time for the last phase of the plan to begin. Saturn quickly threw Moon onto the shoulder of Slanode, Moon bit his neck and Slanode stumbled from pain. Quickly, a time portal opened. Saturn and Moon’s plan was for Slanode to draw blood in order to open a time portal and throw him into it for eternity. Moon bites were poisonous to wizards and affected their powers greatly.
“What have you done to me!?”
“It’s time for your craziness to end, Slanode,” replied Moon.
Saturn quickly grabbed onto Slanode’s legs and dragged him into the portal, Moon jumped from Slanode’s shoulder. Quickly, he was sucked in by the portal. Saturn and Moon were relieved.
Picking Moon up from the ground, Saturn acclaimed, “This day took a complete turn,”
“It did. I’m just glad we’re both safe.”
“You know what Moon, you creep me out, but you’re really sweet.”
“Thank you Saturn. You humans also creeped me out, but you’re not so bad.”
“Where are you headed after this?”
“Me? I’m going to go back to Saturn. Can’t stay on Earth too long, humans are okay for a short term,” Moon chuckled.
“Well, it was nice meeting you for this crazy adventure. This was fun and I’m not used to fun like this often.”
Saturn and Moon went their separate ways, relieved Slanode was gone and fond of the new memory of friendship formed because of a mischievous wizard.

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Short Story Assignment from Creative Writing Class

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