The Vampire Detective-Part Seven | Teen Ink

The Vampire Detective-Part Seven

April 25, 2010
By Ceneteros2804 PLATINUM, Griffith, Other
Ceneteros2804 PLATINUM, Griffith, Other
20 articles 0 photos 52 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds.' Albert Einstein

'Why write about reality, we all know how that story ends' Me

Shikyo smiled as he dialled the number.

“Hello” the voice on the other end was vaguely French.

“Drop the accent” Shikyo hissed.

“I apologise” the American stated on the other end.

“Are you in place?”


“Are the charges set?”


“Good. Wait. Are you talking on the Bluetooth headset again?”


“When I see you next I will remove a finger. Remember that.”

“Yessir” with that he disconnected.

“Good” Shikyo chanted to himself.

Lucas Revenant loved England. The cold, the snow, the cultural heritage, the magical creatures, there was no end to what the country had to offer to the magical community.

“Revenant focus!” Porcelain smacked him across the back of the head with a three hundred page paperback novel.

“What the hell was that for!!?” Revenant rubbed what would undoubtedly become a bruise on the back of his head.

“Five year olds” Melody grumbled under her breath.

“Pardon?” Revenant took a sip from a bottle of water.

“Can we get back to the matter at hand?” Porcelain inquired.

“Yes, do we have any info on the victim?” Revenant asked.

“Nathan Riverin, age twenty nine, drug dealer...”

“Was this guy just picked up off the street?” Melody asked.

“He dealt in ambrosia” Porcelain added.

“The thing that gods eat in mythology?” Melody asked.

“In reality it’s slightly different. Ambrosia is an addictive drug which stops and reverses aging” Revenant interjected.

“So he sold ambrosia?”

“Yes” Porcelain continued reading. “Shot twice in the head, before being impaled onto Big Ben’s hour hand just before midnight. Several gashes on his arms.”

“The Hooded Ones” Revenant said.

“The Genii Cucullati?”

“Yeah it has to be them. Violent stuff like that is just their style and blood money is their favourite currency” Revenant rolled his eyes, obviously he expected everybody to think just like him, which was a big ask.

“True” Porcelain conceded. It was one of the few times she hadn’t fought with Revenant.

“Now this killer seems to have just randomly grabbed him, but what if that is the plan, to make it look like just a murder when it is something more?” Revenant suggested.

“Or could have just been a random murder” and there went the agreeable Porcelain.

“And that is just so likely” Revenant sighed sarcastically.

“Lucas, not everything is a global conspiracy” Porcelain hissed.

“Four year olds” Melody groaned.

“Stay out of this!!” Both turned on her at once. There was a vague boom and Melody felt the plane begin to rapidly loose altitude. She looked out to the wing, there was no wing, something had blown it up.

“Oh God! Oh God!” She started to hyperventilate. She was in a plane that was falling out of the sky towards the middle of London with two detective that argued like children, she couldn't think of a better definition of doomed...

The author's comments:
Sorry for the wait been busy.
This is Part Seven obviously and I wanted to leave on a cliffhanger, so I did. *Laughs maniacly*

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This article has 7 comments.

on Sep. 27 2010 at 1:37 pm
SilentSerenity BRONZE, Brookfield, Ohio
3 articles 1 photo 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A word to the wise isn't nessesary, its the stupid ones that need the advice."
Bill Cosby

This is awsome, Centerous! deffinitly going to read part 8 right now!!!!

on Jun. 14 2010 at 3:12 pm
...PensiveGurl... PLATINUM, Aurora, Colorado
20 articles 0 photos 267 comments

Favorite Quote:
You get ideas from daydreaming. You get ideas from being bored. You get ideas all the time. The only difference between writers and other people is we notice when we're doing it- Neil Gaiman.
Who are you to be who you are?-Le'Na Pernell

noooooooooooooo! not the cliffhanger! anything but that! Curse you David-oh look there's the 8th part... nevermind. heh heh(nervous laughter) XD

JeanGrey GOLD said...
on May. 14 2010 at 1:38 am
JeanGrey GOLD, Mason City, Iowa
10 articles 0 photos 258 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying."-Oscar Wilde

Read it. Awesomeness in a can! 5 stars for both 1 and 2

on May. 13 2010 at 5:00 pm
Ceneteros2804 PLATINUM, Griffith, Other
20 articles 0 photos 52 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds.' Albert Einstein

'Why write about reality, we all know how that story ends' Me

Thanks T, I don't suppose you could read the other new one: Wraith?

JeanGrey GOLD said...
on May. 13 2010 at 2:28 pm
JeanGrey GOLD, Mason City, Iowa
10 articles 0 photos 258 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying."-Oscar Wilde

*screams like a crazy fangirl* PART SEVEN!!!!!! HOLY HEAVENS IT HAS COME!!!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!! Oh and amazing job lol 5 stars :)

on May. 12 2010 at 5:51 pm
Kittycorn_of_Dolphinia SILVER, Miamisburg, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 41 comments
Wow you done it this time David. I give this an 11 out of 10*claps*

SageSin GOLD said...
on May. 11 2010 at 9:51 am
SageSin GOLD, Oaklawn, Illinois
11 articles 0 photos 63 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Accept everything about yourself. I mean everything. You are you, and that is the beginning and the end; No apologies, no regrets."

oh goodness plane falling? i think immam die! lol i love flying though ^_^ I like this story continue ill be shure to read them!