Lone witch | Teen Ink

Lone witch

November 18, 2010
By Anonymous


I was running almost out of breath. Police cars wailing, people screaming, guns firing, and lights flashing. It was as if they were yelling “Why did you?” “It was ours”,and “We'll find you!”

The trees were coming up faster and faster. I was born in that town. When I was young I wanted to die there. There was no hope for that now.

I broke out of the trees. My blond hairs covered in tree branches, leaves,and sweat.

That was blueburg.I am 12 rounds* old.

I looked up to the sky.

“Please. Mother help me.”I begged. People called me odd. They were right

The author's comments:
It is in the Salem witch trial

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on Nov. 21 2010 at 3:18 am
Sirenarose BRONZE, Sydney, Other
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Friendship is like peeing your self, everyone in the world can see it happening. But only you experience the warm feeling it brings.

Wonderful intro, it left me wanting more, great job. Check out my work :)