Guide to: How Unicorns can Save the Life of a Princess | Teen Ink

Guide to: How Unicorns can Save the Life of a Princess

March 11, 2011
By buster97 BRONZE, Tribes Hill, New York
buster97 BRONZE, Tribes Hill, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Now is now, it can never be long ago." -Laura Ingalls Wilder

The bright yellow sun smiling down between the oak tree leaves made a cheerful setting. Ten-year-old Gloria happily skipped down the peaceful light brown path through the forest. The bright green leaves happily swung on the branches. The summer sun kissed her tan shoulders. Her dress was light pink with flowers embroidered along the edges and a white fluff underneath made it poufy. Gloria was the princess of Savorina, a country off the coast of Portugal that existed only for those with an imagination. But Gloria was special. She had the power to turn any imaginary or inanimate object to life. Gloria was a petite girl, with deep blue eyes, a tiny nose and thin face. She had long, curly blond hair and it was shocking that such a tiny girl had such big powers.

The princess had many appealing features. She was charismatic and confident. Her artistic talent could make any scene come to life. Most of all, she loved the outdoors. Gloria loved taking long walks outside on the desolate, peaceful trail through the forest. Today Gloria chose a path of mystery and magic, although she did not yet know it.

As Gloria walked down the light brown path, she came to a cul-de-sac with a cold, stone figure in the middle. Yet another beautiful unicorn had been turned to stone by the AUO (Anti-Unicorn Organization). Gloria had been trying to get her officers to catch the gang with powers to turn creatures to stone. They had tried but, sadly, without success. Fortunately, one by one, Gloria could help the statue animals and beautify the country again. “Creatura, Creaturam lapidibus, revixisse sic notum,” Gloria chanted in Latin. It translated to, “Creature, creature made of stone, come back to life so you may be known.” Suddenly, a silver fog wrapped around the stone unicorn. When it left, a beautiful, sparkly unicorn had appeared. It looked majestic and held its head high in a confident manner. Silently, Gloria mounted the unicorn. She named it Iris, the Latin word for rainbow. Iris and Gloria would become best friends, Iris being Gloria’s most loyal confidant. However, their friendship would have to remain strong during the times to come. Gloria rode into the sunset, unsure of the apparitions lurking around the corner.

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