Lovely Lily | Teen Ink

Lovely Lily

December 13, 2012
By Jeannine Widere BRONZE, Indian Harbour Beach, Florida
Jeannine Widere BRONZE, Indian Harbour Beach, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One upon a time there lived a lonely fairy named Lily. Her heart was full of love but she had no one to share it with. She had long brown hair that cascaded down her back and soulful eyes the color of the summer blue sky. She went to look for berries in the vast, green forest and encountered deer, butterflies and mockingbirds. With every creature, she shared her love. Lily enjoyed the outdoors and adventure. She was courageous and very clever. Right as she was about to pick a blueberry, she bumped her head, ouch! Lily looked up, up, up. It was a mushroom.

She was quite puzzled because she was used to seeing the typical white mushroom but noticed something peculiar. These mushrooms were ladybug red with huge white polka dots. She decided to fly above to see them from a different perspective. As she ascended into the bright blue sky, she noticed the mushrooms were in the shape of a perfect ring. She thought this was odd so she decided to flitter down to the center and check things out. When she got closer, she saw a big boulder. She couldn’t really tell from the sky because she was up so high but Lily thought she saw an image on the boulder. It was a picture of a cherub shooting an arrow.

Lily made a swift descent, touched the image and the rock started splitting into two pieces. She took one small step inside the smoldering boulder halves, and fell down, down, down. Lily landed with a thump. A few seconds later, a bright gold key tapped her on the head. Afraid of what was next, she hesitantly turned around. To her surprise, she saw a rustic old door. She knew what to do with the key. Behind the old door was an intricate labyrinth. Lily weaved her way through every twist and turn to discover that what was in the middle of the maze was an end to her loneliness. There, in the center stood, a whole host of fairies each with a unique virtue, generosity, patience, grace, wisdom, kindness, faith and only one had been missing….love. Lily knew she had found her place! She lived happily ever after!

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