The time i met Santa | Teen Ink

The time i met Santa

December 12, 2012
By Anonymous

The day I met Santa clause

So this was the time about Santa clause I’m just going to get right to the point. Now I know you think I’m crazy but it’s true I did meet Santa clause and yes he is real. So here we go the day I met Santa. To start off it was a lovely day I had just gotten off from school and I was on my way home. All of the sudden I was hit by something heavy and knocked me out.

When I woke up my head was pounding and I felt very dizzy like I was going to be sick. I sat up and by the looks of it I was in a hospital. Then I heard voices that came barging through the doors. At first I didn’t know if I should have ran or scream or just pass out again. Three people, actually more like three dwarfs without being so plum walk in shouting that Christmas had been ruined. Then they turned their attention towards me. One of them scowled at me the other two just looked at me with amazement. I looked around because there must have been something wrong. Was I glowing or something? Was my head off of my body?
Soon one of them chimed in

“The chosen one has awoken.”
I said to them that I was just a kid from Colorado. Obviously they didn’t believe me; they still had a look on their face as if I was popping fireworks out of my head. One of the dwarfs picked up a phone and whispered something that I couldn’t hear. Next thing I know a buzzer went off. I was sure that something was going to blow up because it sounded like one of those nuclear explosive alarms that would go off for testing. One of the other dwarfs came up to me and grabbed my arm and started to drag me across the room soon we were into the hallway which seemed to go on forever or maybe it was just me and I started to hallucinate. Next thing I know I’m standing in front of a gigantic doorway. Compared to the dwarf the door looked humungous.
When me and the dwarf walked in I could see a chair with someone sitting in it. There was a fire going in the fireplace and the room smelled like a Christmas tree. The dwarf left the room and then the man’s voice boomed.
“Well come on in my boy” said the man
“Where am I?”
“Well my boy you are at the North Pole and you may ask yourself why and I have a really good answer to that, I need your help”

“Wait first of all who are you second of all why do you need my help?”

“I am Santa clause, and I need your help to save Christmas” Santa said as he turned his chair towards me. His beard was long but not to the point where it was down to his belly. He looked old but still young. There were so many question in my head now the first one was what in the world did he hit me with? But that wasn’t important so I told him I would help him with the quest and I did I met Santa and together we saved Christmas along with his three trusty dwarfs which later I found out they were elves but they didn’t look like children they looked like dwarfs. After we saved Christmas I was knocked out again and woke up in my bed the next morning. At first I thought it was a crazy dream then the headache came to me and I knew that it was real, I had met Santa clause and together we saved Christmas.

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