Home Sweet Home | Teen Ink

Home Sweet Home

January 17, 2013
By Berrypancakes BRONZE, Stony Brook, New York
Berrypancakes BRONZE, Stony Brook, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I gaze over the police officer’s shoulders in awe, gathering my thoughts. He holds me back, trying to reason with my supposed insanity, but I don’t listen; I can’t listen. I’m unable to comprehend anything he’s saying. I can’t believe what my eyes, the facts, and everyone else’s words are telling me. I had just spent the summer in a lake house that didn’t exist, with my beloved girlfriend, Jessica, who is now presumed to be dead. What am I missing? It’s as though someone robbed me of my memories, leaving me on the side of an endless road. I can’t believe anything they’re saying, I don’t want to. All I know is that a large chunk of my memory is lost, and that I can’t trust my actions or thoughts.

A gust of wind silences the policeman’s screams. A dense fog spontaneously fills the air. The wind tosses and violently shakes the branches of every tree. Everything stands quiet and motionless, just like the water that lay before me. The world around me fades away into the distance until I’m alone in the dim light of a lantern that I hold onto tightly, as if it’s my life. My hands shake in fear and my mind becomes engulfed by horror. I’m surrounded by a thick veil of darkness that deteriorates my senses, smothering my sight. Suddenly, I hear a soothing, angelic voice, calling my name.

“Please join me, Adam,” a warm, strangely familiar voice whispers.

The lantern’s radiance extinguishes as another burst of wind tosses me to the ground like a rag doll. The darkness wraps around my legs, quickly engulfing me; consuming every last drop of light and hope that dwindles inside of me. I feel it pierce through my skin like a razorblade; making its way through my veins, taking control of me.
Unable to resist the darkness’ control over my body, I watch in terror as I walk towards the lake, towards the tranquil voice that calls for me. “Adam, please don’t fight the darkness. It holds your memories and answers,” she says. I can hear it more clearly now. The sweet jingle of its words resembles Jess’ thrilling tone.

“Jess, is that you? I’m coming, sweetie. We can finally be together,” I say, extending my arms towards the lake. The voice assures me that I’ll be safe with her, and surprisingly, I easily succumb to this belief.

As I progress forward, the world seems to distort around me. Every step feels like eternity. Trees morph into sadistic grins, extending their barbed arms as I pass by. The sky becomes a charred abyss, and the clouds above resemble exhaust from a train. Yet, despite this surreal alteration of the reality I had once known, I’m not afraid. On the contrary, I feel at ease.

I’m compelled to walk closer and closer to the lake, through the horrific dream that unfolded into veracity. I’m drawn to the tangible splendor of the lake which stands surreal against its grotesque surroundings. Its beauty resembles that of a diamond’s, sitting atop a fatigued, corroded ring plastered in grime.

Distracted by the lake’s magnificence, I don’t notice my feet reach the shore. My heart fills with warmth as I realize that I’ll finally be with the love of my life again. My mind settles into a serene stupor, filling with memories of Jessica. It’s been too long since the last time my eyes darted across her gorgeous face. I crave the feeling of holding her in my arms, listening to the gentle rise and fall of her chest as my fingers run through her silky, blonde hair.

Another burst of wind snaps me back into reality. I’m now waist-high in liquid. However, the liquid isn’t ordinary. It’s thicker, thicker than blood. Ignoring this, I continue my venture deeper into the lake. The dense liquid surrounding me evolves into a crimson substance, bearing a rusty taste. I proceed onward until the crimson reaches my chin line. I pause for a couple of seconds as my misplaced memories come back to life, flowing through my body.

Feeling satisfied and complete, I take my last few steps into the lake. I can feel the darkness ripping my lungs apart, turning me inside out. Before I give in, I hear the sugary sweet voice of Jess.

“You’re finally home, Adam.”

The author's comments:
Inspired by Alan Wake.

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