Free Fall | Teen Ink

Free Fall

February 17, 2013
By Anonymous

Free Fall

I looked up at the cliff looming before me in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. It was red and rocky with many foot and hand holds for climbing. I looked over at my climbing partner, my dad. He looked at me with excitement in his eyes, and together we walked towards the cliff.

We hooked ourselves up in our harnesses, and started the long journey to the top. I loved climbing, and the rush and exhilaration that came with it. This cliff wasn’t too difficult, but you did have to look out for the sharp rocks that pointed out from the cliff. I worked into my rhythm and was halfway up before I knew it. I was working my way to the right, but the rope snagged on one of the sharp rocks. I tugged on the rope, but that just made it worse, and the rock began to saw through the rope. I moved back, to be directly under the rock and the rope, but the rope was cut halfway through. Before I could do anything else, the rope snapped, and I began to fall.

My hands searched frantically for a handhold, and finally found one. My arm and body jerked violently away from each other, and I hit my head against the cliff. I managed to hang on, but with only one hand holding me up I began to slip. Soon I was falling again and hit the ground hard. Thankfully, I didn’t fall from where I originally was, or I would be dead. I looked up to my dad, but my vision was already fading and soon darkness took over.
* * *

I woke to someone nudging me awake. I expected it to be my dad, but opening my eyes I saw a strange creature standing before me. Behind it, there were about a dozen more. They looked like they stepped out from a tree, with brown, wood-like skin, and green leafy, mossy hair sticking out of their head in every which way. The wood creatures had the same, green leafy-mossy mixture that was in their hair, wrapped around themselves like clothing. Their facial features looked whittled into their skin, and their black eyes were all staring at me. I looked around for my dad, but I didn’t see him anywhere.

I glanced down at myself. I had pains all over my body. They were focused mainly on my left leg, and arm, which looked broken, my right shoulder felt dislocated, and my head was throbbing. The woodland creature who nudged me leaned down and put his long stick fingers on my broken leg. My first instinct was to jerk away, but the pain in my leg began to fade, eventually until there was none left at all. He did the same thing on my shoulder and arm, until only the cuts, bruises, and headache were left. One of the wood creatures in the back, slowly walked forward.

“We are the Treelore people, do not fear us, for we are kind, unlike other creatures of this forest. My name is Alcar, and Soli was the one who healed you.” I looked back down at my healed body, on my left wrist I realized there was a little green tree etched into my skin. Alcar continued, “When you are healed by a Treelore it leaves a mark. I can see you have already found yours. Do you mind if I ask your name?”

“Zinnia, my name is Zinnia.” I whispered nervously.

“Well, Zinnia, if you will, come with us.” Slowly and carefully, with Soli’s help, I got up. They led me to a large clearing, where there were about sixty Treelores moving about, some of them children. It had begun to get dark, but there was plenty of light. The lights started to glow more brightly as they sky darkened, but didn’t come from a flame. Instead, the lights were glowing blue-white orbs. Some of the orbs were carried around, while others were set in trees. I walked into the clearing and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me, and then to Alcar. He was quiet for a moment and then spoke.

“This is Zinnia, she is a human, and will not harm us. We healed her the best we could after she fell from the Wazai, the cliff. Would someone please make an herb remedy for her headache?” One of the Treelores bowed their heads and began to prepare the mixture. Everyone was still looking at Alcar, waiting for him to continue.

“Please treat her as you would a Treelore.” Alcar bellowed across the clearing. “That is all. Continue your activities.” Everyone was silent for a moment then all at once they began to murmur. Above the mutterings there was a low growl. Out of the bushes surrounding the clearing jumped a bear-wolf creature. It had the body of a grizzly bear, with the legs of a wolf. Its tail was a wolf’s and it flicked back and forth calmly, yet also as if he was here just to cause chaos. The creatures body was thick like a bear’s, and it’s coat gleamed gold. It’s head was a mixture of a sleek wolf and a chunky bear, that somehow fit together beautifully. The bear-wolf’s giant teeth and razor sharp claws sparkled pure gold. His glowing red eyes scanned the clearing, and focused on me.

I stood frozen while the Treelores ran for cover, and blended into the trees. The bear-wolf started making its way across the clearing, while I was still frozen to the spot. I could already feel my life ending, the creatures gold teeth and claws sinking into my flesh. The bear-wolf was only ten feet away when, what felt like a train hit me from my left side, knocking me out of the bear-wolf’s path. I looked up to see who saved me. It was one of the Treelores, but he was already running away. I wasn’t frozen anymore, however the bear-wolf was still chasing me. I quickly clambered up the nearest tree, hoping the the creature couldn’t climb. It came to the base of the tree and lunged at me. I was so startled I fell out of the tree. As I fell, my vision faded and I could feel claws ripping at me, then something dragging me before I slipped away.
* * *
I woke in a white room. I was sure I had to be dead but I didn’t feel like I was. I rubbed my eyes and saw I was in a hospital. My leg, arm and shoulder were all in braces or casts, but they didn’t fell broken like they did before. I had cuts and scrapes all over me, I guessed from the bear-wolf. I still had a throbbing headache, even worse than when I first fell from the cliff or “Wazai” as the Treelores called it. The Treelores! Where were they? How did I get here? I had so many questions, but just then my Dad walked in.

“Zinnia!” he exclaimed, “Are you all right!”

“Hi Dad. Yeah I think I am. How did I get here?” I asked.

“As soon as you fell off the cliff I called the ambulance. It took them a little while to get there since we were in the middle of nowhere, but as soon as they did, we rushed you here,” My dad said in a hurry.

“So nothing else happened? I was just knocked out the whole time?”

“Yes. Why did you have a dream?”

“Yeah, but never mind. How did I get these claw marks? Are my leg and arm still broken?”

“Claw marks? Those are from the rocks on the cliff, and your arm and leg were broken, but are healing incredibly fast according to the doctors. You also dislocated your shoulder.”

“So the Treelores and the bear-wolf never happened?” I muttered to myself.

“The doctors need to keep you for a while, but as soon as we can I’ll take you home”

“Thanks Dad, can I go to the bathroom?”

“Sure let me help you up.” My dad helped me walk to the bathroom in my hospital room. I was washing my hands when I noticed a little green tree on my right wrist...

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This article has 1 comment.

Mrs. B. said...
on Feb. 21 2013 at 2:26 pm
I love the suspense and the "up-in-the-air" ending. Great job, anonymous!