The Day of an Ally | Teen Ink

The Day of an Ally

February 22, 2013
By DragonsOfTheRebellion BRONZE, Thibodaux, Louisiana
DragonsOfTheRebellion BRONZE, Thibodaux, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Wind and fate act rather the same- it is random at best, straightforward at worst. When we met, however, that was no random twist in the threads." -Drakness Rhym'e (My own character)

A day like any other day is always oh so troublesome for our characters in this book and somewhat full of hardship. So to say that the day one gained a new, but explicitly idiotic ally is somewhat of an abnormal day within a day like any other- an abnormality in a day that was supposed to be ‘normal’.

Within the jungles of the far side of the town of Mistruvis, the swampland of the great planet lay many underground cities of tunnels, their builders long lost in history and to be unnamed for the rest of all time. It is within the depths of these near-perfect-walled tunnels that the conflict lay, scuffing up the moss that needs no light to grow and the dank, hot mist trapped deep underground and disturbing the delicate balance that kept the hole-riddled stone which the tunnels lay from collapsing altogether.

Besides our own, well-known so-called 'hero' of our story, there was her mate, the stoic drake whose sanity was often called into question just as our heroes own, was stood to the side in indifference, their daughter sat down next to him with a curious on look of the scuffle taking up most of the large pathway. Her mother was currently clawing the life out of a smaller green drake, about the same size of her- who merely looked small because the female he had poorly chosen to try and rob was larger than average. These tunnels were riddled with outlaws and thieves, and it needn’t be said that a great treasury of anything and everything lay piled high within its depths.

And that, is what the Dragonblood had come for. The treasury of lore and written knowledge lay in its center, a treasure for any scholar of lore such as herself. Such was their mission there, to pilfer the written word from the pilferers and bring them back to her library for study and to add to her already enormous collection.

Claws easily ripping through the smaller dragon's seemingly hard chest plates, the dragonblood tore entire sections off and caused the drake to screech in wretched pain and scramble away, bloody and hurt far worse than he ever wanted or imagined to be. The purple female merely snorted a puff of smoke and let him escape, indifferent. She shook the blood from her claws and dropped the intact plated scale she held, and moved on. Lyndi bounced up to her mother in that excited way of hers and grinned, flashing her sharp teeth. "You coulda let me take him, ma. Hardly think it was fair to let him go up against you alone." she snorted, tilting her head and causing her darker than dark ebony scales to flash even though at those depths there was no real light.

"S'pose yer righ'," Her mother said, in her slurred voice. Some would say it made her sound like an idiot, but one of the many injuries when she had been trapped as a hatchling had been a severely broken jaw that had never healed right, and caused the clipped words and slurred voice. Idiotic as her voice was, it was gruff and dangerous, and brought fear easily to hearts not easily moved. She was a figure to be feared, a 'danger' to all that is good and all that wishes to be good. Corrupt. That's what they say, anyways. It wasn't as if she cared, however.

All that being said, they moved on, Lyndi leading with her unnatural sense for direction, so keen that one would think she had a bat's sonar- and perhaps they were right. But, then again, tracking her second most favorite thing in the world - on the lines of gold and jewels, the shiniest of all sorts - couldn't be too hard to do.

Following winding paths and twists and turns at what almost seemed at random for nearly an hour filled with nothing more than the clicking and scraping of claws, the occasional drag of a tail, or stretch of a wing, they finally seemed closer to their destination as small piles of gold coin littered the floors here and there and the ground was seemingly paved with dropped coins no-one had bothered to pick up and had ended up being pressed flat into the hard dirt, one after another. It made for a somewhat slippery grasp, and Lyndi had found herself nearly tripping when all five of her front claws on both paws scraped against nothing but damp metal and slid from underneath her. Her father had chuckled in his odd little way, whereas her mother was quiet and found nothing to be funny- humor being lost on her in every way but her own sort.

Lyndi slid, claws merely finding smooth metal and only then did she stop when she ran right into the wall itself with a yelp and a following string of hissed curses. Her fathers guffawing echoed loud, and even her mother gave a small snort; which, in itself, was hardly believable. She grumbled loud and scratched up a few of the coins, if only for firm footing for a few moments before kicking over a pile of gold and swiftly returning to her place at the head.

In all honesty most would worry about making a loud noise- who would want to attract attention when trying to steal something? But the trio couldn't really care much about it; they were strong, well-known dragons that have battled many and let few live. Few opposed them - specifically Lyndi's mother - and even fewer lived if they dared.

The cavern quickly started to widen, the walls dotted here and there with sparkling jewels embedded in in the rock. Seemed a likely place to hold a horde of treasure- why put it in a dank, dark room, when you could put that horde in a sparkling room of dazzling crystals and gems?

“Ah! Guests!” The voice rung out into what seemed to be a hall, piles of gold and jewels covering overturned tables and chairs that had long since started to rot. Then laughter started- laughter that one could only describe as purely, definitely, insane and unhinged.

“Oh it has been a long time since anyone has dared or tried hard enough to come to my chambers! Oh what glory it is- to have guests!” The voice, to say the least, was as crazy as the laughter, if not worse.

“Show yourself!” Lyndi snapped, looking all around, though the lure of the treasures distracted her keen eyes. “Stop hiding!”

“Me? Hide? Hahaha! Only a fool would think of ME to hide!” coins of gold rained down on them as a dark figure, estimately just slightly smaller than Dragoness, slid down to greet them with a teeth-baring smile.

She was a black dragon, scales darker than the never ending abyss. She was one of those oddly colored dragons, one that had glowing scales amongst other things. The black ones did not glow, but two stripes of dark blue on her neck, the one underneath smaller than the first, did, as well as the dark blue stripe across her eyes and cheeks, disappearing under her jaw line. A mark on the right side of her neck, just above the two stripes also glowed a neon green, the mark in the shape of a radioactive sign. Two sets of horns adorned either side of her head as well as long ears, set just under the larger, first pair. She had a dark purple mane just like dragoness, but that went to the very end of her tail instead of tapering. When she opened her mouth to speak her very flesh was a neon blue and glowed faintly as well, tongue long and a few shades darker than her gums.

She grinned merrily at them, laughing some more as she jumped off of the pile. “Happy to kill you indeed!” Her claws lashed out as Lyndi’s face, but her mother stood in the way, frowning at the female. “I, if anyone, shoul’ be the one t’ figh’ ya if we must figh’.”

“Who is the purple! Oh who, can it be the great Dragonblood?!” The positively insane black dragon screeched in delighted laughter. “I’ve always wanted to fight you, those who have fought you and managed to live call you a demon, but I will prove that wrong!”

“You wish to become th’ demon? Wha’ is yer name, black one? Wha’ is yer chronicle?” Dragoness asked, as those yellow eyes of the black female’s glittered.

"These pillars of salt will trap thy, take thy soul and devour the demon within! That is what they yelled, what they called to the great lord! It is what I was, I was one possessed by a demon- forced to do terrible things and kill all around! They tried to expel the demon, but what they did not know was that I was the demon! I was the demon they wished to kill within a young hatchling, when, in fact, the one they wanted to cleanse was the un-cleansable! Demon, am I!" She exclaimed and cackled- her eyes gleaming with insanity. “I am Akma!”

“So yer name is Demon, as you call yourself,” The purple said, and then the two clashed. Akma, as she called herself, did seem powerful, able to hold her own against the great and feared Dragonblood- fighting technique brutal and defenseless. She fought with the prowess of a demon. Dragoness herself fought in somewhat of the same manner, but she held tact and wit within her attributes, and could read her movements.

The battle was fierce and hard. One could describe it as two bears fighting- or maybe two wolves. Perhaps both. Either way it was astounding. Lyndi watched with stars in her eyes, maw slightly open and ears pricked forward as she watched them clash. The excitement of a battle was yet to ever be lost on her bright spirit.

It was a long while till they two broke apart, both panting, but the black female was grinning still. What could have possibly happened, besides the mentioned, to make her so completely unhinged and bloodthirsty? Perhaps she was a demon. She laughed a little, and went to speak, but the purple tackled her and held a claw against her throat, underneath her jaw. The female still grinned. “I will go with you!” She exclaimed, and the one on top of her blinked. “Wha’?” she asked.

“I will be your ally! I will fight for you, great Demon of Claw,” she stated, blowing a small ember of flame that was a sickly, misty green.

“... An’, you expect me to believe ya?” The larger asked, and Akma nodded. Dragoness stared at her for a moment. There was no lie in her eyes, only the joy of the battle and gleam of her inner fire.

“Alrigh’,” she finally said, letting her up. Akma rolled to her feet and did a sort of springing hop, craning her neck forward to stare at her. “Let me be your blade, I shall kill all who stand in your way! My honour is yours,”

“Why do you say such things, so suddenly?” Lyndi asked of her.

“I can see it within you! The gleam of the true fire, as is mine! We are all of the same flame, and that is why we unite under the flag of the Dragonblood clan.” Her words were true enough, and our trio would later understand what, who would later be the great purple’s right-clawed dragon, had said. Nonetheless the unexpected allyship and friendship between the crazy dragon and the three was quite a surprise.

The author's comments:
This tells of how Akma, a deranged dragon joins the main characters in Fate Set in Flame, a series I have yet to finish. It is actually rather old, so please mind the grammar...

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