Febuary 7th, 2040 | Teen Ink

Febuary 7th, 2040

February 26, 2013
By sacollins BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
sacollins BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The date is February 7th, 2040. The air is cold and ridged; it has gotten very difficult to breath. The way we use to live has stopped since this war started. Many have died and few dare fight against the commanders who are trying to take the world. The war has been going on for 13 years. Women are making the guns and uniforms. Children work as scavengers of the battle field and as laborers. Once the men reach the age of 12 they are forced into camps to train. Any who resist are killed on the spot for treason. Some die in the camp, most others die in their first year of fighting, those who remain keep fighting till they are promoted to commanders advisor, or until they die. Life here is miserable for everyone. Most houses are abandoned, broken, or burned down. Just because we are forced to fight doesn't mean we believe in the commander’s cause. I feel it’s about time we end this war.

My name is Cody. I was born September 17th, 2018. I grew up in a small town just outside all the fighting. For the most part we were left alone because we were in the middle of the woods where either side would have been vulnerable here. They came and took me when I was a child. The army stole me from my mother and sister then put me in a training camp. The camp they put me in wasn't for the normal fighters. I was taken to the camp for guerrilla warfare and sabotage. We were trained in close ranged combat and tactical infiltration/destruction. The tools we used varied from throwing knifes, daggers, tomahawks, grenades, claymores and my personal favorite MOLOTOV COCKTAILS. We were taught how to make weapons and explosives from items that we can find. If you couldn't meet the goals met then you didn't eat. If you continue to fail then you starve to death. I became top of my class and made my standing as number one in the field. Once I left the camp I was assigned to the Union Elites.
Ch 2
We don’t use our names here, but we have pseudo names. Mine is Flame Runner. They call me that because it’s what I do. I set fire to their supplies, although it doesn't hurt to take some of the food rations as a bonus when I can.
Tonight, I have work to do. Once the sun falls you can’t see much of anything. The smog in the air prevents us from seeing the stars or the moon light. I dress in all black to seem invisible, my pack over my shoulder with what I will need tonight. I leave our camp and sneak through the woods for a mile before I reach their camp. I wait just outside the camp boundaries until all the lights go out.
Its pitch black now, can’t see much of anything. I become a shadow, and climb over the fenced walls of the camp, being sure not to hit the barbed wire and to remain quiet. Once I’m over I approach the supply room. Supplies are kept under a large white tent. Guards patrol the boarders every 10 min, I must be quick. As I place explosives around the edge I hear footsteps around the corner. Impossible I though to myself, the guards wont come for another 7 minutes. As they turn the corner I lay next to the tent, silent and still. They didn't notice me, they kept going towards the fence, and they go over it and run, Deserters. they will have no life outside of here, they will have to hide from both sides. I prime the detonator then climb the gate, I get to the edge of the woods then… BOOM.
I sit and watch them scatter like ants then go back to my site.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Mar. 6 2013 at 3:31 pm
Don't have a lot of cash to buy a house? Don't worry, because that's available to receive the loans to solve such problems. Therefore get a financial loan to buy all you require.

on Mar. 6 2013 at 3:28 pm
Some time before, I really needed to buy a good house for my organization but I didn't have enough money and could not buy anything. Thank God my colleague suggested to get the credit loans at reliable creditors. Thus, I acted that and used to be satisfied with my secured loan.