Animals | Teen Ink


February 26, 2013
By Anonymous

I believe that animals exist to watch over humanity. To ensure our safety and balancing earth itself. I think that dogs serve their life as a pet observing human society to improve there own. They act friendly so no one will expect there true purpose on earth. They are reporters and from time to time they “run away” and report to the boss. I know this because my dog can write and read the human language. My dog is a Miniature Pinscher, she’s a very smart dog, she loves being outdoors, but her favorite thing is being with me.. I love my dog, she’s my best friend. Every night before she comes into bed she’s sneaks down hardwood stairs powers up my laptop. She is sitting in our family room, on the tan couch next to the ancient box television. I pretend I’m sleeping but I’m taking mental notes. How? She must of learned how to operate my laptop because she’s always next to me when I do my homework. Later that day I look on my computer

“Daily log: saved 9/11/13”
This day was a long one, a tiring one. It started with the nice morning of cashing bird on the fresh cut grass of the back yard she runs back and forth between our three large oak trees, then I sat in and watched the news. “alert, the Human Animal Maintenance Crew or (HAM) experimenting with new chemicals.” CEASER they called it. I know of the HAM Crew and there no good. They were put into service by the president last year. I had to learn more, so I went on the computer on the Inter web. I typed in HAM Crew, and found a video. “Experiment IV” showed on the screen. They were filming a forest, looked about early after sunrise from the dew. Birds chirping and flying tree to tree, deer grazing on the grass. Then camera moved back, in far view a helicopter approaching. It got closer, now right over the trees. The bottom hatch opens and this green slim drops out as the helicopter continues spilling it all on the beautiful trees. The helicopter passes, 30 seconds later all the animals flood from the forest and into the open. Then steam starts raising thro the barks of the trees, all Ican hear is the cracking trees. Next thing I know the tallest trees, that were more vulnerable to the helicopters rain. They start to fall the to the ground, the big oak tree goes first crushing all the ones under the giant. You could hear the screams of the helpless trees. Trees start to drop all there leaves as if it was winter and one by one plummeting to the earths soil. I couldn’t believe this madness! It hurt to watch, then just as fast as they dropped they slowly evaporated as the sank into the green lava. I had to stop this right away! I thought to my self.
I woke up my master and ran to the door, as soon as he let me out and shut the door behind me. I ran, I ran as if it was for my own life. Thro the woods, up the path, over the rock and to the big oak tree. I touched my nose to the tree and said, “black bear ruler of all, we need you. A disturbance is upon us”. The tree shakes, I look up to see him shouting down the tree. His landing makes a loud crash that shoved my fur back.
“Why have you summoned me, oh tiny one?”
“Nature is in danger, I recently learned that an organization called Human Animal Maintenance. Is experimenting on a new toxin called CEASER, it destroys everything it touches, destroying forest like there nothing taking all those animals homes away and taking more for the unlucky ones who don’t get out in time.”
“We have to stop this madness! We need help. Exodus god of sea, come forth”. Exodus arose from the near by stream, a 9 legged octopus came and sat across of the big bear. “Torah god of air, embrace us with your presents.” The wind picked up, and as if we were in the middle of a tornado it seemed to form circle around us. Faster and faster it went till eventually it made a dome around us, then Torah came thro the barrier. A giant eagle with an 8 foot wing span.
“I sense disturbances in the air, this will make us safe” Said Torah.
“Why have you called upon us, bear?” said Exodus
“We have a threat. The HAM Crew has been developing a new toxin, it eats away at anything it touches, destroying forests and flatting land.” Said the ruler. “There last testing sight was not far from here, we should go and see the damages”
“What are we waiting for then?” said Torah
“lets go” said Exodus
“We shall wait to nightfall, meet by this big oak tree.”
So I ran back to my master like nothing happen. Its 5:00 and I have to be back at 8:00. I think ill go upstairs and take a nap for the long journey ahead.
End of document

After I read this I knew my dog was into deep stuff. I am worrying about her. I decide that I am not gonna to let my dog go alone. I get ready for the night. Later that night at about 7:15 my dog woke up and came downstairs. I knew what he was up to, he pranced over to the door and I let her out. Once I seen her pass the gate I threw my boots on and darted after her. Thro the woods, up the path, over the rock and to the big oak tree. Then I wait, I seen a huge black bear. An octopus arose out of the stream and the wind accelerated. I couldn’t see thro the wall of air, when the wall dissipated and everything cleared. I seen a great eagle. Once the giant animal landed, it spoke “there is someone upon us.” The bear gave out a big roar and I started to run, run for my life until my feet are spewed up and my arms are clenched between the claws of the flying beast.
“NO!” my dog shouted, “That’s my master, don’t harm him please.”
“Explain you presence here” the bear spoke
“I came to help, help fight the HAM Crew, to stop this madness.”
“Dog have you any ideal what harm this would bring if our information got out? We would have to leave this island and relocate…if we lucky” Black bear said
“Maybe we could use this human to our advantage , to help us fight for the cause. He could hide in plain sight were we would be spotted in seconds.” Said Exodus
“I think we could use his human super power of being a human” said Torah
“Oh yeah?” said black bear
“Earlier after we met I watch over the land and I seen a truck with the letters HAM on the side so I followed it to the square building. But my flight attrens and my vision would get all f*ed up when I got close.” Explained Torah “As if.. there was some sort of dome force field around the building.

The author's comments:
I like animals

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