I want to know what you guys think . | Teen Ink

I want to know what you guys think .

March 15, 2013
By Annia.Arguelles BRONZE, Rosamond, California
Annia.Arguelles BRONZE, Rosamond, California
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

There I stood, The Prince a foot away. Shaking, It was impossible for me, to form a word, Stunned and scared. He grabbed my hands, and began to give his speech. “For many years I have been searching for you! Now that I have found you, I never want to loose you! Together we will rule this land, Only, if you become my wife…”

It all started when I was a little girl. I dreamed of one day marrying a prince. When I could I went outside to play, with the stable boy. I always called him stable boy, I knew his name, but It just felt weird to call him that.
We became the best of friends, after my mother passed… It was a warm summer day, Beautiful, crystal blue skies, lush green grass. I never thought I would loose her on a day like this. My mother called to me as I went on my daily stroll to get water, luckily I was only half a mile away or I don’t think I would of ever heard her scream. When I ran to the house I found her sitting in a puddle of Blood.
“The baby is coming!” She cried.
I quickly ran, grabbing towels, and hot water. Stable boy ran through the door.
“Kevin, I need you to ride my horse and go get my husband! The Baby is coming!”
He ran out as fast as he ran in. My mom was telling me what to do. I saw her delivered a baby horse, and asked her if it was done the same way, She replied yes.
It felt like a fortnight, but only had been about two hours. The Baby was finally out, I whipped her up, wrapping him in a towel, I noticed as I went to hand the Baby to my mom, and She was asleep.
I held the baby, and then set it down to check on my mom.
“It’s a beautiful baby girl Momma,” I said as I adjusted her blankets. She had not replied. I began to lightly shake her shoulders. She barely could mumble, but I heard her.
“Keep her Safe, Fallow your heart, and I love you with all my heart,” She closed her eyes held onto my hand.
I heard Horses & My father ask where my mother was. Her grip loosened, just at that moment I realized what had happened. Tears began to pour from my eyes, Shaking, & squeezing on my moms hands.
My father came in the house, “No, No… I… I was too late.” Father held onto mom & me. That was the first time I saw my father cry…
That night, Father held onto mom, I held onto the baby keeping her warm. I began to hum one of mom’s favorite lullabies. “Please, stop… not yet…” My father said. I turn to see him eyes red & swollen, nose red as a berry.
“I’m sorry Father…” I said quietly.
“Hello,” Said someone knocking on the door.
I walked over to see who it was. I was our closest neighbor. I opened the door, still holding tightly onto the baby, & stepped aside.
“You poor dears!” She hugged me carefully, trying not to wake the baby.
I looked at her, my eyes filled with pain, & sorrow.
“It will take awhile, there will always be things to remind you of her, something’s you will never be able to do… But give it time, your hearts will slowly heal.” She walked over to the kitchen table, “Kevin, Hurry up, they need their warmth for the baby!”
I turn around to see Kevin, carrying a basket, of food & another of firewood.
“Sorry Mother, some fire wood had fallen, I was just picking it up.” He said as he came in closing the door behind him.
He placed some wood in the fireplace, & in the oven.
“It will get warm soon.” Kevin said smiling.
His mother, always had me call her Grandma, & that’s what she was to me. But Grandma always made herself at home, she had manners but she wasn’t too formal with us.
I turn around to find her, sitting in her favorite rocking chair of ours, knitting, what looked to be like a blanket.
“What’s the babies name?” She asked noticing I was watching her knit.
“I don’t know… Momma didn’t name her…” I looked down at her. She was waking up.
“Can Babies smile?” I asked.
“Yes, why you were such the cutie, always smiling & giggling at everything!” Grandma said.
I smiled, “She’s Smiling at me. She Has Momma’s eyes…” I said kind of quietly.
“Let me see her?” Father asked, as he got up, and began to walk towards me. I met him, & gently gave her to him.
“She is delicate, Like Glass.” He said, holding her close.
I smiled, as I noticed, He was too.
“Kevin Honey, Could you warm up the milk, & start the roast.”
“Yes Mother,” He said as he began to take out the pots, & ingredients.”
I went to mom, hugged her, & took her necklace, & bracelet off of her.
I went to my room, & hid them in a box. On my way back to the living room, I heard another knock.
I opened it to see Mr. John.
“Good evening Miss, I’m sorry to be here on such a terrible reason, & not to catch up, while eating your Mom’s Sweet Apple Pie.”
Mr. John was a sweet kind man, He did the burials, & he loved to come over & have some Apple Pie. He was a Slave, But Father, Set him Free, Rightfully, Father owns him, but he made a house on our land, just for him, & to make money, He buries the dead.
“Your mom’s Grave is ready, under the Willow near the lake. I thought she deserved the most beautiful of spots, to lay forever.” As he walked in he removed his hat.
I offered him, some of Momma’s last batch of cookies. We all silently ate them.
“These are the best! No offence Mama,” Mr. John said.
“None Taken, You speak words of truth!” Grandma said.
After The cookies, Mr. John, Brought in Momma’s coffin, I held the baby as they gently picked momma up. I turned away, as they placed her in the coffin.

Mr. John, Father, & Kevin carried momma, to the tree. There we said our good byes, I tried my hardest not to cry. I didn't want the Baby to cry. AS we lowered momma in the grave, I felt a lump forming in my throat. My legs gave out, and I cried, on my knees holding the baby close to my chest.

The author's comments:
It is a work in progress, But I'm thinking of posting some of it on here, BUT I AM NOT DONE! So do not complain that it is not finished

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This article has 2 comments.

on Mar. 24 2013 at 3:10 pm
Annia.Arguelles BRONZE, Rosamond, California
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Ops. I'll fix that! I have bad ADHD & dyslexia, So I sometimes put another word or copy a word. Thank you So Much & I will Be updating, soon turning it into a book.

on Mar. 24 2013 at 11:39 am
FerniB00 PLATINUM, Southampton, Other
26 articles 0 photos 11 comments
This is pretty good! Theres a bit where I had to reread over the part when the baby is born to understand what was going on because you called someone 'him' but the baby was a girl and so is the mum so I was a little bit confused. But I really like the content and I  really want to know who the Prince is so I hope to see more from you!!!! good story starter:)