The Stealing Of Life | Teen Ink

The Stealing Of Life

February 28, 2013
By Aecaine BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Aecaine BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a fairly normal day for Claudius, as he starred down at his broken watch in disappointment. It was his father’s old watch and it had much sentimental value to him now since his father pasted away last year. Claudius was hoping to get it repaired down at the corner shop which was conveniently on his way to work. As he leaped outside of his apartment building, he noticed what a beautiful morning it was. The Cars were lined along the side of the street. People grinned as they walked by Claudius, for Claudius always strived to make a positive influence on everyone’s day.
Claudius noticed that store owner had just turned the sign greeting and welcoming people into his store. Claudius was amazed by the beautiful display of clocks the store displayed on there window. It was filled with millions of different clocks of all different shapes and sizes. The center of the display there stood a large grandfather clock. It was tall and looked like it was made of pine. The sides were full of beautifully carved patterns on the side. In the center of the clock base stood two twin birds looking at each other as if they were clones of each other. When Claudius stepped into the store the door bell rang, the man behind the counter said “Good morning young man, how may I be of service?”
The store was small and bright due to the fact that it was on the corner so two of the walls were glass. The wall was lined with display cases full of all different kinds of watches.

Claudius told the man, “I’m in need of a watch repair.”

The man snatched the watch and studied it intently. He then opened up the back to investigate further. That was when he told Claudius that the watch was not repairable. Claudius’s face drooped at the unsatisfying news. He then said “It seems that I am in need of a new watch then. What does your store have to offer?” The man then pointed at the display case to the right of him. Claudius looked down and instantly was drawn to a shiny silver pocket watch that was in the bottom left corner. The watch was covered in beautiful image of a lion head. The mane was outlined with a thin line of gold. The lion was his grandfather’s favorite animal. The watch wasn’t too far off from the watch that he had brought in to get repaired. In fact, it was almost as if they were exactly the same. The man reached under the counter and handed it to Claudius. Claudius grabbed the watch from the man and said thanks.

Claudius was so grateful to have found such a similar watch. Claudius then opened the watch to find that the hands were spinning out of control. When Claudius lifted his head and looked at the man to tell the man that this watch was broken too, the man had a concerned expression on his face. Claudius looked down at the watch and noticed the hands were spinning faster and faster. The room slowly started to spin around him as if he was in a hurricane. It started at his feet and worked its way toward his head. Once the warped rotating room around him vanished, he got the feeling that he was falling with a faint yell of the watch man in the distance.

Claudius opened his eyes. He was in an unfamiliar environment. Claudius lifted his head and noticed he was in a laboratory, but what made it different from his lab back at home was the quantity of technological machines the filled the room. After Claudius lifted his head to get a better look of the area, he heard someone say, “Yes! It finally worked!”

The man in the corner of the room glared a Claudius in astonishment. He was a short older man with white and black hair. His face was covered with large clear goggles and he wore a large white lab coat. “I told them the recreation of an organism is possible and I, Samuel Jones, shall have my name in the history papers!” said the man. The man then looked next to Claudius and said “Are you ok my boy. I told you it was going to hurt.”

“Yes, dad but I think all of the hairs on my body are fried” Said a tall burly young man with short brown hair. His eyes were blue and his nose was short and narrow. It was at that moment when Claudius realized that he didn’t feel like himself. He looked down at his arm that was strapped down to his left side and realized it was a darker color than before. He then felt his hair and it seemed thicker and shorter than before. Then he looked at his feet and thought that they have never seemed so far away before. The more Claudius looked at his body, the more he began to realize that it wasn’t his body he was looking at.

The two men in the room started to walk toward Claudius with a curious look on there face. The young man said “Father I can’t believe it worked, he looks exactly like me. Does that mean he can talk and think like me too?”

The father said “I know my son! And as for the talking I don’t know.” The father looked at Claudius and said hello. Are you able to speak?”

Claudius looked at the father and said” Yes I am able to talk! What have you done to me? I was in the watch store one minute and the next I was sucked up and brought here. Where is here?”

The father and the son looked at each other with concern. The son said “You mean to tell us that you were living before? This isn’t a clone! He doesn’t even sound like me.
The father looked at Claudius and said “Are you trying to tell us that you where another person. That’s ridiculous; you are exactly the same as my son.” The father turned to his son and said “The cloning process probably created fake memories so that when he came to exist he wasn’t a baby.”
Claudius then with a concerned face said “No, please. You have to reverse the process and send me back. I’m a real person. Please reverse this unnatural experiment and send me back!”
The man looked at him and said “If I send you back then I would be considered a failure to the science community. Sorry, but I wont do it.”
The two men left the room and Claudius was stuck strapped to the table. Hours had passed until Claudius had come to the realization that he need to escape this table of a prison. He started to look around for some way to get out of these straps. On the table to his left there was a scalpel. Claudius thought to himself if he could only wiggle the table enough so that his left hand could grab the scalpel. He tried this and to his surprise it was a success. With a flick of his wrist his right hand was free and we could free himself from the table.
After Claudius freed himself, he took a look around. The only thought running through his confused head was how to get home. He ran to the door that leads out of the lab. He entered the long hallway that lay upon the door. He was hoping not to run into the doctor and his son. As he followed the long hallway he passed several door with unfamiliar names on them. When he turned the corner he saw a door that said exit. He immediately started to run towards the door. His heart was racing as fast as a horse as he gripped the handle. Al of a sudden the doctor came out of one of the room and locked eyes with Claudius.

“NO!” the Doctor yelled as he charged toward Claudius. Claudius bolted through the door to an unfamiliar outside. The entire ground was either covered in street or buildings that towered miles high. Claudius ran into the middle of the road when he hear a lout horn “beeeeeeep” Claudius just had enough time to see the monstrous car before “wham!”

Claudius woke up wand he was on the floor of the clock shop. He was home again. Claudius swore to himself that he would never attempt to make a clone ever again

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