King of Sharks | Teen Ink

King of Sharks

February 28, 2013
By wazoopaige BRONZE, Pueblo West, Colorado
wazoopaige BRONZE, Pueblo West, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sky was that one Cali boy that every girl wanted. He had the blue eyes, the dark brown hair, and of course that adorable half smile. Every word he said literally had girls falling head over heels. However, with all these young ladies after him, none of them ever really took the time to get to know him. Little did everyone know, he was the Rio des Requins. This, of course meant that he was the King of Sharks. Everyone thought Sky had the perfect life, but he didn’t. After all, everyday he put himself in a life or death situations.

It was a chilly summer night and the tide was high. Perfect weather for Sky to make sure everything in the sea was under control. He walked to the water and gently kicked off his shoes. He then took off his shirt and dove in. In the ocean he felt so relaxed and welcome. He loved it since he knew it was a place he belonged. As The King of Sharks he did not turn into a shark, nor was he in control of marine life. Instead, he was the protector but remained a human with a strange ability to breathe under water. Within the deep sea so much happened and this night was the absolute worst.

It happened when Sky was approaching the underwater city of Atlantis. The screams of terror, the blood, and the boom seem to all have happened all at once. The American Government was testing underwater bombs in the Pacific Ocean. No matter how fast the marine life swam, each bomb caught up with them and killed hundreds. The worst part was that Sky had no idea how to help them since he knew it was a secret military base they were dropping the bombs from. If he was to tell, he knew he would be brutally murdered.

He came up with a plan. It wasn’t the brightest but it might just work. They would lose tons of reinforcements from the Great Sea Military if they were to follow through with this plan. He was willing to risk it. He gathered all the big marine life. He commanded the sharks, whales, dolphins, and many others to push against the massive boat that was dropping the bombs. If they all worked together he figured that the anchor might even be able to be move. They wanted to push the boat all the way back to the secret military base. Sky knew it would be the best option. They pushed and pushed, but nothing happened, not even the slightest budge. Many left because they had no hope that they could move it. When Sky almost lost hope as well, he became extremely angry.

Legend says that whenever the Rio de Requin gets really angry he could destroy a whole underwater continent. However, none of the Kings for the past 200 years have been angry enough to do so. Sky almost reached the point of destruction, but used the power to increase his strength and ability to push. Sparks of blue flashed and suddenly the boat was back to base. Everything would be okay. The crowd cheer and cried in happiness. They didn’t think it was possible. However they knew their Rio de Requin could never let them down.

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