The Amazing Imagination of Melanie Key | Teen Ink

The Amazing Imagination of Melanie Key

March 28, 2013
By Anonymous

Sora found the spell and read it aloud making sure she didn’t misspeak. As the monster approached she made sure to raise her voice so that it could hear her over it’s sounds of terror. Melanie took a moment to close her eyes and picture the terrible monster in her book.

Just as she opened her eyes to return to her book she heard a noise coming from her closet. It sounded just like the sounds of terror that she had imagined the monster making. Just as she went to pass it off as her imagination she heard it again. It was definitely coming from her closet. She got up to look in the closet to see if it really was her imagination. As soon as she unlatched the door it flung open revealing the scene Melanie had just pictured. Sora reading the spell aloud.

Just as the spell began to take effect the monster came around the corner screaming so loud that Melanie had to cover her ears. Wind, caused by the spell, began to swirl and Melanie had to take her hands off her ears so she could hold onto the doorway of her closet to keep from falling in. The monster was screaming so loudly and he seemed to be afraid. The spell was going to kill him and he had never done anything wrong. Melanie stared at the scene. Melanie had thought that Sora was the good guy but Sora didn’t care about the life of this monster, only the glory and honor of destroying it.

Melanie could stand it no longer. She released her grip of the doorway and let the wind pull her into the scene. When she landed she ran full speed at Sora. She jumped on Sora using one of the football tackles her brother taught her and knocked the book out of Sora’s hand.

Then nothing happened. Melanie was standing in front of her open closet staring at the mess inside. She turned around to see the book lying on her bed. She walked over to it. Looking down at it, she thought about who was really going to win in the end. Sora would read the spell, destroying the monster. In the end, Sora would get glory and honor for killing the monster. In Melanie’s mind it was a complete waste of time and the fifteen dollars she had paid for the book.

She threw it in the trash.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 3 2013 at 8:28 pm
theredheadedbookworm BRONZE, Colorado City, Colorado
3 articles 4 photos 39 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If I'm writing a book, I've got the page numbers done."-Steven Wright

Oh man, this is so amazing! I absolutely loved it! You should totally do more, just maybe longer. I had never heard the name Sora, and now I love it! Please keep up the good work!