After Life | Teen Ink

After Life

April 10, 2013
By skylerferguson BRONZE, Meadow Vista, California
skylerferguson BRONZE, Meadow Vista, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They’re all at my funeral. Not one of them look happy. My mother can’t keep the tears from streaming down her face, my father is depressed. He hasn't been to work in days nor out of the house. My older brothers are astonished, they can’t believe something like this could happen. My youngest brother is confused, he wonders where I am, what happened. No one will tell him what is going on. He tries to hide his tears of confusion. Why did I do this to them? Why did I hurt them? I wish I could tell you. From what they know, i’m gone. What they don’t know is that i’m still here sitting with them, watching over them as they go through their lives day by day. I wish I had the voice. The voice to tell them why I did it, why I let this happen. Why can’t the know? Why won’t anyone ever find out what you did to me? You think i’m gone don’t you? That you’ll never have to deal with me again. But that's not true. I’m here, everyday, doing to you what you did to me. Yes, that’s right. I’m a ghost. See you soon my dear friend, you have no idea what you have gotten yourself into.

Hello again, remember that day when I innocently sat in class and you just had to push me stuff off my desk, or when you left that cruel note, “nice outfit, where’d you get it? The dumpster?”. I've always wondered, why? What did I ever do to you? You don’t know who I am or what I've been through. So tell me, why did you ever pick me to put in pain? Did you think it was funny? I know what you were thinking. You thought it would make the other kids laugh, you just wanted to feel cool. Well I hope you’re “popular” now that you have done this. Are you ever going to tell anyone? Confess? You probably think you won’t but you will. After this, everyone will know, you’ll feel guilty and I can’t wait until you get what you've deserved all along.

“Hello...”, I say spookiness. “Anyone there..?” It’s 2.30 am and I have woken you up. You hear voices from your closet, “Isabelle.. you deserve every bit of this.”

“Who.. who’s there?” you’re frightened. You wanna get up and look inside the closet but guess what. You won’t see me. “Is this some kind of joke? What do you want from me.”

“Revenge..” It’s everything I've always wanted to do to you. “It’s time for me to get revenge on you.”

“Hailey shut up! This isn't funny!” You yell thinking your sister is behind all of this. Hailey hears you and runs into your room from across the hall.

“What’s going on? Did you yell my name?” Hailey asks half asleep. You’re frightened. Curled up, sitting on your bed. All you can do is point to the closet. Hailey looks confused. She turns on the lights and yells “Boo!” as she opens up the closet door. Sorry Isabelle, but you can’t see me. Hailey laughs when she realizes that no ones there. “Go back to sleep Isabelle, it was nothing.” And she walks out of them room.

It’s 4 am now and you’re fast asleep. Knock knock... Knock knock... I’m back and knocking on your window. Once again you wake up but you don’t say a word. You’re shaky, terrified once again. You’re confused, should you go look out the window? Call for Hailey again? You decided not to do either. You’re too freaked out to get up, and your sister would get mad if you woke her up again. So you just lay down, put your blanket over your head and fall back asleep. I promise, I won’t bother you again tonight, but i’ll be back. I’ll always be back.

Good morning friend, its a new day. You’re very tired because of the lack of sleep from the long night. You lay there thinking about what had happened. You lay there on your phone and decide it was just a bad dream, but you’re wrong. It was real, i’m real. You get up and get ready for school. At school you’re quite, confused mostly. You want to believe it was a dream, but you aren't for sure. Hailey walks up to you in the hallway and just laughs at how scared you were. I laugh too, I love how terrified you are. Just wait for tonight, it gets better.

“Boo!” I screech to wake you up.

“Not this again...” you say. I’m here again. You see your closet door slowly start to creep open and you pull your sheets up a closer to your chin. “What do you want from me?”

“Only if you knew, huh?” I say as I move over to your bed. “I would never want to hurt you, not ever. I just have one question and then I’ll let you alone forever.”

“Well what is it you want to know?” You ask. I know what you’re thinking, you’ll tell me what I want to know and then you’ll be left alone forever. The question isn't some easy math question though, you’ll be confused and you won’t know how to answer. As you feel me start to sit on the other side of your bed you stutter “What.. what?”

“Do you remember the girl that recently died? She was in your class, wasn't she? Tall, brunette hair, really shy.” I start to tell you about the stories, and you recall all of them. It’s funny how you were involved in every one of them.

“Yeah I knew of her, I was never friends with her, she was weird, an outcast. We liked to mess around with her every once in awhile but it was all just jokes, we never met any of it.” Wow. I’m really surprised right now. I would of never of guess those words were going to come out of your mouth. It was all just a joke to you? Well I hope you think it’s hilarious that i’m gone now.

“Well you wanna know something?” You’re quite. You don’t say yes but you also don’t say no. So then I say, “It’s me. I’m Lucy.” You’re silent still. I think you’re pretty surprised.

“Oh no... no it can’t be you. You’re dead. Aren't you?” Really Isabelle? You think i’m alive? You can’t see me!

“Of course i’m dead! You can’t see me can you? I’m a ghost. All I want to know is why you did it? Why did you always make fun of me? Be mean to me.. You caused me to do this you know.”

“Wait, really? You came back here to know what I did this to you?” You really are a blonde huh Isabelle? Why else would I be here?

“Yes. But I don’t have much time, someone might hear us so can you please just answer my question?”

“To tell you the truth, before high school. I was like how you were. Part of the outcast group. I had the whole look. The glasses, the braces, the over protective parents. When high school started I just wanted to be part of the ‘cool crowd’ with the popular kids. They always told me that if I wanted to hang out with them, I had to be like them. So that meant I had to have the one person I had to be a total snob to and, they chose you. I didn't want to do that to you, I thought it was so cruel.” If you didn't want to, then why did you do it? “I hated doing it. Everyday after I got home I would go to my room and think about how rude it was but I never could tell you that and I just wanted to be popular. When I heard about how you died I was so guilty. I told my parents everything, they told your parents. Everyone at school knows. And, just so you know, I told the popular kids to stay away from me. I’ll be started home school next week along with therapy. I hope you know how terrible I feel.” I couldn't speak. I was amazed at how nice you actually were. They way you opened up and told people is so amazing.

“Wow. I don’t even know what to say. That, that I was not expecting. I always thought you really did deep down inside hate me for no reason. Thank you for telling people and i’m proud of you. I never asked for help and you went straight to it.”

“ I really should get some sleep though.”

“Yeah i’ll let you be.”

“Come visit me again? It would be cool to have a ghost as a friend, especially if its you.” I was so surprised. I’m sorta happy about.

So that was that. I knew all about it and I was relieved. It was good to know that she never intended on hurt me. Ever.

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