Not Just My Imagination | Teen Ink

Not Just My Imagination

April 29, 2013
By Anonymous

Not Just My Imagination

I didn't know where I was. I didn't know how I got there. All I knew was, I didn't want to leave. Everything was perfect here.. The last thing I remember before appearing in this strange world was everyone yelling and screaming at me. I don’t remember why. I was so angry and I didn't know what to do. I went up to my room and thought, “Why does this world have to be so messed up?” Then I blacked out. I woke up and wiped my eyes. “Where am I?” I whispered under my breath. I looked around and saw things I thought only existed in my head. “This has to be a dream..” I thought to myself. “Oh, it’s not a dream. You’re really here!” A strange voice proclaimed behind me. I looked all around, but there was no one there. “You can’t see me,” The voice said again “I’m in your mind! I would like to welcome you to our world..This is where all of the forgotten children come..Why don’t you take a look around?” I got up and started strolling through the strange place. I looked up and saw that the sky was bright blue with white fluffy clouds in every shape and size. The grass wasn't only green, like it usually was.. It was all of the colors of the rainbow. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. A warm sensation filled my body and I felt like I was flying. It was dead silent in the whole vicinity, and I started to feel a little uncertain of what was happening. The voice in my head must have read my mind. “Clap,” it said. I was a little hesitant, but after one small clap, the whole place was filled with all of my favorite songs and noises. I turned around and saw all of the people I loved and wished to meet someday. I was overwhelmed. “Clap again,” the odd voice said. I obeyed, and as soon as my hands touched, everything became silent again. “How long am I going to be here?” I asked. “Only as long as you want, forever if you wish,” said the voice in my head. I kept wandering around and exploring. I found a forest full of multi-colored trees, and I discovered that all of the animals in this odd world are kind and small. I saw an elephant that was the size of my head, and a giraffe as tall as me! There was something very odd about this place… But I liked it. I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to go back to my ordinary life. I wanted to stay here, where everything was unique and interesting. “Who are you?” I asked the voice in my head. “You will soon find out, keep looking.” I strolled along and tried to take in every new and exciting sight, but it was hard, since there were so many things to see, and everything seemed to be moving so quickly. It started to get dark, and the sun was setting. I was looking for somewhere to sleep, when I noticed a faint light off in the distance. I made my way over to the light, and as I got closer I noticed that it was a gigantic mansion, with all of the lights off in the house, except for the porch light. I made my way up the porch steps, and knocked three times. There was no answer. I was about to turn and walk away, when all of a sudden the huge door swung open. I noticed a familiar figure in the door frame, and stood in shock for what seemed like forever. It was me. I was looking at myself. “I am your conscience, your brain, I control all of your thoughts. Please, come in,” said the figure. I slowly walked through the door frame, there were so many different doors and staircases to explore. I turned around to look at the person who had invited me inside. “Welcome to Wonderland,” she said.

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