The Puppy Who Wanted to Leave Mars | Teen Ink

The Puppy Who Wanted to Leave Mars

April 30, 2013
By REEENNNEEEE BRONZE, Ijamsville, Maryland
REEENNNEEEE BRONZE, Ijamsville, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there lived a small fluffy puppy. This puppy lived on Mars, but she read many books about Earth and dreamed of going there. She had already saved many pup dollars for her spaceship flight to earth. She wanted to fly first class, yet she could not afford it. Her parents were afraid of the perils that come with space travel. Puppy had never been away from home for so long. There also was the dilemma of what to pack. Her friends suggested she take all her pretty yellow accessories such as her fluff-bow with the diamond studs, her book on how to be fluffy, and her fluff shampoo. With all the luggage she planned to take, she would have to pay to check an additional bag into the belly of the spaceship. Oh well, thought Puppy, I will just have to sell my super pink mini jet pack to get more pup dollars to pay for it. All of the sudden, a flaming flamingo burst through the garden hedge where puppy was sitting while pondering her trip expenses. The flamingo immediately extinguished herself as she landed. Puppy licked her paws in boredom at the sight. Oh my, she thought, not another flaming flamingo. How many times do I have to complain to the Flaming Flamingo Agency that the trainees are always landing in my garden? This is the garden where I have toiled endlessly, getting my paws and fluff dirty with grime just to grow a few tons of purpleberrys! With a sigh, she thought, this would never happen on Earth. Puppy dreamed of traveling to the great cities of Europe such as Reykjavik, Iceland. Slowly Puppy commenced into a ballad titled, "Take me to Reykjavik" where she sang both the male and female leads. All the bunnies of the garden applauded.

Two months later…………………………………

The day had finally come! The day Puppy had yearned for with all five pounds of her fluff. The day that she, Puppy, would leave the cruel, harsh dictatorship of the Pink Flamingos of Mars and find democracy, free will, individual rights, and free Wi-Fi in beautiful Icelandic city of Reykjavik! Although she felt downright miserable to leave her family with the knowledge that eventually they would be captured and their fluff, although not as fluffy as her own, would be made into fluffermallow to feed to the Flaming Flamingos of the inner party, she continued on the path to her new future. She thought, this is what truly being selfless is, to give up the comfort and familiarity of family to seek the unknown. Deep down, puppy knew she was betraying her family, although the thought of traveling to Iceland was too enticing to resist. With her bags packed puppy boarded the spaceship without even a glance behind her (Well, she had to glance back to make sure the hem of her yellow bow was not caught in her suitcase wheel). While on board the spaceship, Puppy grew tired of the endless episodes of the propaganda that the Flaming Flamingos called comedy. To deal with her boredom she simply broke into yet another ballad titled "I'm on a Spaceship Leaving My Family to Die!". She couldn't remember where she had heard it yet it reminded her of her happy memories of being in pupschool and watching the other, less fluffy, puppies eat watermelon. As she glanced out the window at the shooting stars go by, she felt the spaceship quiver. Her paws gripped the yellow spaceship coach she was seated in. Another, larger quiver quickly followed. Suddenly the spaceship started to convulse like it was having a seizure. A crackling voice came through on the intercom and commanded in a imperial manner to quickly put on her puppy space outfit and leap out of the dying spaceship. Without a moment hesitation Puppy obeyed and was outside, floating in space. Yet she quickly started gasping for air. Questions ran through her head. Why can I not breathe? Shouldn't the space outfit give me oxygen? Is this karma for leaving my family to die? Whilst questioning her fate, Puppy drew her last breath and commenced to suffocate in the cold space air.

Editors Note: Although puppy died, her tale is told time after time on Mars by the Flaming Flamingo Party. They want their citizens to know that they should always think of their families before themselves and never, EVER leave the party. (Perhaps the mishap with the space ship and space outfit wasn't an accident?) Who knows?

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by my Morkie puppy who always loves to sing!

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