Basement Monters | Teen Ink

Basement Monters

April 30, 2013
By Anonymous

Once upon a time there was a little girl about 6 years old named Chloe and she was scared of her basement. She is scared because one day she went down to get some food out of the families refrigerator and she saw a dark, bulky shadow lurking around in the workout room. She was frightened and grabbed the food and ran right to her mom and Chloe told her mom and her mom didn’t believe her.

About 4 years later now, Chloe is 10 and is planning to have a sleepover with her friends and her and her mom are figuring out where to sleep and her mom suggests the basement and Chloe immediately says no. her mom asked why and she said of that shadow she saw when she was 6. Her mom started laughing and said she was just seeing things but every time Chloe goes down there the shadow gets closer and closer to her! But Chloe’s mom still didn’t believe Chloe so her mom said they are sleeping in the basement and if Chloe doesn’t want to then the sleepover is off.

It’s now the night of the sleepover and before the girls came over Chloe went down to put up some party decorations and she again sees this large shadow that is moving towards her. She screams and runs upstairs and grabs her mom to come down and see it. So, just to humor Chloe, her mom came down and she sees nothing, but as her mom is looking Chloe sees the figure again and tries to point to it to show her mom but her mom can’t see it. So her mom tells her to keep decorating and that she is just getting paranoid. Chloe tries to calm down and keep setting up. So Chloe rushes as fast as she can to set everything up and then she ran upstairs and waited for her friends.

She hears the doorbell ring and all of her friends are her and she is so happy and excited. She tells them they can go put there stuff in the basement and then they are going to hang out outside for a little bit and then come in and eat downstairs. As they planned they go outside and play tag and just have fun and then Chloe’s mom calls them in because the pizzas here. Chloe leads her friends downstairs and they eat and Chloe didn’t see the shadow while they were eating so Chloe thought it was just something that her mid was tricking her with. She doesn’t see it as the night goes on and then her mom says that they should get ready for bed but they don’t have to sleep yet just get their stuff out and in their places.

The night goes on it’s about 12:30 AM and the girls just finished their movie and decide they should get some sleep. So they all fall asleep and so do Chloe, but at about 3:00 am something pokes Chloe on the shoulder, so Chloe lifts her head and doesn’t see anything. Chloe goes back to sleep and about 20 minutes later she feels the same poke on the same spot to she lifts her head to see again and she sees these big bright red eyes glaring at her about 3 feet away! She tries to scream but a hand covers her mouth and the shadow picks her up and drags her into the workout room. Chloe is crying in fear and trying to scream but nothing will come out. The shadow takes her into the closet and never comes back out.

Now it’s the next day and all the girls wake up around 9:45 AM and they look around and don’t see Chloe. They all figure that she got up early and went upstairs. They go upstairs and see no site of Chloe, so they go to her mom and ask where Chloe is and her mom says she hasn’t seen her since last night. So the girls search inside and outside for Chloe. Her mom gets really worried and calls the police, and the police sent out an alert that they are figuring this 10 year old girl named Chloe has been kidnapped. Everyone is trying to help find her. No one ever found her, so one ay the police came to Chloe’s mom and said that they believe Chloe is dead and they can’t find her anywhere. Her mom bursts into tears. And Chloe was never seen again, and no one will ever know what happened to her.
The End

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