A Sol At A Time | Teen Ink

A Sol At A Time

May 7, 2013
By 2STLY BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
2STLY BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I wish I'd had WRITING TOOLS when I began my life as a writer-not only because it would have spared me so much anguish, but because it would have helped me have a hell of a lot more fun" -Adrian Nicole LeBlanc, author of Random Family

Chapter 1


“Hugh...you're name is Hugh, right?” asked a little girl about his age who had captivating blue eyes, brown hair in two buns on each side and she was eagerly waiting for his answer. Her appearance was a contrast to his dark blue hair and crimson eyes.

When Hugh didn't answer she suddenly clapped her hands in front of his face. Startled, he stumbled and fell onto the floor. With a worried look, the little girl pulled him off the ground and he was standing again.

Hugh didn't say thank you but instead he looked at the floor and he answered her question. “Yes, I'm Hugh, what's your name?” Hugh shyly asked.

She smiled and once again he was captivated by her. “Mei, that's what people call me!” she happily answered.

Hugh, didn't know what to say after that and he lowered his head out of embarrassment. Too bad Mei looked to see his face blushing and and the sight of her face made his even redder. Mei laughed for a moment before nudging Hugh to play out in the backyard.

“Come on, let's go!” Mei said as she happily dragged Hugh outside. The two of them who wore traditional clothing and both of them lived in a traditional Japanese house were playing hide and seek. Hugh, who was always admiring nature, ignored his surroundings and the people around him but it was always interrupted by Mei who was always seemed to be in trouble for some strange reasons.

That was how Hugh was aware of her existence. After that day this happened and after living with Mei's family for a brief time, Hugh moved into another clan and Mei was sad. She cried for a week but the only thing that kept her from losing all hope was when Hugh said “Mei, I promise I'll come back to you no matter what!”

The memory was still clear and vivid in her mind after ten years have passed. Mei was dozing off to some unknown place during Dragon Classics. The teacher was dramatically acting out a scene from a piece of the classic handled out to each student in the classroom. Still, that didn't stop her from wandering off since she found class boring. The only fun thing was going on the field trips were she would go hack on some monsters when the teachers weren't around. What made her snap of La-La land, was when a boy with a deep voice asked about one of the dragons, the Sol Dragon.

Soon, the supposedly quiet class erupted into loud laughter. “I don't even think a dragon like that even exists!” exclaimed one of the students but for some reason this made Mei angry.


Mei slammed her hands on the table angrily and glared at the students looking at her. “Why can't you we just talk about the Sol Dragon? Something interesting might come up!” Mei said and the deep voiced boy looked at her in surprised.

The class was soon quiet again with the teacher going into some detail about the Sol Dragon. The Sol Dragon wasn't a famous dragon and there weren't much information about it either, even the Rouge Dragon, the outcast of the Dragons had even less information than the Sol Dragon.

“In this piece of classic, the Sol Dragon is said to be the Queen or King of the Dragons, depending on the gender chosen by the dragon” said the teacher as she cleared her throat and continued.

“Is there any more information about the Sol Dragon?” asked the deep voiced boy.

“Yes, the last piece of information we know about as of now” she said. “The Sol Dragon's domain is believed to be in the sun” she said.

“That's just boring information” groaned one of the students.

“Recently, new information is released that there is possibility that a person with a Sun designed symbol on the bottom of his or her wrist is the Sol Dragon, and the symbol is suppose to be glowing” said the teacher.

“HELP ME!” shouted a voice from the outside. It was rare or almost never that a person would scream during school days and during the weekends.

“What?” the teacher asked, confused. The students and the teacher looked out the window and they were shocked to see broken pieces of wood from houses flying in the air and landing on the ground with fire burning on the tips of broken woods.

“To the other side!” the teacher said.

The students immediately ran to the other side of the classroom and Mei ducked her head when a piece of wood crashed through the glass windows, breaking the window.

The door was kicked open and fancy looking men with spears came bursting in and pointed their spears in defense.

“Where's the Sol Dragon!?” the leader shouted and the students just flinched at his voice but not Mei and the deep voice student. The deep voice student gripped his wrist and Mei noticed this.

Could he be the Sol Dragon? She thought.

Suddenly a burst of flames separated the students and the invaders.

“What the!?” the leader said irritatedly as he was shocked by the sudden flame.

Mei looked to her right to see the deep voiced student's wrist glowing with a fire symbol. In fact, Mei was the only one who could see it, he was pretty good at hiding whatever was glowing on the bottom of his wrist.

Mei watched him as he secretly said some words in an unknown language. For some reason, she understood what he said. Rings of Fire, she thought as the name of the move was exactly the same as what the fire was doing right now and the fire rings were squeezing each invader tightly and also burning them.
“ARGHH!!!” each of the invaders screamed out in pain as the deep voiced boy clenched his hands into a fist. Then, there was a quick blinding light and the students covered their eyes to protect their eyes from the extremely bright light.

For some reason, Mei wasn't affected by the bright light and she saw a dragon, quick and fast to disappear. The dragon was long and slender with crimson scaly skin, he had orange eyes, and the fur that lined up against the scales were replaced by flames, and the dragon also had four legs with claws.

After the light disappeared, the invaders vanished and Mei had a feeling that the deep voiced student was the one who made them disappear.

“Who did all of that?” asked one of the students as he looked around but no one responded.

The teacher looked at each and every student until she stopped at the person next to Mei. The deep voiced student gulped before the teacher continued walking to the next student.

“It's none of you guys, right?” asked the teacher as she pointed towards the group.

The students shook their heads. “Well, this is a huge and unexpected event today” the teacher said, still trying to recover from what happened that happened earlier.

She picked up her books and dismissed the students. Parents were relieved but some of the clansmen were killed and during the invasion many of the citizens of the Sol Clan was injured.

Mei ran towards her home as quickly as possible. She wondered what happened to her parents and she closed her eyes thinking about the horrible possibilities.

They're okay, they're okay, Mei thought to herself as she repeated the words in her mind to reassure herself.

She quickly opened the door of her house, shocked to see her tidy house in a total mess. The wooden pans and other cooking utensils were scattered all over the floor. Her studying books were left open and the furniture was turned upside down. The glass that held the few of her memories of Hugh were now into pieces. She cried and she carefully removed the shards of glass to pick up a carved figure of a wooden book that Hugh gave to her as a birthday present.

She held it against her chest as tears slid down her cheeks and onto the floor.

Suddenly, a sense of relief came over her. She was happy that her parents weren't home or else they would have been killed. She suddenly remembered that her parents had business in the Dark Clan.

A person knocked on the door and Mei turned around to see the deep voiced boy. He had orange eyes that seem to resemble the dragon, blonde hair, and he was looking at her with a worried expression.

“Are you okay, Mei?” he suddenly asked.

“Somewhat” she answered.

“Oh yeah, what's your name?” Mei asked.
“Fiera” he answered.

“Were you the one who made those barbarians disappear?” Mei asked and Fiera just scratched the back of his head.

He was hesitant for a moment before he answered.

“Yes and how did you know?” he asked.

“I saw everything” she answered.

“Including the dragon?” Fiera raised an eyebrow and Mei nodded her head.

“There's a fire symbol on the bottom of your wrist, right?” and Fiera just widen his eyes in surprise.

“You saw my symbol!?” Fiera sasked, surprised.

“No ordinary people could see it” he said.

“So...does that mean anything?” Mei asked, questioningly Fiera.

“Of course, that means you must be one of the dragons too!” Fiera exclaimed and Mei widened her eyes in shock.

She realized that she wasn't crying anymore and she was glad that Fiera was there or else there would be a huge pool of tears.

“Fiera” she said as Fiera stopped dancing around to look at Mei.

“Yes?” he asked.

“Thank you!” she said.

For a moment, Fiera felt his heart skip a beat. Her smile captivated him for a moment and he knew at that instant he was attracted to her.

“So, the Felios Oras have already invaded the Sol Clan” said a voice in the dark.

The only thing that could be seen was the red eyes in the darkness.

A person with deep red eyes and dark blue hair wearing dark clothing nodded his head.

The creature in the shadows suddenly roared, creating a temporarily tremor in the underground.

“How could those idiots let the Oras make their advances so quickly?” he asked.

He just shrugged his head.

Then, he heard the creature sigh.
“Hugh” he said. “ You're the strongest out of everyone trained in the underworld” said the creature. “From the moment you entered, everything around here changed, and you were already born with half of the power of the Rouge Dragon” said the creature.

He heard Hugh gulp.

“Show me the suspected Sol Dragon” Hugh said.

“It's her” the creature said, his clawed hands showed a picture of Mei and Hugh's eyes widen.

“Help me take the power of the Sol Dragon” he said.

Hugh clenched his fist and he put an eye patch over his left eye. “Please give me time to consider it” Hugh said before bowing.

Why Mei out of all people? Hugh thought and he clenched his fist. Why my first love? Hugh thought again and remembered the time he spent with Mei.

He treasured all of those memories dearly. They were the closest ones to his heart. In order to get through the day since he started training in the underworld and living in their too, he remembered his times with Mei to motivate him.

He loved Mei and he knew that his feelings were still there, his love for her would forever remain strong but the master/creature hiding in the shadows gave him a place to live, he was under his care for the whole time, specially trained him to become who he is now and he clenched his fist to think about his decision.

“Please don't forgive me, Mei” he said.

He clenched both of his fist, suddenly a burst of dark flames were covering both of his hands and the spirit of a two headed dragon with triangular white eyes roared.

The author's comments:
Romance/Fantasy (Novel)

Mei's life is turned around after the Sol Clan gets invaded. She strangely realizes that she could understand the hard-to-learn language of the Dragons and she is now going on an adventure with Fiera, the Fire Dragon. Separated by Mei, Hugh goes to the underworld and he makes the decision to go on a mission to meet Mei, even if it means to take her powers!

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