Clementine | Teen Ink


May 20, 2013
By Timetowritenow BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
Timetowritenow BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Where could they have gone?" He asked aloud, "They were just here." Bartlett looked up from one of the spent fuel canisters he had been inspecting. "Does anybody have any idea as to where they might have gone?" A small girl stepped forward from the group. She said "I do." Bartlett cringed in remembrance. "Now just how in the hell do you know that?" Questioned Bartlett full of discontent. "I heard them say that they were going to the old city to look for any more survivors." Bartlett noted the grave expression on her face. She looked somewhat familiar, with her long frizzy hair that nearly covered her small face. She wore stained overalls with an old yellow shirt underneath. Bartlett realized she was expecting an answer and quickly asked, "How did you hear them say anything?" She turned toward him and presented a battered hand radio, "with this". She said proudly. "My parents gave this to me, in case I ever got lost." "Well I'll be, Them parents of yours must've been mighty smart" "Where are they now?" "I lost them a few weeks ago" She said with a pained look on her face. " I was with them when the bad things came, they told me to run" "That they would find me later". "So, I did" "I was hiding in a trash can when one of your men found me." "When they pulled me out of the garbage can I started looking for my parents, I haven't found them yet." "Have you seen my parents mister Bartlett?" "Sorry miss, I can't say that I have seen anybody else down here." He knew all too well just how easy things got lost here. She looked at him and he could see the despair in her eyes. She knew it too.

The author's comments:
I did get inspired to write this from "The Walking Dead".

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