Fantasy Piece | Teen Ink

Fantasy Piece

May 29, 2013
By kira1 BRONZE, Chaska, Minnesota
kira1 BRONZE, Chaska, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was time to go to bed, so why couldn’t I fall asleep? As I tossed and turned I lay first on my stomach, then I turned to the side because that wasn’t working, then I laid on my other side, finally to the last position which was on my back. Nothing seemed to work. I whispered over to my sister,
“Psssssst! Jackie, are you awake?”
Her response was quick as if she too wasn’t able to sleep.
“Yes I’m awake, how could I not be after what happened.”
Now what happened to us hours earlier would be something me and my sister would hope to never forget.

On that very same summery day, everything seemed usual. We had breakfast at Perkins; we went to the beach for a couple hours to work on our tan, relax, test out the water, and along with our day we brought home some really cool rocks that were buried in the sand. Nothing out of the ordinary happened until me and Jackie brought home those rocks. We grabbed three rocks; one was a smooth white on the outside, and had a swirl design of the colors white and a tan on the inside. Another was rough and rugged on the outside and on the inside it was dark lavender and shaped in the form of thousands of little crystals. Lastly the third rock was as smooth as a pearl, had a dark green outside with black tiger stripes. The inside was unknown because it was unharmed, no cracks or chips. When we came back from the beach, my sister and I were both severely exhausted from the sun soaking up all of our energy. So we decided it was a great time for a nap. We turned all of the lights of, closed the blinds, and cracked the door a tiny bit, just enough so there was ray of light shining through the deepest of dark in our room. I was in my bed admiring my ceiling while waiting for my restlessness to take over my body, my sister in her bed next to me doing the same. I stared at the crack of the door when in an instant, I saw this little glowing blue ball, enter our room and trace along the crease of where the ceiling meets the wall. I rubbed my eyes believing that there is no way there is something floating around my room, expecting it to be my mind playing tricks on me I opened my eyes. When I opened, it was still there. I squint hoping to see more than just a glowing circle of light.
Slowly, I start to see the figure more and more clearly, enough to figure out it’s a little human. That made me think, how is a tiny little human floating around in my room? I look even closer and I noticed this little, glowing blue human, had wings. It was a fairy. As it circles around my room I watch carefully at the way it moves, it was dancing. When the dancing fairy reached the crack of my door of where it entered; a yellow followed by a green, red, orange, and purple fairy followed behind the blue one, copying its every move, each a step more and more behind the other, until two fairies of every color in the rainbow were in our room. While I was admiring the fairies my sister’s voice breaks my trance as she whispers,
“Kira, do you see what I see?”
I look over to see her covering every part of her body with her blue, green, and yellow striped blanket except her eyes and up, oddly looking at all of the fairies. I open my mouth and take in some air, ready to respond when I was abruptly cut off by the door slowly opening all the way. My sister and I stare at the door waiting for something extraordinary to happen, when within seconds, the rocks we found start shaking on our dresser as if they were vibrating, casually glowing metallic white until the light got so strong, it was practically blinding. I cover myself with my flowered comforter for a few seconds, praying that nothing scary was about to happen, my sister doing the same. Then as I gradually slip the cover off of my face I look toward my sister and say,
“What was that? Did you see that?”
As I stare at her; I notice that there is something different, I look around my room until it hits me, the fairies have disappeared. Still waiting for a response, I looked at my sister and noticed she has a dead locked stare focused on our bedroom entrance. I too look at the doorway expecting something to suddenly happen. Then, inch by inch, we see our mother in her white, lace wedding dress, carrying a bouquet of white roses. Entering our room step by step, just like she would as if she was going down the aisle, calmly, she walked toward my sister and kissed her on the forehead. As I took in what was happening I recognized that my mother was lightly glowing, in the same fashion that the rocks were. Another thing I noticed was she didn’t look the same; she looked younger, like she was from a different time period. After she kissed Jackie, she slowly came over to my bed, smiling, I looked into her eyes and I couldn’t help but feel anything but love. When she finally reached my bedside, she gently kissed my forehead as she did with Jackie. As she leaned back up again, she was still smiling, and still giving me that exact same look. Then she turned around and gracefully exited our room in the exact same way she entered. Even though she never said a word, every moment was full meaning and emotions. She then turns around and swiftly exits our room. Once we can’t see her, I run over and leap onto my sister’s bed. I ask her,
“Jackie, what’s going on?”
And knowing Jackie as the more rambunctious one in the family, as a response to my question she says,
“Let’s go find out where she is going.”
We both agreed to go follow our “past mom” as we decided to call it. Even though I thought it could be dangerous and a really bad idea, my sister insisted we go check out where she went. And because it was my sisters Idea she got the honor to be the leader of the adventure. We quietly tip toed through the hallway so we wouldn’t scare our past mom away, then we bolted straight to our kitchen where we looked out the window to see if she went outside. By then it was about ten o’clock so when we looked out our window all we could see was black; then suddenly we saw a white glowing ball, elegantly swaying its way up to the moon and stars. Me and Jackie looked at each other and just knew that the glowing ball wasn’t a fairy, it was our past mom. Once our past mom was no longer in our sight we went straight to bed so we can get some actual rest.
The very next morning we woke up and made so many pancakes and eggs, that we could feed a family a two. My sister and I couldn’t wait until our mom woke up, so we could tell her about what happened to us the day before. We even made our mom her coffee just so right when she wakes up, she could really focus when we tell her every detail. When she finally woke up we started telling her what happened, but she didn’t believe us. She thought we were making it up or that it was just a dream and we experienced sister telepathy. Jackie and I knew it wasn’t a dream, it was real. And making our present mother believe us was much harder than we expected. It made me think that our mother in the past was something that we expected our mother to be now; it could have been what she was but not what she is now. My sister and I don’t need our mother to believe us about what happened that day, because we know what happened, she doesn’t. Many times people will be faced with the question of what’s real and what’s not. It’s hard to tell at times which one is the right answer, but that day what happened to us was reality.

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