Donald the Dragon | Teen Ink

Donald the Dragon

May 29, 2013
By dreamer_21 BRONZE, Chaska, Minnesota
dreamer_21 BRONZE, Chaska, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time in the land of Aqualonia there lived a dragon with a mysterious illness. He could turn any ordinary object into an extraordinary talking object just by sneezing. One hot summer sunny day the blue scaly dragon was walking along the trail to the market when he saw a butterfly flutter across his eyes. He was so amazed that he decided to chase after it. Once he got close enough, he saw the pretty purple and blue swirls on its wings. He then realized that he was in a field filled with flowers beyond the eye can see. All of a sudden he felt a strange sensation in his nose.
“Uh oh!” the dragon whispered, “AHHCHOOO!”
He let out a great big sneeze. As he recovered from his sneeze he noticed that his sneeze scared the butterfly. As he waved good bye to the butterfly flying gracefully through the air he heard the strangest noise.
“Hi!” cried a voice.
“Who-who’s there?” the dragon said frightened. He couldn’t see anyone that would be talking to him. All he saw was a sea of different colored flowers.
“Down here silly!” the voice said laughing.
When the dragon looked down towards his feet he saw the smallest little flower he had even seen. It must have been no taller than his foot. He had never seen a flower like the one he just discovered. It was purple with white polka-dots all over. Most flowers in Aqualonia were boring solid colors but this flower was unique and the prettiest flower the dragon has ever seen.
“Hi! My name is Rosie,” the flower exclaimed as she introduced herself.
“Hello!” the dragon cried, “Nice to meet you Rosie! My name is Donald.”
“Hi Donald,” the flower cheered, “It is very nice to meet you!”
“Can I ask you a question?” Donald asked shyly.
“Sure! Go ahead!” Rosie said enthusiastically.
“Why is your name Rosie if you aren’t a rose?” Donald asked
“That’s a good question Donald! My parents said I didn’t look like a petunia or a tulip so they named me Rosie because I am sweet like a rose but I can be prickly like the thorns,” Rosie said confidently.
Just as Donald was about to comment along the trail came an elf. Donald didn’t want the elf to know about Rosie so he bent down towards the opposite side of Rosie and pretended to pick the other ordinary flowers.
“Hi Donald!’ the elf yelled a ways down the trail.
“Hi Charlie!” Donald yelled back nervously.
“What are you doing over here?” Charlie asked, “Your house is the other way.”
“I know where my house is Charlie!” Donald said laughing, “I was on my way to get flour from the market to make cookies for my grandma when I saw the prettiest butterfly I have ever seen. Then I realized that I was in this field of flowers and started picking the prettiest and healthiest for my grandma and now here we are.”
“Oh! Well I’m on my way to the market too! I can help you pick flowers and get the ingredients if you want me too,” Charlie asked.
“No!” Donald spurted out, “I mean it would be more special if I did it all by myself but thanks for the offer!
“Donald? Why are you so jumpy?” Charlie asked.
“Jumpy?” Donald questioned, “I’m not jumpy, just excited that’s all.”
“You seem a little jumpy to me Donald,” Charlie exclaimed, “What’s going on?”
“Okay Charlie you can’t tell anyone okay,” Donald said desperately.
“Ooo secrets! Okay I promise I won’t tell anyone!” Charlie promised.
Donald thought that the best way to explain his secret was to show him. He moved out of the way so Charlie could see Rosie for himself.
“Hi!” Rosie shouted to Charlie.
“Donald what’s so special about a talking flower?” Charlie asked Donald.
Donald waited for Charlie to realize that Rosie was a talking flower. The expression on Charlies face changed from calm and collected to scared and confused.
“Wait. THAT’S A TALKING FLOWER! But- What?-How? - Who? - When?” Charlie rattled
“Charlie you need to calm down. You are scaring Rosie.” Donald ordered to Charlie
“You mean the flower!? Donald, flowers can’t talk!!” Charlie screamed.
“Charlie! I know this is a lot to process but let me explain” Donald said calmly.
“Well explain!” Charlie ordered.
“So you know those yellow and green mushrooms that you made me eat down by the river last week?” Donald asked.
“Yes...” Charlie answered slowly.
“Well those mushrooms got me sick and now whatever I sneeze on turns that object into a talking object” Donald explained.
“How did flower come into this then?” Charlie asked.
“It’s not flower! It’s Rosie!” Rosie snapped.
“Sorry. How did Rosie come into this?” Charlie asked again with emphasis on Rosie.
“Well like I told you I saw the butterfly and chased it into this flower field and I guess the pollen made me sneeze and I guess I sneezed on Rosie,” Donald estimated.
“Okay, well I guess I will see you later then,” Charlie said sadly.
“Wait why?” Donald asked curiously.
“I’m sure people are going to find out about this ‘disease’ and they will hunt you down and when they do I don’t want to be the friend of the weirdo,” Charlie exclaimed.
“But I’m not a weirdo Charlie! I am a normal dragon!” Donald yelled at him.
“Yeah, a normal dragon that spurts out magic potion! That’s so normal Donald,” Charlie said sarcastically.
As Donald let Charlie walk away he felt this feeling well up inside him. He didn’t know if it was just the feeling of sadness or another sneeze coming on.
“Rosie! What do I do?” Donald asked.
“Donald, if Charlie was really your friend then he wouldn’t have left you here like that. Charlie isn’t really your friend if he doesn’t want to be seen with you like this,” Rosie sympathized.
“Rosie,” Donald said softly, “Are you my friend?”
“What! Of course I am!” Rosie cheered.
On that note Donald remembered that he still had to get the flour for is grandma’s cookies. He picked Rosie out of the ground and placed her carefully in the basket on top of the other flowers. The two walked to the market with the golden sunset in the horizon. Rosie and Donald lived happily ever after and to this day Donald is still not friends with Charlie. Donald realized that once he became famous Charlie came running back, but Rosie was his friend before he was famous. Donald realized that Rosie was his true friend and forever will be just that.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because i like to write books for children but i put a lesson into them.I like to write stories like this because it is different than the books like counting or sharing. It can teach kids different things like what friendship really is.

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