Vamp Love | Teen Ink

Vamp Love

May 31, 2013
By Poetgurl17 BRONZE, Chaska, Minnesota
Poetgurl17 BRONZE, Chaska, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chapter 1: 1
It was an in closed steel room, with one window that you could only see the reflection of yourself. No sunlight, no air, just an empty room with a table and two chairs. Which I was sitting on trapped by the handcuffs these tall red eyes vampire put on me. He’s a vampire cop but goes undercover as a mortal. I still don’t know why he chooses to be a cop when he’s the one that truly does all the crime. I think all this over in my head, as the vampire cop came in. “So do you know why you’re here Stephan?” I just sat there and starred his blood red eyes down. He won when he asked the next question, “where is she?” before I knew what was coming out of my mouth I said “Who”? “You know who!” his voice raised and made an echo as he slammed his hands down on the table. A silence fell over the room before I said “I loved her you know.” No you didn’t, now tell me where she is Stephan!” “It was a cold winter morning when I saw her; she was amazing like an angel sent just for me.” The cop realized I was telling a story, so he sat down and folded his arms. I continued my story from where I ended. She had a long limber body with red flowing hair, but what made her unique were her eyes and smell. She smelled like fresh blossoms with pain inside about to die. And those eyes! Oh those eyes were beautiful; I just wanted to touch them. One was green and the other blue. “Can you just get to the point?” “No you have to listen to the whole story to get the ending.” He moved in chair a little bit and cleared his throat. So I continued on. That’s when I knew I was in love, and no one could tell me different. I walked up to her not realizing how awkward it must be, for a man that looks as weird as I am to walk up to her and give her a compliment on how unique her eyes are. “Hi, my name is Stephan.” “Hi… she said hesitant my name is Rayne.” She put a sly smile on her face, which went quite well with her humble soft spoken voice. I looked into her eyes and said “You’re the one for me.” Not seeming to realize that I had just said the thought out loud, I looked down and just waited. Wondering if she was even going to say anything or walk away from me as I waited for her reply. “Thank you, my parents told me before they died that I was a one and only original girl in this world for my different colored eyes. But are you sure I’m the one for you? You barely know me Stephan.” As I looked up again she was standing towards me, waiting patiently for my answer as I thought it out. “Rayne, I just know that you’re the one for me, and I know we just met but I think it was by fate.” And with that Rayne and I fell in love with each other after spending each day together.

Chapter 2: 2
We didn’t hold back on anything, until one night on a full moon, going on a moonlight walk before taking her home, I felt funny. My eyes and throat started to burn and felt like they were breaking apart from my body… I was in so uch discomfort and pain that I took her home early. When I got home I asked my family what was wrong with me as I explained how I felt, but as they looked at me with joy and happiness it seemed to me that they already knew what was wrong with me so I spared them the details. They just kept looking at me with smiles on their faces, as my mother gave me some dark bloody red thick drink and to me it smelled so good that I just gulped it down in one swallow and asked for more. As I sat down I felt relieved and a brand new me, as my family told me something that I never expected. That’s the night that my whole world crashed into the ground. “Stephan you’re a vampire! You have fully become an immortal like us.” “I’m what…? “The full moon must of set it off, don’t you feel better now Stephan?” As I tried to comprehend all of this at once I noticed that my eyes and ears became over powering to me. My eyes felt like I had super vision I could see every little speck, and my ears could hear and respond to every thought that was said without even speaking. They asked me who I have been hanging around. I then told them how I fell in love with a mortal that had the most beautiful eyes in the world. They just stood there in silence, like I was dead to them or something. Next thing I knew I was being kicked out of my house for falling in love with a human, a mortal and not agreeing to stay away from her. As they said all of this with disgust in their hearts and soul, I walked out of the house with my things and went to Rayne’s house. I walked up to her door and knocked softly but she was already me tightly as she asked me, “Stephan what happened? Are you okay?!” All I could do was grasp her hug and cry as I took the smell of her fresh blood running through these beautiful veins of hers? She grabbed my hand and took me inside, but I could think about is her warm blooded body.

Chapter 3: 3
As she took me up the stairs I grabbed her waist and brought her back to me, that’s the night that changed completely. She laughed and fell into my arms as I bit her neck and started to drink her blood with no restraint. “You killed her?!” the cops said “No. If you let me tell you the rest of the story you will find out what happened to her. Now where was I…? Oh, yes.” When I finally thought about what I was doing my heart stopped as I heard her slowing down. I looked at her beautiful eyes and I started rushing her to the hospital so they could give her blood, but as I got to the door of the emergency room, my parents showed up looking at me then her, they had that blood thirst look in their eye, I tried using my vampire speed to take her away from them but I wasn’t fast enough. “So what happened next? No don’t tell me your family killed your first and only love?!” he said and laughed sarcastically. At that point I knew he had figured that out but not the ending of my story. “Yes.” I said with no pain and restraint. He looked at me serious now with those eyes and loosened up as he apologized with meaningful words. He clears his throat once more and gets up, as he heads towards me he takes the cuffs off of me and I turn my wrists until the blood flow came back again. Then I asked him if I could get up and stretched my legs and he nodded yes. From there I thought about escaping but he interrupted my thought and asked me what happened next. “You’ll never believe me if I told you.” I said with sadness “Try me” he said.

Chapter 4: 4
Once they made me bury her in the woods on the other side of town I was silent and left my family for good. They said that, that was my punishment for falling in love with a human. When they left my sight, they thought I was clueless about how to be a vampire and how it works, well they were wrong. I started to remember things from my childhood, it all came back and it started to make sense to me. So I dug up her grave as fast as I could and cleared her face with of dirt and soil, then fed her my blood. She didn’t wake and that’s when I got scared that I lost her forever. But as I was about to put her back in the grave peacefully she awake with a grunt. I looked at her with watery eyes and she screamed. “Get away from me you monster! You tried to kill me” she said with sadness and confusion. “No I didn’t, I’m as confused as you Rayne… I saved your life from my family, please understand that. Please” I begged and begged but it didn’t get anywhere, she ran and ran until she couldn’t run anymore. I watched her from the tree tops as my heart completely shattered. I heard her cries, sobs, and short breathes as she made it to her house safely. From that night on I never seen her again, I’ve lived on my own for what I planned to be the rest of my life. “Well that’s exactly Stephan, you cant get in trouble for your families doings and you saving the love of your life.” He smiled and got up from the table. “Stephan, I have something to tell you, well show you, are you ready?” I was hesitant for what I was about to see “Yes.” I said firmly. As he opened the clear glass window where you could see a reflection of yourself. Well it’s true I saw the reflection of my shattered heart, mending its self together. All I could do was look at her beautiful eyes in shock, as they came closer to mine. The cop told me that he had helped her and she told him the whole story of what she remembered about that night. Then she realized she became a vampire like me. She wanted to find me and be in my life forever. So he helped her find me and put me through all these questions to make sure it was the truth. As I look back at her I see that’s she’s looking at the cop with that blood thirst look in her eye. We both knew what was going on, so we did what vampires do to escape. We took him down and drained all his blood out before the other humans could save him from his painful agony. Just as the humans were coming in, we ripped them into pieces and ran with our vampire speed. While we ran we read each others minds as we were both thinking about the dreadful memories of this town and decided to burn it down with every living thing in it.

The author's comments:
Stephan and Rayne are in love but their is a secret before them. A sick twisted love story, that will leave you in shock.

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