The Everlasting Battle | Teen Ink

The Everlasting Battle

May 31, 2013
By Laterose14 BRONZE, Rutledge, Minnesota
Laterose14 BRONZE, Rutledge, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Our swords clashed with a shower of sparks. One was gold and blue, glowing with an internal white flame. The other was jagged and black, with pulsing red lines twisting up its length. I gritted my teeth as I pushed against my opponent's blade.

“You're welcome to give up any time you like,” she purred, “I won't hold it against you.”

“Never!” I snapped, finally managing to push her back. She laughed mockingly. Her leathery black demon's wings beat at the air, keeping her aloft. I spread my own glowing wings and dove at her, hearing a rustling whisper as the wind whipped across the feathers. My hair streamed behind me as I lifted my sword for another strike.

She easily parried it. “Don't forget,” she whispered softly, “Every human that gives in to my temptations gives me strength. And there are so many willing to give up their purity for the fleeting pleasures of the flesh!” She laughed again.

Our blades ground together again. “I think you've forgotten something as well,” I gasped, “”There are just as many who are willing to wait, who value their chastity above your wiles.” She scowled.

“Their time will come. Everyone has their weakness, I just have to find theirs.”

“Give it up. They won't fall to you. They know something much greater awaits them.” At these words, a burst of strength flowed through me as I envisioned my home in Heaven – and the Lord my God who reigned over it. I pushed her away and lifted my sword for the finishing blow.

Her wings folded and she dove into the darkness below, laughing scornfully. “Until next time!” she chortled.

I lowered my sword and hovered in place for a moment. “Yes,” I spoke softly, “Until next time.”

The author's comments:
I was inspired by my thoughts on today's society and - strange as it sounds - League of Legends. LoL has two characters, an angel and a demon, who are often against each other. I took the idea of an angel versus a demon and tried to capture a fleeting moment in their battle.

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