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May 20, 2013
By Anonymous


Deep in space, in the gap between the Milky Way Galaxy, and the Andromeda Galaxy, was a ship. A ship that could have been called ancient by any of the Milky Way’s many denizens. The ship had not at all changed since its maiden voyage, which it was still undertaking. This ship was designed to be a scout ship, the very best, and it was on a very very important mission…

When Project Dying Void was first introduced to the United Nations Interstellar Command, almost no one thought that it was necessary. The funding required, the time before a result would turn up, the possibility that no result would emerge, and the fact that a scientist, who was no sort of political official, was presenting it, had been enough to deter all of the votes of the Representatives.
Special agent Tyler Romero, who was guarding the representative of Orion Six, was having a bad day. He was only there because of a lead that hadn’t even fully made sense. He had been deployed to protect the representative because the lead had said that he was the suspected victim-to-be of an assassination. Tyler had expected the assassination to happen or not to happen within the month, and in the end, either leave with the news of a dead official, dead assassin, or a false lead. But no, he had to stay with the official until god-knows-when.
Tyler had met up with Dr. Whiths at his home world, Orion Six, and had stayed with him as a bodyguard while he visited different political events. Whiths did not normally have a guard, which made him a likely target and an obvious choice for some rag-tag anarchists. Tyler thought that If Whiths normally had a guard; he probably wouldn’t have to be here. Which made Tyler wonder why NOVA valued the Representative so much, but if NOVA didn’t need to reveal something, they wouldn’t.
When the time came for the UNIC convention, Tyler was a bit angry that he hadn’t been recalled. The thought crossed his mind that he may have to guard the Representative for the rest of his life. The UNIC Convention was a quarter-annual event, when most of the representatives of the UN meet to discuss galactic issues. The UNIC had control over currency, military, rights, court, and trade; the rest was left to independent star systems and planets.
The UNIC Convention is hosted on the HMS Valkyrie, A state-of-the-art Hexarchy flag-ship (Hexarchy is a six system star-nation, considered to be the leading influence in interstellar travel, ships made in the Hexarchy region are considered the very best), Few ships are faster, but none are more stealthy. The Valkyrie is lightly armed, and lightly armored, but large enough to host the UNIC Convention—and of course, if the speed and stealth is not enough, it is surrounded by the largest star-fleet in the galaxy.
At the UNIC convention, many things were discussed, and since only the representatives and their guards were allowed into the convention, many of these topics were never heard of outside the Valkyrie. So Tyler did end up having something to look forward to, but, the meeting was not what he expected, the Representatives gathered in the Valkyrie’s main conference hall, and discussed trade, agriculture, and economics. None of these things interested Tyler at the least, so he ignored the proceedings, and looked for signs of trouble…
To be continued!...

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