The Songs of my Heart | Teen Ink

The Songs of my Heart

July 1, 2013
By Anonymous


Chapter 1:

The wind whistled behind me, as my eyes pieced the darkness swallowing me. Cars swishing past me I rushed to get home. My feet began to ached as I pushed one in front of the other as my tired body counted down the moments until I opened the door to my bright and homey house. I felt the presence of something behind me, "Hello?" I sharpened my head behind me and felt something on the ground. What is this? I thought. I bent down reaching for a sharp, rugged piece of crinkled paper. Huh? I stuffed it into my pocket realizing it was too dark now for my eyes to make out what it said. I heard something behind me again, "Hello? Is someone there?" I asked my voice timid. No response. Just heavy footsteps, coming towards me. Then I realized, someone was following me. Why would someone be following me? Fear began to rush over me. I needed to get home. I began walking fast, my feet ached now. My heart began to pounding out of my chest, I felt something sharp stab into my foot. A rock, began jabbing into my foot through my shoe as I stubbled home. I heard a voice behind me, I turned my eyes towards the dark shadows of the night. "Who ever you are, just leave me alone!" I stammered. The person began to chant something back to me, but I couldn't make out what they where saying. Then finally I heard them, "Isabelle you are the one." What does this mean? My eyes burned as they jabbed into the darkness, still not being able to see. "Don't listen to it Isabelle, it will take your powers." My heart was beating rapidly, "Excuse me? How do you know my name? Who are you? Why are you..." and then with a flash of light they were gone.

Chapter 2: Elisabeth

Ringgggggggggg. The phone was ringing off the hook, "Mom can you get that?!" Ugh, well that's a nice way to wake up in the morning. Ringggggggg. "Please Mom? I'm trying to sleep here!" "Can't anyone get any sleep around here, or is that just to crazy of an idea for anyone to even speak of!" I waited, no response. So I finally pulled myself out of bed groggily, as slowly as possible. Ringgggg. Huh? I figured the phone would have stopped ringing but it continued. I was confused where was my Mom? She was usually up as soon as the sun peaked, making her sarcastic comments. Probably humming the 'good morning' song as loud as possible so I would wake up. I'm not a morning person and I think my Mom, really needs to come to terms with that. The irony.
The phone was still ringing, how is this possible? Then I got it, my Mom's playing a trick on me. Wow mother you had me fooled there for a minute, I grinned. That ring was piercing so I decided to pick it up, expecting to her cheerful voice on the other end. Then putting on my best 'wow you got me!' face as she popped out of the pantry, she would giggle hysterically. I stumbled down that stairs, forgetting to put my contacts in. I imagined how she would have laughed if she saw me blindly fall to the ground. Grinning myself I stood up, I'm such a spaz. I decided to drag it out a little longer by grasping in the refrigerator for an orange juice. Then phone rang again, I grabbed the phone and pressed it to my ear. "Hello?" Into the speaker a low voice responded. It wasn't my mother. "you are elizabeth, yes?" the person questioned. "um yup that's me, the one and only, well probably not the only one, now that I think of it there is probably a billion other people with the name..." the person cut me off. " I need to have a word with you." huh? I thought would it be rude if I just hung up? Most likely. "Um okay? What do you need?" I responded. "Not now, in person, when are you free?" she starting to get annoyed. " I'm sorry I need to get ready for school... who are you again?" I asked hesitantly. "Please, just meet me at 24 central ave, at 3 o'clock tomorrow" No I wasn't going to meet this crazy person I don't even know, dream on! I stammered "I'm busy I need to go...." before I could finish she hung up the phone. Wow, how rude can people be these days? I hung up the phone and turned on the tv. Then something very weird happened. The tv turned off, and the lights began to flicker. "Hello?" I said is someone there?" Something in the kitchen made a noise and I began to feel threatened. A bright light began to grow. My eyes began to feel draw to it for some reason, I starred at it. I walked towards it and noticed it began to fade the closer I got to it. Huh? A table which we usually had filled with stuff, was completely cleared. All that contained was a small envelope, "How...?" I stuttered. I picked it up and starred at it, as if it was special. Something in me felt as if I was supposed to open it, how is this possible? I went to open it and another envelope was in it, It looked identical to the original envelope. Huh? I opened this envelope and another envelope was in it. I opened it again, the same. Frustrated, I opened it again. How is this possible? I looked back to the table puzzled, one little piece of paper was sitting there that I know was not there before that had words scribbled across the top. I feel like I'm losing my mind! The words said, "Meet me at 24 central ave, at 3 o'clock tomorrow" A chill began to creep over me. Then I heard a voice chanting. "Isabelle you are the chosen one." even though it was a sunny day a minute ago, I heard lightning strike, and rain began guzzling down. I peered down at the table again, all of the stuff was back, exactly like before.

Chapter 3: When the clouds aline and everything is perfect.

This is impossible, I thought. How...? I'm imagining all this, that has to be it. My mind felt like a plant striving for water. I don't understand, there is no way, I'm standing right here. How could someone move all this stuff and then put it back. "Hello? Is anyone there?" silent. It felt all to real for my mind to imagine all of this, but there is just no way anyone could move all this, that quickly. The room was completely silent, no one was here. Maybe this was all just a dream, and in a few minutes I would wake up. I began touching my face, no this was real. I think I've just gone absolutely insane. My mother had made me insane with all her unrealistic jokes. What's next? Tell my mother I'm imagining things and I might possibly be just a tiny bit crazy. Hey mom I think I might be seeing things! My mother could just say stop being silly, or send me away to a menial institute. I can't spend the best years of my life locked up in some room, with nurses starring in on me, and all sharp items out of reach. I'm not crazy. Maybe I should forget this whole thing ever happened. The rest of the day, was a blur. I forgot my locker combination, and had to go down to the office and ask even though it was the middle of the year. I almost ran into the wall a couple of times, 4 times, if you count the time I was pushed, but who's counting? My friends gushed to me about there resent exchange with a new transferred student. I shut the memory of everything this morning away inside of a box, then mailed it to some deserted island. Never to be opened again, at least that's what I thought. I walked home from school with a glum feeling. Somehow the mailman had got the wrong address and decided to mail those memories back to me. Stupid mailman. This is what are taxes go to people! There was big puddle so I went around it and someone coming from the other side decided to do the same. We clonked heads, with embarrassment, my cheeks began to turn red. "Omigod I'm so sorry! Here, can I help you?" I looked up, the most beautiful boy I have ever seen in my whole life starred back at me. Butterflies began to swirl around in my stomach. He looked up at me, his eyes were light blue and seemed to sparkle. He reminded me of some famous person you see in magazines. His smile glistened, and his hair was light brown like me. "No, it's okay, really." he said his voice calm. I bent down to pick up his papers that few to the ground anyway. "Thank you." he responded. "What's your name?" I blurted out too anxious. "Aiden, you?" wow could this man get any better, seriously. "Isabelle" I practically yelled, how embarrassing... "Well Isabelle, you should call me sometime." he said. Astonished my heart skipped a beat, and I almost fainted. "Um okay." I'm such a dork. He took a piece of paper out of his bag and wrote something down. Then he put it in my hand very slowly, "See you around." Is this a dream, I feel like I need to go dunk my head into that puddle. I feel like the clouds just alined and the world is perfect now. If I die now, I would have lived a good life. He walked away, grinning. "BYE!!" I said way to happy. I started walking backwards so I could stare at him walking away and almost ran into a bush. Why would someone so perfect ever want to call...this. I thought my world was finally perfect. Boy, was I wrong.


Chapter 4:

I turned the doorknob expecting my Mom to be sitting on the couch eating stale popcorn and watching Dr. Oz. "Mother I'm home!" silence yet again. Where could she have gone? My heart starting beating fast again, "Hello? Is someone here?" I heard a noise coming from upstairs. "Mom is that you?" I starting walking up the stairs with a worried expression on my face. All across the wall was something written in red paint. It read "If you want to see your mother again you will meet me at 24 central ave." Someone was in my house and there threatening me, and my mom. My emotions slapped me hard, and I started sobbing. I needed to call the police, someone has kidnapped my Mom. I ran down the stairs and went to dial on the phone, I held it to my ear and tried to control my heavy sobs enough to speak. On the other line all I could hear was someone chanting "If you want to see your mother again you will meet me at 24 central ave at 3 o'clock." I ran down the street and knocked on all my neighbors doors in search of help. Not one person answered me and their doors were locked shut, where have everyone gone? How is this possible? Everyone couldn't be gone. Then I heard a sound of
a whisper. I couldn't understand it at first, then it gradually got louder. "You will come!" "You WILL COME!" "YOU WILL COME!" I felt so scared, I didn't know what to do, I ran down to the end of the street and looked for passing cars. Not one drove by, huh? What am I going to do? My heart was pounding and I felt like I needed someone anyone to help me, just help me. I felt something that's hard to explain, my body began to walk without me controlling it. I felt something pulling me, fighting me to go. "Please just leave me alone!" I sobbed. My body was moving without my brain, when I tried to turn around my body didn't listen. I was standing in front of some old abandoned house when I heard someone call my name. "Ah Elisabeth, I see you have finally decided to come and see me." I couldn't hear where it was coming from. I turned around and tried to run away, but I couldn't. "Sorry Elisabeth I had to do this the hard way, but, you wouldn't come." they said calmly. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I sobbed. "You are a fiery one aren't you?" "You remind me very much of myself in that way." I didn't speak. Finally I felt the force fields that were holding me released its grip. So I tried to make a run for it. I felt myself hit something, I stood up, as tried to run again. Something I couldn't see was in the way, it felt like a brick wall. "How are you doing this? What do you want with me?!" I screamed, my voice weak. "Oh Elisabeth, I just want to help you, you see. You are very special.Why don't you come in?" The person's voice sounded like a very old women, the way she talked was as if she lived for long time. I couldn't see her face the way she was facing me. The shadows of her house seemed to hide her, swallowing her. "Who are you?" I said swallowing. "I can't tell you that my dear, but I can show you." she stepped out into the sunlight. Her face pale, and her long light brown hair glistened. It took me a moment to realize, my heart beating so hard. She looked exactly like me.

Chapter 5:

Every summer when the weather was just starting to get really warm, my mother and father would take my sister and I to our house by the beach. I loved it so much I would look forward to it all year. We would only stay there for one week, because mother had to get back to work. When we would pull up, I would jump out of the car and stare at this small house filled with so many memories. My father used to paint the walls with pictures of the ocean. My sister would cook with my mother in the kitchen. It was small, and only had two rooms. I never cared because I would always be outside, walking along the beach. The shores along North Carolina were breath taking. The waves would crash down furiously, and the ocean would sparkle out farther then the eye can see. I wonder what it would be like being being out on the ocean, on a boat and not being able to see we're you've gone, and where your going. Just to float along and not have a worry in the world. I would imagine all the beautiful ocean creatures, swimming in the ocean right now. I always pondered what mother would do if I just jumped into the water and swam away. I have always been a terrific swimmer, so who knows how long I could swim for. You had to fight the waves on the shore, and once you got past them you just had to float. I would get tired eventually, I suspect. But, reality is for people who don't dream.
Those were my favorite times, before my life fell apart. Sometimes I cry really hard to myself, for no reason. It feels like someone just keeps piling weighs on to my back. When I yell for them to stop nothing comes out, and my mind just goes blank. When words don't mean anything, what do you say? You say nothing, you just cry, because crying helps you. It lifts weighs of your shoulders and you feel free again, you feel like you can fly up, into the light and never come back. It was a Sunday, I was ten years old, and I remember that was the hardest moment in my life. I was sitting in the back seat of my mother's truck, waiting for her to come back from dropping of a letter of at the post office. She was mailing a letter to my Grandma, and I had told her I didn't want to come in. I would much rather sit in the back seat all by myself and have a peaceful moment. I sat and waited, and admired all the people walking with their families. I saw a cute dog with its tongue sticking out, and a lady pushing a baby carriage. The baby looked exactly like her, and I smiled because that reminded me of how I look like my Mom. People always told me I had her smile, and I never once felt embarrassed because she was beautiful, people always were jealous of her. We might look alike but we don't have the same personalities at all. People ivied how she was care free I on the other hand was stubborn with my ways. I never resented her for it though, I knew it was never he fault. My mother opened the door and walked out to the post office, I felt the cold breeze of the January air sting my face. "Be right back" she said, winking. I was probably worried about unnecessary ten-year-old things, like how can I convince Mom to take me to the pharmacy to get skittles. Then I saw someone running, and shrieking with horror, "Someone help!!" "Help!" I was bewildered with fear, what was going on? My heart was pounding I jumped out of the car, and began running to get my mother. We ran outside and down to the women who was screaming. Complete shock uttered her face. My mother tried to remain calm, asking the women what had happened. "Call 911!" she shrieked. Anxiety filled my blood as I ran to call, mother stayed with her, pacing the women began sobbing, "I...I wasn't...looking..." she cried. "I hit someone... their car...down there..." "I think their..." sob "I killed them." My mom began running, I could see panic fill her, swallowing all of her. Someone drove by I signaled them down and screamed at them with tears welling in my eyes I need a phone now. I dialed 911 and told the police what happened, my voice fading. "There's been an car accident, on central ave," I gulped. "The people...their not breathing." I ran with my mother to were the people where. As I ran down the hill, I looked, and I began to sob, as hard as possible, hardly breathing. The car was smashed to the ground, I could tell it was my Dad's car. I began to go insane, screaming and crying, I got closer and I could see my Dad was gushing blood, he wasn't moving, I saw my sister in the passenger seat, she was sobbing, and hugging my mom. I looked at my Dad and told him to hold on, everything is going to be alright, the ambulance is coming. The last time I heard him speak was right there, he looked at me and said "I love you Elisabeth, be strong, you are so special" he kissed my head and then his voice faded and his expression went blank. I couldn't even make out words anymore, I was shaking so hard. How could this happen? Why him? Why them? They don't deserve this? The ambulance showed up and took them to the hospital, I knew they were too late for my dad, the front of the car had smashed into his legs and the windshield had broken, he was bleeding everywhere. My sister might still have a chance, so I sat down and prayed. I cried, and I prayed, that everything was going to be okay. I sat by myself at the hospital and sobbed. I imagined that we were all together, as a family, sitting around the table eating something my sister and mom made. Admiring the work my Dad had done, painting the wall beautiful pictures of the ocean. Laughing and smiling, telling stories of me swimming away into the ocean. Getting away from reality, because after all reality is for people who don't dream.


Chapter 6:

"Who are you?" my head ached. "How do you....Why do you...How is this possible?" questions began to flood my brain. "How do you look like me!" silence. "ANSWER ME!" I screamed. "I think you might want to sit down, before I answer anymore questions..." she finally replied. "I think you need to answer me!" I cut her off. "Where is my Mother!" rage swelled over me. I felt something sharp jab into my back, I screamed, and then panicked and looked behind me bewildered. "How did you...?" I stammered. "Your all the way over there!" She didn't move. I had to be imagining it, I just had too. I gave in and decided to go and sit down, not wanting to get jabbed again. "So..." she said calm. "What do you want to know?" I was felt weird like even though I was raged with anger towards her, I felt like I knew her somehow. "What I want to know, is why do you look like me?" I said firmly. "...and where is my mother!" I sobbed. "Elisabeth I'm just trying to help you..." My attitude began to kicked in, "How do you know my name?" She looked confused, "You don't know?" My expression began to fade from angry to confused, "know what? What are you talking about?" I said my voice timid. "Elisabeth... your father he was supposed to tell you..." Tell me what? "My father passed away five years ago." She looked puzzled, "Oh I'm so sorry, for your lose, and that you probably have no idea what I am talking about." She tried to look apologetic at first but then just giggled with embarrassment. "Elisabeth I need you to not freak out, you are going to think I'm crazy..." she laughed. "I know you already are crazy." I said. "Just listen... you were born on January, 1st 2000 correct?" she asked knowingly. "Yes, how did you know that?" I responded. "You were born 500 years after I was born, on the exact date and time." That's it this person is crazy, I tried to make a run for it. "Your insane!" I yelled. "No one can live for 500 years, you would be dead!" my heart was beating. "Elisabeth stop!" She yelled. I went for the door, but something was pulling me back. "Leave me alone!" I shrieked. "Elisabeth just give me a chance to explain!" The gravitation pulled me back to sit down on to the chair, I fought as hard as I could but my body wouldn't budge. "How are you doing this?" I shrieked again. "Every 500 years there is someone born with special abilities." I wished I was just back at home, away from this crazy person. Someone who I would believe, would just explain everything to me, and it would make sense. I would go back to watching tv and eating junk food like a normal teenage girl. Everything didn't have to be this hard. It just didn't I knew that deep inside, she was trying to tell me something, but I didn't feel like listening. "What does that mean?" My head ached with confusion. She frowned at me, "We are the only ones alive, and in exactly one year, you will be the only one in the world, with these abilities. I have lived my whole life with these powers, now I only have one year to teach you how to handle them, you must trust me." she paused. "Where are you going? What are you talking about?" I stuttered. "These abilities allow you to control others minds, and read what they are thinking, feel them, and control your surroundings, you must help them, everything, is impacted with you mind." "These powers can be dangerous, and you must be careful with everything you do, otherwise..." she paused unsure how to finish. "You must learn that all around the world lost somewhere there is someone who needs your help, controlling their powers." "you must find them and take their powers away, so they cannot do anymore destruction to mankind." "You are the only one who can take their powers away, so they will run from you." "They will do everything to get away from you, only you must find them." "It will be hard but you must find them before they realize what they are." "You must hurry, I will help you." I was speechless. No thoughts even came to my mind. Just shock, and confusion, this isn't possible, there is no way. My vision blurred, and I felt tears fill my eyes. I don't understand, how could I go all my life not knowing, what I am? How could my mother never tell me? What does this mean? How is this real? I'm supposed to take away someones powers? "Tomorrow is the beginning of the year making it be exactly 500 years, from when I contained my powers, the sprits will come to you, and you will be able to control them..." "YOU ARE CRAZY!" I shrieked. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I felt my heart pound. "I will see you tomorrow, Elisabeth." and just like that, I was back in my bed, my eyes starring into the darkness of the night.

Chapter 7:

My heart felt like it was melting. Like someone had stabbed it with a stick and started roasting it over a campfire. My hands where shaking. I starred nervously down at the ground, then relief echoed over me. It was all just a nightmare, I stood up and turned on a light. I was sitting in my bedroom, I gazed at the clock. It was exactly midnight. I breathed a soft sigh of relief. I didn't know how I got into my bed but then I remembered what if I had been sleeping the whole time. It felt so real, but I was probably just imagining it all. I lifted myself out of my bed. My body felt fully awake, and I knew I probably would be able to get back to sleep after that. I opened the door the sunlight pierced my eyes. I closed the door behind me, and realized my mother was downstairs cooking. What? It was completely dark in my bedroom, how....? I opened the door of my bedroom again, it was day time in there now. How... I looked around nervously, I could have said I was imagining this, only my eyes widened as I realized it was all to real. How could it be the middle of the night, and now day? I turned around and started to walk directly down the stairs. My mother was calling me, "Liz!" she screeched.

my mind began to ponder the possiblity that maybe someone was in the house.
I had the weirdest dream

my chest tightened.

looking for something to distract me. Something, anything. My eyes widened as I heard a sharp loud noise behind me. I reached for my pockets, trying to act casual. For all that came of me, was looking uncomfortable. I grinned. Could this day get any worse?


Chapter 1:

The wind whistled behind me, as my eyes pieced the darkness swallowing me. Cars swishing past me I rushed to get home. My feet began to ached as I pushed one in front of the other as my tired body counted down the moments until I opened the door to my bright and homey house. I felt the presence of something behind me, "Hello?" I sharpened my head behind me and felt something on the ground. What is this? I thought. I bent down reaching for a sharp, rugged piece of crinkled paper. Huh? I stuffed it into my pocket realizing it was too dark now for my eyes to make out what it said. I heard something behind me again, "Hello? Is someone there?" I asked my voice timid. No response. Just heavy footsteps, coming towards me. Then I realized, someone was following me. Why would someone be following me? Fear began to rush over me. I needed to get home. I began walking fast, my feet ached now. My heart began to pounding out of my chest, I felt something sharp stab into my foot. A rock, began jabbing into my foot through my shoe as I stubbled home. I heard a voice behind me, I turned my eyes towards the dark shadows of the night. "Who ever you are, just leave me alone!" I stammered. The person began to chant something back to me, but I couldn't make out what they where saying. Then finally I heard them, "Isabelle you are the one." What does this mean? My eyes burned as they jabbed into the darkness, still not being able to see. "Don't listen to it Isabelle, it will take your powers." My heart was beating rapidly, "Excuse me? How do you know my name? Who are you? Why are you..." and then with a flash of light they were gone.

Chapter 2: Elisabeth

Ringgggggggggg. The phone was ringing off the hook, "Mom can you get that?!" Ugh, well that's a nice way to wake up in the morning. Ringggggggg. "Please Mom? I'm trying to sleep here!" "Can't anyone get any sleep around here, or is that just to crazy of an idea for anyone to even speak of!" I waited, no response. So I finally pulled myself out of bed groggily, as slowly as possible. Ringgggg. Huh? I figured the phone would have stopped ringing but it continued. I was confused where was my Mom? She was usually up as soon as the sun peaked, making her sarcastic comments. Probably humming the 'good morning' song as loud as possible so I would wake up. I'm not a morning person and I think my Mom, really needs to come to terms with that. The irony.
The phone was still ringing, how is this possible? Then I got it, my Mom's playing a trick on me. Wow mother you had me fooled there for a minute, I grinned. That ring was piercing so I decided to pick it up, expecting to her cheerful voice on the other end. Then putting on my best 'wow you got me!' face as she popped out of the pantry, she would giggle hysterically. I stumbled down that stairs, forgetting to put my contacts in. I imagined how she would have laughed if she saw me blindly fall to the ground. Grinning myself I stood up, I'm such a spaz. I decided to drag it out a little longer by grasping in the refrigerator for an orange juice. Then phone rang again, I grabbed the phone and pressed it to my ear. "Hello?" Into the speaker a low voice responded. It wasn't my mother. "you are elizabeth, yes?" the person questioned. "um yup that's me, the one and only, well probably not the only one, now that I think of it there is probably a billion other people with the name..." the person cut me off. " I need to have a word with you." huh? I thought would it be rude if I just hung up? Most likely. "Um okay? What do you need?" I responded. "Not now, in person, when are you free?" she starting to get annoyed. " I'm sorry I need to get ready for school... who are you again?" I asked hesitantly. "Please, just meet me at 24 central ave, at 3 o'clock tomorrow" No I wasn't going to meet this crazy person I don't even know, dream on! I stammered "I'm busy I need to go...." before I could finish she hung up the phone. Wow, how rude can people be these days? I hung up the phone and turned on the tv. Then something very weird happened. The tv turned off, and the lights began to flicker. "Hello?" I said is someone there?" Something in the kitchen made a noise and I began to feel threatened. A bright light began to grow. My eyes began to feel draw to it for some reason, I starred at it. I walked towards it and noticed it began to fade the closer I got to it. Huh? A table which we usually had filled with stuff, was completely cleared. All that contained was a small envelope, "How...?" I stuttered. I picked it up and starred at it, as if it was special. Something in me felt as if I was supposed to open it, how is this possible? I went to open it and another envelope was in it, It looked identical to the original envelope. Huh? I opened this envelope and another envelope was in it. I opened it again, the same. Frustrated, I opened it again. How is this possible? I looked back to the table puzzled, one little piece of paper was sitting there that I know was not there before that had words scribbled across the top. I feel like I'm losing my mind! The words said, "Meet me at 24 central ave, at 3 o'clock tomorrow" A chill began to creep over me. Then I heard a voice chanting. "Isabelle you are the chosen one." even though it was a sunny day a minute ago, I heard lightning strike, and rain began guzzling down. I peered down at the table again, all of the stuff was back, exactly like before.

Chapter 3: When the clouds aline and everything is perfect.

This is impossible, I thought. How...? I'm imagining all this, that has to be it. My mind felt like a plant striving for water. I don't understand, there is no way, I'm standing right here. How could someone move all this stuff and then put it back. "Hello? Is anyone there?" silent. It felt all to real for my mind to imagine all of this, but there is just no way anyone could move all this, that quickly. The room was completely silent, no one was here. Maybe this was all just a dream, and in a few minutes I would wake up. I began touching my face, no this was real. I think I've just gone absolutely insane. My mother had made me insane with all her unrealistic jokes. What's next? Tell my mother I'm imagining things and I might possibly be just a tiny bit crazy. Hey mom I think I might be seeing things! My mother could just say stop being silly, or send me away to a menial institute. I can't spend the best years of my life locked up in some room, with nurses starring in on me, and all sharp items out of reach. I'm not crazy. Maybe I should forget this whole thing ever happened. The rest of the day, was a blur. I forgot my locker combination, and had to go down to the office and ask even though it was the middle of the year. I almost ran into the wall a couple of times, 4 times, if you count the time I was pushed, but who's counting? My friends gushed to me about there resent exchange with a new transferred student. I shut the memory of everything this morning away inside of a box, then mailed it to some deserted island. Never to be opened again, at least that's what I thought. I walked home from school with a glum feeling. Somehow the mailman had got the wrong address and decided to mail those memories back to me. Stupid mailman. This is what are taxes go to people! There was big puddle so I went around it and someone coming from the other side decided to do the same. We clonked heads, with embarrassment, my cheeks began to turn red. "Omigod I'm so sorry! Here, can I help you?" I looked up, the most beautiful boy I have ever seen in my whole life starred back at me. Butterflies began to swirl around in my stomach. He looked up at me, his eyes were light blue and seemed to sparkle. He reminded me of some famous person you see in magazines. His smile glistened, and his hair was light brown like me. "No, it's okay, really." he said his voice calm. I bent down to pick up his papers that few to the ground anyway. "Thank you." he responded. "What's your name?" I blurted out too anxious. "Aiden, you?" wow could this man get any better, seriously. "Isabelle" I practically yelled, how embarrassing... "Well Isabelle, you should call me sometime." he said. Astonished my heart skipped a beat, and I almost fainted. "Um okay." I'm such a dork. He took a piece of paper out of his bag and wrote something down. Then he put it in my hand very slowly, "See you around." Is this a dream, I feel like I need to go dunk my head into that puddle. I feel like the clouds just alined and the world is perfect now. If I die now, I would have lived a good life. He walked away, grinning. "BYE!!" I said way to happy. I started walking backwards so I could stare at him walking away and almost ran into a bush. Why would someone so perfect ever want to call...this. I thought my world was finally perfect. Boy, was I wrong.


Chapter 4:

I turned the doorknob expecting my Mom to be sitting on the couch eating stale popcorn and watching Dr. Oz. "Mother I'm home!" silence yet again. Where could she have gone? My heart starting beating fast again, "Hello? Is someone here?" I heard a noise coming from upstairs. "Mom is that you?" I starting walking up the stairs with a worried expression on my face. All across the wall was something written in red paint. It read "If you want to see your mother again you will meet me at 24 central ave." Someone was in my house and there threatening me, and my mom. My emotions slapped me hard, and I started sobbing. I needed to call the police, someone has kidnapped my Mom. I ran down the stairs and went to dial on the phone, I held it to my ear and tried to control my heavy sobs enough to speak. On the other line all I could hear was someone chanting "If you want to see your mother again you will meet me at 24 central ave at 3 o'clock." I ran down the street and knocked on all my neighbors doors in search of help. Not one person answered me and their doors were locked shut, where have everyone gone? How is this possible? Everyone couldn't be gone. Then I heard a sound of
a whisper. I couldn't understand it at first, then it gradually got louder. "You will come!" "You WILL COME!" "YOU WILL COME!" I felt so scared, I didn't know what to do, I ran down to the end of the street and looked for passing cars. Not one drove by, huh? What am I going to do? My heart was pounding and I felt like I needed someone anyone to help me, just help me. I felt something that's hard to explain, my body began to walk without me controlling it. I felt something pulling me, fighting me to go. "Please just leave me alone!" I sobbed. My body was moving without my brain, when I tried to turn around my body didn't listen. I was standing in front of some old abandoned house when I heard someone call my name. "Ah Elisabeth, I see you have finally decided to come and see me." I couldn't hear where it was coming from. I turned around and tried to run away, but I couldn't. "Sorry Elisabeth I had to do this the hard way, but, you wouldn't come." they said calmly. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I sobbed. "You are a fiery one aren't you?" "You remind me very much of myself in that way." I didn't speak. Finally I felt the force fields that were holding me released its grip. So I tried to make a run for it. I felt myself hit something, I stood up, as tried to run again. Something I couldn't see was in the way, it felt like a brick wall. "How are you doing this? What do you want with me?!" I screamed, my voice weak. "Oh Elisabeth, I just want to help you, you see. You are very special.Why don't you come in?" The person's voice sounded like a very old women, the way she talked was as if she lived for long time. I couldn't see her face the way she was facing me. The shadows of her house seemed to hide her, swallowing her. "Who are you?" I said swallowing. "I can't tell you that my dear, but I can show you." she stepped out into the sunlight. Her face pale, and her long light brown hair glistened. It took me a moment to realize, my heart beating so hard. She looked exactly like me.

Chapter 5:

Every summer when the weather was just starting to get really warm, my mother and father would take my sister and I to our house by the beach. I loved it so much I would look forward to it all year. We would only stay there for one week, because mother had to get back to work. When we would pull up, I would jump out of the car and stare at this small house filled with so many memories. My father used to paint the walls with pictures of the ocean. My sister would cook with my mother in the kitchen. It was small, and only had two rooms. I never cared because I would always be outside, walking along the beach. The shores along North Carolina were breath taking. The waves would crash down furiously, and the ocean would sparkle out farther then the eye can see. I wonder what it would be like being being out on the ocean, on a boat and not being able to see we're you've gone, and where your going. Just to float along and not have a worry in the world. I would imagine all the beautiful ocean creatures, swimming in the ocean right now. I always pondered what mother would do if I just jumped into the water and swam away. I have always been a terrific swimmer, so who knows how long I could swim for. You had to fight the waves on the shore, and once you got past them you just had to float. I would get tired eventually, I suspect. But, reality is for people who don't dream.
Those were my favorite times, before my life fell apart. Sometimes I cry really hard to myself, for no reason. It feels like someone just keeps piling weighs on to my back. When I yell for them to stop nothing comes out, and my mind just goes blank. When words don't mean anything, what do you say? You say nothing, you just cry, because crying helps you. It lifts weighs of your shoulders and you feel free again, you feel like you can fly up, into the light and never come back. It was a Sunday, I was ten years old, and I remember that was the hardest moment in my life. I was sitting in the back seat of my mother's truck, waiting for her to come back from dropping of a letter of at the post office. She was mailing a letter to my Grandma, and I had told her I didn't want to come in. I would much rather sit in the back seat all by myself and have a peaceful moment. I sat and waited, and admired all the people walking with their families. I saw a cute dog with its tongue sticking out, and a lady pushing a baby carriage. The baby looked exactly like her, and I smiled because that reminded me of how I look like my Mom. People always told me I had her smile, and I never once felt embarrassed because she was beautiful, people always were jealous of her. We might look alike but we don't have the same personalities at all. People ivied how she was care free I on the other hand was stubborn with my ways. I never resented her for it though, I knew it was never he fault. My mother opened the door and walked out to the post office, I felt the cold breeze of the January air sting my face. "Be right back" she said, winking. I was probably worried about unnecessary ten-year-old things, like how can I convince Mom to take me to the pharmacy to get skittles. Then I saw someone running, and shrieking with horror, "Someone help!!" "Help!" I was bewildered with fear, what was going on? My heart was pounding I jumped out of the car, and began running to get my mother. We ran outside and down to the women who was screaming. Complete shock uttered her face. My mother tried to remain calm, asking the women what had happened. "Call 911!" she shrieked. Anxiety filled my blood as I ran to call, mother stayed with her, pacing the women began sobbing, "I...I wasn't...looking..." she cried. "I hit someone... their car...down there..." "I think their..." sob "I killed them." My mom began running, I could see panic fill her, swallowing all of her. Someone drove by I signaled them down and screamed at them with tears welling in my eyes I need a phone now. I dialed 911 and told the police what happened, my voice fading. "There's been an car accident, on central ave," I gulped. "The people...their not breathing." I ran with my mother to were the people where. As I ran down the hill, I looked, and I began to sob, as hard as possible, hardly breathing. The car was smashed to the ground, I could tell it was my Dad's car. I began to go insane, screaming and crying, I got closer and I could see my Dad was gushing blood, he wasn't moving, I saw my sister in the passenger seat, she was sobbing, and hugging my mom. I looked at my Dad and told him to hold on, everything is going to be alright, the ambulance is coming. The last time I heard him speak was right there, he looked at me and said "I love you Elisabeth, be strong, you are so special" he kissed my head and then his voice faded and his expression went blank. I couldn't even make out words anymore, I was shaking so hard. How could this happen? Why him? Why them? They don't deserve this? The ambulance showed up and took them to the hospital, I knew they were too late for my dad, the front of the car had smashed into his legs and the windshield had broken, he was bleeding everywhere. My sister might still have a chance, so I sat down and prayed. I cried, and I prayed, that everything was going to be okay. I sat by myself at the hospital and sobbed. I imagined that we were all together, as a family, sitting around the table eating something my sister and mom made. Admiring the work my Dad had done, painting the wall beautiful pictures of the ocean. Laughing and smiling, telling stories of me swimming away into the ocean. Getting away from reality, because after all reality is for people who don't dream.


Chapter 6:

"Who are you?" my head ached. "How do you....Why do you...How is this possible?" questions began to flood my brain. "How do you look like me!" silence. "ANSWER ME!" I screamed. "I think you might want to sit down, before I answer anymore questions..." she finally replied. "I think you need to answer me!" I cut her off. "Where is my Mother!" rage swelled over me. I felt something sharp jab into my back, I screamed, and then panicked and looked behind me bewildered. "How did you...?" I stammered. "Your all the way over there!" She didn't move. I had to be imagining it, I just had too. I gave in and decided to go and sit down, not wanting to get jabbed again. "So..." she said calm. "What do you want to know?" I was felt weird like even though I was raged with anger towards her, I felt like I knew her somehow. "What I want to know, is why do you look like me?" I said firmly. "...and where is my mother!" I sobbed. "Elisabeth I'm just trying to help you..." My attitude began to kicked in, "How do you know my name?" She looked confused, "You don't know?" My expression began to fade from angry to confused, "know what? What are you talking about?" I said my voice timid. "Elisabeth... your father he was supposed to tell you..." Tell me what? "My father passed away five years ago." She looked puzzled, "Oh I'm so sorry, for your lose, and that you probably have no idea what I am talking about." She tried to look apologetic at first but then just giggled with embarrassment. "Elisabeth I need you to not freak out, you are going to think I'm crazy..." she laughed. "I know you already are crazy." I said. "Just listen... you were born on January, 1st 2000 correct?" she asked knowingly. "Yes, how did you know that?" I responded. "You were born 500 years after I was born, on the exact date and time." That's it this person is crazy, I tried to make a run for it. "Your insane!" I yelled. "No one can live for 500 years, you would be dead!" my heart was beating. "Elisabeth stop!" She yelled. I went for the door, but something was pulling me back. "Leave me alone!" I shrieked. "Elisabeth just give me a chance to explain!" The gravitation pulled me back to sit down on to the chair, I fought as hard as I could but my body wouldn't budge. "How are you doing this?" I shrieked again. "Every 500 years there is someone born with special abilities." I wished I was just back at home, away from this crazy person. Someone who I would believe, would just explain everything to me, and it would make sense. I would go back to watching tv and eating junk food like a normal teenage girl. Everything didn't have to be this hard. It just didn't I knew that deep inside, she was trying to tell me something, but I didn't feel like listening. "What does that mean?" My head ached with confusion. She frowned at me, "We are the only ones alive, and in exactly one year, you will be the only one in the world, with these abilities. I have lived my whole life with these powers, now I only have one year to teach you how to handle them, you must trust me." she paused. "Where are you going? What are you talking about?" I stuttered. "These abilities allow you to control others minds, and read what they are thinking, feel them, and control your surroundings, you must help them, everything, is impacted with you mind." "These powers can be dangerous, and you must be careful with everything you do, otherwise..." she paused unsure how to finish. "You must learn that all around the world lost somewhere there is someone who needs your help, controlling their powers." "you must find them and take their powers away, so they cannot do anymore destruction to mankind." "You are the only one who can take their powers away, so they will run from you." "They will do everything to get away from you, only you must find them." "It will be hard but you must find them before they realize what they are." "You must hurry, I will help you." I was speechless. No thoughts even came to my mind. Just shock, and confusion, this isn't possible, there is no way. My vision blurred, and I felt tears fill my eyes. I don't understand, how could I go all my life not knowing, what I am? How could my mother never tell me? What does this mean? How is this real? I'm supposed to take away someones powers? "Tomorrow is the beginning of the year making it be exactly 500 years, from when I contained my powers, the sprits will come to you, and you will be able to control them..." "YOU ARE CRAZY!" I shrieked. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I felt my heart pound. "I will see you tomorrow, Elisabeth." and just like that, I was back in my bed, my eyes starring into the darkness of the night.

Chapter 7:

My heart felt like it was melting. Like someone had stabbed it with a stick and started roasting it over a campfire. My hands where shaking. I starred nervously down at the ground, then relief echoed over me. It was all just a nightmare, I stood up and turned on a light. I was sitting in my bedroom, I gazed at the clock. It was exactly midnight. I breathed a soft sigh of relief. I didn't know how I got into my bed but then I remembered what if I had been sleeping the whole time. It felt so real, but I was probably just imagining it all. I lifted myself out of my bed. My body felt fully awake, and I knew I probably would be able to get back to sleep after that. I opened the door the sunlight pierced my eyes. I closed the door behind me, and realized my mother was downstairs cooking. What? It was completely dark in my bedroom, how....? I opened the door of my bedroom again, it was day time in there now. How... I looked around nervously, I could have said I was imagining this, only my eyes widened as I realized it was all to real. How could it be the middle of the night, and now day? I turned around and started to walk directly down the stairs. My mother was calling me, "Liz!" she screeched. Well that was the weirdest dream ever. I stumbled down the stairs. My mother starred at me not saying anything all breakfast. I waved goodbye, and I opened the door and pulled myself out into the bright morning light. I started walking to school, my mind flickered back to last nights dream. I pulled open my book-bag, in desperate search
of my phone. It wasn't there, I grunted. I was now going to be late, because I had to walk all the way home. I began to wish I had brought it. I opened my bag again, and there was my cell phone. I gasped. I had just searched my whole bag- how? Why? I had must have missed it. I laughed. For a minute I had really thought that was magic or something. I pulled open the school doors. It was the final week of school, and I was anticipating summer. My eyes glistened at the thought of summer. I pulled open the heavy doors. I caught the eye of a really cute boy. I waved, and stumbled and dropped my books on the ground. I heard a heavy laugh behind me, as I felt someone push in front of me. My cheeks burned with red, as I rolled around on the cold ground, like a moron, trying to stand up. I wish that never happened. Just then I felt my body move back in time to where I was standing at the door. I opened the door again, only this time I didn't trip. What just happened? I'm going crazy. I felt darkness around me. I fell to the ground.

Chapter 8:

I felt a hand reach out, pulling me up. I glanced up, and a boy with clear blue eyes, and long adorable hair starred at me. I smiled, he pulled his hair out of my face as I felt myself almost crumble to the ground again. What happened? My chest tightened, as the memory flooded back. That's it! I had to see what was going on. I laughed then said to myself, I wish that boy would kiss me. I starred up, nothing happened. Then I saw the boy grab me and kiss me. Then he turned around, and walked back. I yelled, "What was that for?" He turned around, "Me?" he said. "Um yeah!" "You just kissed me!" He looked confused, "What are you talking about?" He starred at me puzzled. "I don't even know you." He must had forgot because it wasn't him, I was making him do it. I thought of my dream last night. It wasn't a dream that all really happened. At that moment I knew I was going crazy. I started looking for something to distract me. Something, anything. My eyes widened as I heard a sharp loud noise behind me. I reached for my pockets, trying to act casual. For all that came of me, was screams.

The author's comments:
This is a story about a girl who is a magical creature, hidden in the world. She is also on a mission to kill her own kind, because they could cause damage to the world.

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