World Of Ashes | Teen Ink

World Of Ashes

September 5, 2013
By Batme BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
Batme BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A question sometimes drives me hazy: Am I nor the others crazy? - Albert Einstein

My name is Michael, if anyone finds this they should know who I am, and what happens to me, my mother always told me to leave a story behind, so this is for her.The sun setting bright as ever engulfed in a flourish of purple and pinks into the ocean of deep blue mysteries. It is hard to be the last, not the last human, but the last one on earth. This is more complex than almost anything. World War III destroyed everything and well England wasn’t too smart to end it the way they did. There were nuclear attacks and in the end only 2 countries stood England and America, England had a plan to set of secret nuclear bombs in america, and America heard about this plan and decided to do the same. Everyone everywhere was dead, I am the last, I was lucky. I was in my house and walking around when I heard a bang and ran into the ocean. I survived when no one else did, because in are area they weren’t nuclear. The war had been raging for as long as I could remember, and humans, we destroyed this world.

I waited for the sun to dip a little farther into the now toxic sea and then took a picture, this is how I count how many days it has been. I have enough film to take one picture a day. I started to head back to my shack, night was dangerous I had a partner once, the wild dogs got hem. I truly believe I am the last. I got to my shack which was in reality looks more like a cheap tent that had been used many times. It worked it’s purpose though. I counted my pictures 90, it has been a 3 months about, give or take. I had some options I could remain near the forest, or I could pack and make my way towards the bridge to England and make sure there is no one there. I had a car for a time and drove across the country looking for life, but I hadn't looked at every corner, but where I did there was none. England was a option and I am going to take it.

I woke up early and started to pack. I looked around my base and decided what I needed to pack lighter, food, the blanket, radio (just in case), then I came across a picture of my mother and I. I decided to go to the beach and let the picture go in there no need to focus on things you can’t change. I packed the tent and went north, I had to go from California to Maine along a travel, but well worth it. I started off, the sky was so magical, no one could ever quite touch. What would I do if I was truly alone, well I am not there has to be another. I mean no way a girl could survive this, although I am not saying it is impossible, but highly improbable. I had made it Mojave National Preserve. “Now the choose should I walk through the night? Yeah, I should at least I need to get to Arizona, but first...” I thought my eyes catching a blue car Gladus Car, “Cool now I have a ride.” I hot wire the car and was off.

The days began blurred and some how, I was in Kansas before I knew it. I caught some sleep then, I had stayed awake for most likely 3 days, no breaks. I started to wonder, if I am alone then what will I do, there is nothing left, maybe check the ships from the military in other countries, I mean maybe it is possible they survived. At the rate I was going I would be there in less than a week, but the only problem was, I am running low on food, and water. I had to find a stream and food source, Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge was close so heading there would be nice.

As I rode I began to think about how things had changed. A lot of things have passed through my mind, since my birthday. I mean 4012, you think we would have made a lot of improvements, but in reality the world was falling miserably. I mean that is how the war started anyway. Everyone wanted the power to control the world, and no one wanted to chose a leader. The world did seem at times to be the same, sometimes it just looked like a new world that humans have never touched at times. I had kept driving forgetting to change the auto pilot, and well I don’t know where I am now, the car is out of gas. I have a few options:
(A) Camp out in the car
(B) Go looking for gas
(C) Walk to the Flint Hills
(D) Walk to England bridge

Well, D is out of the question mostly because it is likely to be impossible. I think I will go looking for gas, but most likely I will just find a new car. The last gas station was well over 50 miles away. I had been traveling for over a week now, I was getting tired, but I couldn’t give up, I muddled on. It has been a hell of a 18th year, What if there is no one else? I mean then what will happen, the last of a dead species, I mean if this was a TV show. Actually to be truthful this whole time I have been barely surviving, if TV shows are really what I am relying on, I am pretty hopeless. I gathered my things it would be a month to get close to the Bridge, now. Long walk.

As I walked I noticed abnormalities not too uncommon for a 18 year-old. In truth, it wasn’t only nuclear weapons and stupidity of the governments that caused this. The age of the computers had ended over 1000 years ago, now we had entered an age with no name a blank slate, and only cold scary, scientific theories remain. More advanced technology was made sense the last age, but there seemed to be no wars they had all ended, and only 3 countries remained England, China and of course America. They were in harmony for a long time, but then then came the war it had felt like years, but in reality was only days the war started and ended with in a 6 month period.
The countries worked on one main thing, the called it at first humans 2.0,but that attempt was a disaster and no one really remembers what happened with that. Wanting to keep a similar name they came up with the next evolution of humans. There were 12 subjects in total including me, our brains were connected to a mainframe in a secret location. They only used men, but out of a joke they made a 13 “victim” a woman and called her the motherboard. This really how the war started after the motherboard, not the political nonsense about the oil or that China and England were keeping things from the U.S. The motherboard is the main source of every type of technology now. She didn’t know she was the motherboard, because her brain was a complete computer, unlike ours which were like the keys to allow things to work. She had no idea only that the gunfire followed her. She must of had a freak out because that day the system did not malfunction but went in to death cone 6 she somehow exploded the world with bombs and mad all technology rise, but sadly they weren’t too happy to be living and the only way computers can go back to there shutdown state is to kill all the keys, the motherboard didn’t matter due to the fact she caused it they would most likely tortured her. Good thing they don’t know who anyone it is, they can’t tell for some odd reason.
As I walked the streets they were empty I was in a town where all the...What shall we call them? A little voice in my head said, “Lustrous Killers” This voice wasn’t mine, I can only guess it is a connection to other keys. I laughed at the name though, that old movie was still a classic in 4012 when it had been decades since any movies had been made. The Lustrous Killers had killed everyone. The streets seemed paved in blood, part of me thought of it like a gory video game, but the other part was in disgust from the complete carnage. The skies were untouched ever since that day when we found a way to keep renewing the atmosphere it remained that way. I stood for a minute looking down at a body no more than a four year-old, just a little girl. I looked up as because of I heard a sudden crunch behind me. I looked up and saw a Lustrous Killers. It looked at me for a long time no attack and the said in a voice that was clearly recorded, “Why?” it asked and said one sentence that explained it all, “The Motherboard, we were under attack,” after a second I asked two questions, “How many Keys are died? Is the motherboard living?” It looked at me and let me and had the respect of telling me, “11 keys. and the mother is not found.” It stepped closer but my mind was already taken over by it’s voice, “No all you need is the Mother and one key. You only need me.” The bot looked at me for a second and replied, “I believe you, for my race needs one male and female to keep existence. but the rest won’t understand as I. They won’t look past the knowledge and see that without out humans we will become useless.” I nodded understanding he was letting me go. Computers weren’t soulless we didn’t design them that way they are suppose to be more like a dog and a boy, they need each other, but one lives in fear and doesn’t speak. I said one more thing as he turned to leave, “How many people are left alive.” He said still with his back turned, ” 2 male….. one female location, England. That is not very accurate though.” He then paused and said, “1 male” He then walked away, well I hope it is a he.

The World falling at my feet, mind spinning and then I have to get comfort in the fact that there is only one other person in this world besides me. The only other hope I have is that his scan was off. I took off, the nearest gas station seemed to be miles. Maybe this time I should get a car with Onstar. A voice of comfort from the heavens. Funny how something so old can survive. That was the weird part of the my life through. We were always monitored, but it seemed I could see in between dimensions like something else was meant for me there. In seconds the feeling would be gone, the feeling of the past going on at the same moment as the current.

Finally a gas station, well technically it wasn't gas anymore it was the the fumes from the gas giant Jupiter. It was almost completely different, but the name stuck because people didn't want to think that they were killing a planet. Then in a second there emerged a group of Lustrous Killers, with their weapons drawn. For some reason they were in a herd rather than the factory line, then I saw her. Her dress glimmering orange with black lace. The Lustrous Killers parted and she stepped out, “Someone looking for me. I figured it out just so you know, I am the Mother.” I paused right there. How could my adventure have stopped just after it began. I am sure my mouth was wide open as well. “But, That last bot said you were England.”
She rolled her eyes, “How hard do you think it is to make these things your slaves, plus, did you forget the teleportation powers a 7122 hanprojector makes?” I chuckled she was right. I was simple to find those parts, with government buildings dotted everywhere. WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF THAT?!?! The only question now was how to start, because we both knew how this would end, but there are so many ways to begin. This is the end of one story but the start of another.

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