Walking Through Roses | Teen Ink

Walking Through Roses

September 6, 2013
By vampire5435 BRONZE, Neosho, Missouri
vampire5435 BRONZE, Neosho, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Once gone never found, once found thought of as a lie.

Walking Through Roses

I find myself outside in the rose garden. I don’t know how I got here but there is a strange sound coming from inside the red roses. It’s almost alien like, so I decide to take a look and strangely there it is a griffon missing from The Griffon Institute of Studies, and I know this because it has a red stamp which means an endangered species and it reads The Griffon Institute of Studies.
I have decided not to take him back, so I have a new pet. I am going to call him Xero and we are going to be doing everything. So I decided we should walk through the roses, were I originally found him. I researched griffons to figure out how old he might be because his birth date has worn off of his tag. I found out that he is about 2 years old and he is about a foot high. During our walk through the roses the alarm went off which means time to go inside because it gets very dangerous after nine P.M.
It’s been 18 years and Xero is know 7 feet tall and won’t come in the house so he sleeps outside and I fear that the worst is going to happen because like I said it is very dangerous after nine P.M. then finally it happened he was hurt I should have made him come inside but he didn’t want to and now he has a broken leg, wing, and one of his three necks. The Griffon Institute of Studies knew I had him all this time and they came and put him out of his misery. And so every day I walk through the roses and pick one rose every month from the rose bushes where I found him.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by griffons.

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