Primevil Age | Teen Ink

Primevil Age

September 23, 2013
By Wesley Orton BRONZE, Show Low, Arizona
Wesley Orton BRONZE, Show Low, Arizona
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In the year 2024, mankind discovered how to use genetics to create life. In 2025 we were able to recreate entire animals. By 2027 we started bringing back extinct animals. Then in 2030 we did the unthinkable, we brought back dinosaurs. Then we foolishly underestimated their abilities; the dinosaurs escaped and bred at a amazing rate. In the chaos created by their escape, around 87% of humans fled the cities for the wilderness. Out of the total population 17% died just because of being stuck in traffic. 99% of that died within a few months, the dinosaurs thrived in their natural habitat.
About a year has passed since the initial escape. We estimate that about 99% of the worlds original population is now dead. I remember how everything happened in the beginning, everything was so insane, and there wasn’t even enough time to assemble some type military response. That’s the past though. Now I reside in a part of what’s left of New York. My group and I have been here basically since the beginning. Our base is the biggest we know of in North America. We have done the best we can to fortify the two condos we inha. We have a 15ft thick, 30ft tall wall, and with two levels surrounding our base. My group consists of 51 people; that are 25 fighters, 10 builders, 5 cooks, 5 teachers, 5 reconnaissance, and 1 leader, named Jack Preacher, me.
These dinosaurs are ever hungry, ever hunting, and ever breeding. Since they really are just animals that should be extinct. So they share the same natural traits. After about 6 months after the initial escape the dinosaurs have migrated westward, so naturally the last 5 months have been pretty still. Now we are getting radio transmissions that one enormous pack of dinosaurs are migrating east towards us. We have already confirmed that the pack was able to take down the base in Detroit. So we know that the pack is big enough to do some damage to our base.
(THUD) I am suddenly pulled out of my daydreams by a pothole in the highway. I now remember where I am. 10 of the fighters and I had gone on a scouting mission to check the progress of the pack.
“Morning sleeping beauty.” Joked my brother Alex.
“How far have we driven?” I asked.
“About 15 miles out,” answered our recon guy James, “We’re coming up to a town where we’ll stop for supplies and gas.”
“Alright then boys, lock and load.” I said. A few minutes later we pull into a small town, overtaken by vegetation from months of abandonment.
“There’s a lot of bushes, keep a sharp eye for any movement.” I called out as we unloaded.
“Split into two squads; Alpha Squad will hit the supermarket, Bravo Squad will hit the gas station.” I commanded.
“Yes Sir.” Everyone replied.
After we entered the supermarket I noticed that the vegetation that had grown in there was moving in random places.
“Boys we’re being watched, I’d bet somewhere around six or seven juvenile raptors.” I called out.
“Engage?” asked James
“Oh no, that would be an extremely bad idea; the adults are out hunting. No need to get their attention, spilt up into pairs.”
After a few more minutes of searching the store and posing no obvious threat to the raptors, most of the movement in the bushes subsided.
“Jack,” called James from the back of the store, “You may want to see this.”
“What do you want this time Jaaaa….”, I paused seeing what James was talking about.
“Base, this is Preacher, we have about 1 ½ to 2 hours until the pack is on our door step.” I yelled into the radio as we sprinted back to the trucks and alerted Bravo to move their butts.

We’ve spent all the time we could prepare our base for the pack. Only about 45 minutes have passed, though the waiting has felt like an eternity. The time is somewhere around 3 o’clock in the afternoon, and still for some reason unknown the air has become cold recently then, the fog came. This is the thickest fog I’ve ever seen in my life. All of a sudden we heard the only sound for a while, the first of the perimeter alarms had gone off, then moments later, the second, then the third. By now I had realized that they were gaining speed. Finally the horrible blaring of the final alarm, this meant that they were within 50 yards of the base and closing.
“Steel yourselves men, they may strike fear into your heart but, stand fast against the coming tide. We fight for humanity!” These were the last words many of my men heard before they hit the wall. From then on I thought of nothing besides 3 simple actions; Aim, Kill, Reload, and repeat. I guess that’s just how things are in the heat of combat. We went on like this for 2 grueling hours. One minute the only thing you could here was the blood curdling screams of the dinosaurs or the screams of my men as one of the dinosaurs got a body part through. Next thing we know, there is no noise, no movement, nothing at all. My men began to celebrate, believing we had won.
“We fought them off!” “We won!” “Yeah!!”
“Jack we beat the dinosaurs!” said Alex as he came over to me covered in blood and gore that didn’t belong to him.
“I don’t think so…” I started just as we heard a sound so terrifying and horrible that could bring a man to his knees. The sound was a roar that told us, “ That was only the beginning”

“Men,” I began, “to ensure the survival of the rest of our group we need to lead them away.” The remaining fighters stepped forward to volunteer themselves.
“Thank You,” I said, “We were always prepared for this situation,” I told the rest of the group, “follow the plan and you will survive.”
“Now men lets move before they do.” The remaining seven fighters, including Alex and myself, climbed over the wall and into the middle of the intersection across from our, now battered and broken, base. The fog had cleared by now so we easily reached the position and prepared ourselves; circling up facing out waiting.

Then they came, all at once except this time we were fighting the raptors. So we knew we were in trouble. We started out shooting, unloading each clip into two or more at a time. One by one we ran out of ammo. Then we proved just how strong we were with our bowie knives as our weapons. Then slowly, one by one, my men died around me. When they stopped coming I was only one left. I had dropped to my knees, looking around me seeing the piles of bodies soaked in blood and covered in gore. Then just as things seemed like they should continue, one more, extremely large, raptor with colorful feathers on its head appeared.
“So, You are the alpha-male,” I said spitting blood out, “I never thought I would end this way. Even so I am saving the rest of my community and I am satisfied with that much.” I said to no one as I got ready to fight him with my bare hands; since I had lost my knife to another raptor. After about 30 painful, bloody, and exhausting minutes I fought the alpha-male. The battle ended with a 4 inch steel pipe protruding from the raptors head as I lied on the ground bleeding from my numerous bite and claw wounds.

As I lied there, I could just barely make out the silhouette of some military helicopters flying towards me. I thought to myself, “All the pain and blood must be messing with my vision.” Then I heard choppers, tanks, and what might be soldiers. I closed my eyes with one final thought going through my head, “Such a shame so many honest loyal men had to die for the greed of another man.”

The author's comments:
I have always wanted to see what would have happened when the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park escaped so this is what really inspired me to write it.

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