Three Brothers, the Baker, and the Bear | Teen Ink

Three Brothers, the Baker, and the Bear

October 8, 2013
By Anonymous

Three Brothers, the Baker, and the Bear

A long, long, time ago in a far away land lived three brothers, Alexander, Eliot, and Janik. The brothers lived poorly with their old parents in a village named Augusta. One chilly evening, the boys' father requested his sons go out to gather firewood and search for berries. Alexander, the youngest, went on a search for twigs and branches as ordered, while Eliot and Janik ran ahead in a search for food. Five minutes from their home resides the nearest bakery, where Eliot and Janik stole bread from every day.

"Forget the berries!" Yelled Eliot. "Tonight we feast on bread and leave mother and father to starve!" As Eliot and Janik were on their way out, they bumped into Alexander searching for leaves along with his twigs. The brothers laughed as they hit the twigs out of his hands and ran out of the bakery in attempt to steal for the last time. The Baker ran after the boys, and caught them all to suffer the consequences.
"Hello, hello, what have we here,
is that some bread you have to steal?
I see you come, I see you go,
but tonight is a night you shall not know.
For tonight you think you will go on your way,
instead, I will give you a price to pay.
These actions you've done will leave you punished,
no bread, no berries, to keep you replenished.
I am the witch of Augusta you see,
now I order you give all your senses to me!"

Alexander, in utter confusion stared blankly at the witch in disguise. "Oh baker, you must have me confused! For I haven't stole anything, I'm only gathering twigs!"

The brothers looked back at Alexander getting scowled, and with drop of sympathy in their minds they turned around.

"Witch, leave him alone! He isn't to blame, we were the ones who stole from you!" Eliot shook his head in disapproval as Janik tried to make things right.

"Ha-Ha." The witch laughed. "You sir are a liar, How can I tell who's telling the truth now? I see you with those boys, I enjoy this little skit. Now you'll all pay the price, this won't hurt a bit!" And with a powerful charm, a spell was cast onto the three brothers, each being removed of one sense. Eliot yelled helplessly from deafness, Janik grabbed ferociously onto his hair due to muteness, leaving the blind Alexander in the dark.

Not too far from the brothers' home lay a magical wizard in disguise as a black bear. The boys cries for help awoke the bear, and the bear walked slowly towards the sound. The bear made his way down to the bakery, and he saw the baker casting his spell.

"Witch! What are you doing? Leave these poor children alone!"

"Oh you stupid Wizard, what have I told you about stepping foot near my village? Get out of here at once before I call for help, I can get an army of men to hunt you in a matter of minutes. Now leave!" The witch snarled at the bear, and the bear set off back into the forest immediately. The bear and the witch never got along, for the witch always caused many problems and the bear only wanted to help. As the bear turned around he overheard conversation going on between the three brothers and the witch.

"Oh, Baker, what have you done! We do not deserve this! Please forgive my brothers and un-do this spell at once!" Alexander demanded. He waved his arms around slowly to find his two brothers. The deaf Eliot cried out while the mute Janik wiped his tears.
"Young sir,
it is not I who can undo this, you must understand,
your brothers' take what is not theirs, you're a much better man.
I cannot help you, I'm sorry you see,
I cannot undo one- it must be all three.
There's a village nearby, it isn't that far,
Only a couple hundred miles, perhaps use a car?
Your task is to travel, take as long as you may,
You have until sunset, and on that third day
I ask for more bread, all that you've taken from me.
You must replace it all; be it one loaf or fifty!
And on that third day, with the setting of the sun,
with the bread that I've asked for, your senses will come.
If you shall not return, with what I have asked,
you'll stay like this forever, how the others will laugh!
So go on your way- go do as I said,
Next time that we meet, you must have my bread."

The witch vanished into mid air and with the chant of the witch echoing through Janik and Alexander's ears, they engulfed onto their journey with Eliot to regain their senses. The bear was scared for the boys, but he knew that with his help Alexander and his brothers would all be okay. He quietly followed the boys into the forest. He crept not too close and not too far. The brothers linked arms as they went on their way, with Janik on one end to listen closely to their surroundings, Eliot on another end to keep out an open eye, leaving Alexander in the middle to rely on his siblings. Alexander knew they had to stick close together if they wanted to make it to the next village over within three days.

The closest village nearby was a village called Juliesary. In that village, the wealthiest man of all the land owned the most famous bakery in the world. The bakers wife worked at the bakery with him, along with their beautiful daughter Adeline. Adeline's beauty was admired throughout the village. Everybody wanted her hand in marriage, for she was the fairest woman in the land and the most well-off. Adeline's parents were successful workers, owning most of the most well-known bakery's with locations all over the world. The three of them lived a pleasant, happy life in prosperity, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

Alexander, Eliot, and Janik traveled and traveled to make their way over to Juliesary in time.

"You dumb idiot!" Yelled Eliot. "Why'd you have to be in our way? We escape the baker every day and the one day you're gathering twigs by us he catches us!" He helplessly exclaimed, unable to even hear the sound of his own voice. Janik grabbed at his throat, attempting to yell, but it was useless. The boys knew they had been terribly cursed, and the only way to undo such curse is to do as the witch said. The brothers had been on their feet all day, and decided it would be time to take a rest. The brothers carefully set Alexander down on a log and attempted to set up camp. While Alexander helplessly laid against the log, Eliot quietly took Janik aside. "Hey, why don't we leave this goof here while we run ahead and get to the bread! And once we get it we'll keep it all to ourselves anyways. At least I can speak, and you can hear, we'll make a living out of ourselves just fine! It's his fault we're here anyways, and he's only slowing us down!" Eliot and Janik exchanged looks of approval and with a sinister smirk on their faces, the decision was made to leave young Alexander behind. "Alexander, we're going to gather some branches for a fire. Stay here," Eliot giggled, "we'll be right back!" And with his brothers last words, off they went into the forest in search for the bakery. The sleepy Alexander felt around for his surroundings, and placed his hands upon what appeared to feel like the softest moss he's ever felt. Patiently waiting for his brothers to return, Alexander laid down for a moment or two, which turned into an hour or two.

The sound of birds chirping and the warm sun on Alexander's face awoke him the next morning.

"Oh, my! I fell asleep for so long! Eliot? Janik? Where are you?" Alexander's voice echoed in the forest, yet he received no response. "My brothers, where are you? Hello!" Slow tears began rushing down Alexander's face. The fear of being stuck alone in the middle of the forest struck him at once and he didn't know what to do. With tears streaming down his face, he went to grab some moss to wipe his face.

"Well hello there, young sir!" Alexander jumped back extremely startled.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there. Have I hurt you?" Alexander pet the moss down, and continued to pet what he laid his head upon all night.

"Did you have a nice rest?" The bear kept Alexander company all night and allowed him to rest himself on his warm fur.

"Yes I did, thank you. My names Alexander. I've been with my two brothers Eliot and Janik, have you seen them? I'm quite helpless you see, for I have been cursed by the witch of Augusta and been stripped of my eyesight. My brothers went to gather firewood in the forest and they haven't returned to me."

The bear took a long look at Alexander. He could see the innocence in his eyes. "I'm sorry I haven't seen your brothers. You're the first man to stay and talk to me you know? Every time I meet a human they usually yell and run away from me. Nobody wants to talk to me, and most of the time I am being hunted. For I am a bear, which you're unable to see, but with you now knowing this are you afraid of me?" Alexander took a big gulp and swallowed back potential fear.

"You're a wonderful bear, this knowledge doesn't make me fear you. I'm quite unable to see you but it's very great to meet you." Alexander held out his hand towards the bears paw, and shook it up and down. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm in a bit of a mess right now. I'm quite pressed for time and I need to find where my brother's went. The witch of Augusta has cursed me for actions associated with my brother's, and now we are all being punished. I must make it to the next village over within the next two nights in search of a bakery. My brothers and I were stripped of our senses, and in return to undo this curse we must replace all the bread that's been stolen..." He continued on explaining the story to the bear, when the bear knew the truthful story all along. The bear quite knowledgeable of Alexander's brothers actions did not want to upset his sweet soul, so instead he insisted on aiding him throughout his voyage. The bear helped Alexander onto his back, and on they went in search of his brothers and the nearest village.

The bear galloped and galloped, miles on they went, and nowhere to be found were Eliot and Janik. The bear called out for them in every direction, yet still no response were given. Suddenly, the bears movement had come to a stop.

"Bear, have we arrived already? Why have you stopped running?" Alexander questioned. The bear arrived to a bridge that appeared too small to carry them both over. The bridge was wooden, unsteady, and looked as if it were 100 years old.

"Fee-fi-fo-fum! Who goes there?" A large ogre crawled out from underneath the bridge. "This is my bridge! How dare you try and pass! Is that a bear I see? Heavens no, you're too fat!" The bear approached the ogre, only leaving the ogre to become extremely defensive. "Hey! Back off you bear! Don't step any closer!" The ogre growled and stomped his feet to scare them away.

"Oh Ogre, please let us pass! We're on our way to Juliesary and we must get there in time before sunset in two days!" Alexander explained the situation to the ogre and the ogre seemed to understand, yet still was unpleased.

"What will you do for me in return if I allow you on my bridge? I've been stuck here for a while you see, for I am too large to get across." The ogre demanded a trade off. The bear sweetly put Alexander on his feet and he approached the ogre by aiming towards the sound of his voice.

"I will return back on this path on the way back to Augusta, and when I arrive back I will have bread to share with you. I promise you a loaf of bread if you allow us to pass by." Alexander stepped back as he awaited a response from the ogre. While the ogre was distracted by Alexander, the bear stood up and with a magical spell he blasted the bridge to make it big enough for the both of them. The ogre was pleased at his bread offer and his new large bridge, so he agreed to let them pass by.

The bear put Alexander on his back, and on they quickly went to the village of Juliesary.

Soon enough, they came upon another stop on their journey. The bear halted as he looked around at his surroundings.

"What..what's that I hear? Is that running water?" Alexander smelt the fresh crisp air by the river as well as heard the sound of running water nearby. The bear responded and told him not to fret and softly placed him down on land. While Alexander waited on the dirt and rocks, the bear quickly constructed another spell and blasted it upon the river to create a boat to float on. The bear picked Alexander up and placed him on the boat, and on they went on their attempt to cross the river in one piece.

"Not so fast!" A slimy voice came out from the water. "How dare you enter my river without asking?" The large sea creature was not pleased and began splashing water onto their boat. Alexander calmly explained the situation to the creature, and with another trade off the creature allowed them to pass on his river. The creature agreed to bread when Alexander and the bear returned on their way home, and on they went on the boat.

Meanwhile, in Juliesary, the king ordered a village ball for his son William to find a wife. Everybody in the village attended, even Adeline, her mother, and father. At the ball, Prince William of Juliesary met Adeline and grew very fondly of her. Adeline showed no interest, for she only attended because her father had forced her to. The evening of the ball, Prince William approached Adeline and asked her for her hand in slow dance. The sweet Adeline accepted, yet the Prince's cocky attitude was a turn off to her, and she had no intention of marrying him. The morning after the ball, the Kings army marched to Adeline's home and asked for her hand in marriage for the Prince.

"Adeline, Adeline! Come at once! The Kings men are here for you!" Her father's voice echoed throughout his home in excitement.

"Father," Adeline took her father aside, "I do not want to marry the Prince! I want to find someone for myself and fall in love!"

"Rubbish! Prince William is perfectly a wonderful man for you! You must accept his offer. How can we disrespect the King like this? Sweetie it will be best for you, I promise you will thank me," Adeline's father insisted on having her marry the prince.

"Oh, Father, you'll never understand!" Adeline afraid of what her future held ran to her room, grabbed her warmest sweater, and headed out the back door of her house out into the forest. Ferociously dashing through the branches and leaves Adeline sobbed her way to the middle of nowhere and found herself completely lost and hopeless.

Eliot and Janik slowly making their way through the forest found themselves having company not too far away from where they were. Janik waved his arms around and smacked Eliot beside the arm directing him towards the sound.

"What's your problem you big goof!" Eliot smacked back into Janik and they quarreled until Janik dragged him to where Adeline lay on the ground sobbing. The boys exchanged maniacal smirks and crept towards the crying girl.

"Oh hello sweet girl, what's the matter? What brings you here in tears?" Eliot crept up on her and realized he wouldn't even be able to understand her response.

"I've run away from home," Adeline sobbed, "my father wanted to marry me off to the Prince so here I am in the middle of the forest. Gosh I'm so stupid I don't know how I'll ever get back now, I just want to live my life in the bakery as content as I used to be," she cried on.

Janik's eyes lit up at once. Waving his arms around and pointing at her, Janik knew he had found what they were looking for. He found some mud and leaves and drew out a picture to tell Eliot what she's said.

"Oh sweet girl," Eliot evilly caressed her arm, "Why don't we go back to your home we'll make sure you get there safe." And with that being said Janik went to grab one arm while Eliot grabbed another. Adeline immediately stopped her crying and began kicking and screaming.

"Help! Help! What are you boys doing! Get off me at once!" Adeline screeched so loud it pierced Janik's ears and kicked Eliot so hard his yelling almost matched her screech. While the boys exclaimed in pain, Adeline made a quick run for it. Sprinting and diving through branches, the impaired Eliot and Janik went after her. Soon she arrived to a large canyon. Adeline was stuck at the cliff, and there was nowhere for her to turn.

Back over in Augusta, Alexander and the Bear were three quarters done with their journey. They rode through the river for miles and soon enough they once again reached land. They left the boat behind and continued on with their race. Alexander jumped back onto the bears back and galloped on their way.

"Whoo-aa-aah!" The bear skidded on the dirt and rocks and swallowed a mighty gulp of fear.

"What is it?" Alexander asked, grasping on to the bears fur tightly. The bear looked around and placed Alexander back on the ground. A large canyon was separating them from the other side of the land. He could smell Juliesary, and he knew they were extremely close. With the magical chant of a special charm, the bear summoned a friend he had. Swooping down came a magnificent dragon which landed about three feet in front of Alexander and the bear. The dragon breathed fire through his nostrils in distress.

"Oh it's you," the dragon breathed heavily, "You've awoken me from such a deep slumber," he yawned and out came a large gust of fire and smoke.

"We're quite sorry," The bear explained, "But we're in need of your assistance." The bear told his friend the story, and the dragon agreed to do his friend a favor in return of bread like the others. The bear grabbed Alexander and climbed onto the dragons back and off they flew across the canyon.

On the other side of the canyon Adeline stood in grave fear, for Eliot and Janik were soon to catch up to her. Nowhere to run or hide she stood behind a tree, but it wasn't long before Eliot found her. The boys laughed rather creepily.

"Honey there's no need for you to have been running from us..we're nobody to be afraid of!" Eliot and Janik slowly cornered her in and soon she was backed up to the edge of the cliff with nothing but rocks to face her. "Come on!" Eliot grabbed her arm and with that grab she screamed for her life so the world would hear.

"Did you hear that?" Alexander held tight to the bear and dragon as Adeline continued to scream. "There it is again! It sounds like a woman!" The bear spotted Adeline being cornered in by the brothers and directed the dragon to swoop down and save her.

"Grab his hand!" The bear ordered, and with that, Alexander let down his arm for Adeline to grab at once. Eliot and Janik stood with utter fear and confusion while Adeline grabbed onto Alexander and became safe from any misfortune. Alexander lifted Adeline onto the bears back and on they grabbed together and flew to safety. The dragon found an open plot of land in the forest and landed Alexander, Adeline, and the bear down. The dragon reminded the bear of their bread exchange and off he flew back to rest near the canyon. Adeline stood quietly and slowly approached Alexander and the bear.

"You two saved me, I don't know how I could ever thank you. My names Adeline," She thankfully introduced herself while Alexander moved towards the sound of her voice.

"Pardon me, I'm sorry miss I'm unable to see for I've been cursed with blindness. But I'm happy to help you in anyway," Alexander shook out his hand and Adeline softly held it and shook his. The warmth to his touch made Adeline feel safe, and she was relieved to find he was sweet unlike the other encounters she had with Eliot and Janik. Alexander smiled and she held his hand, and they exchanged something sweet in her knowing he saved her life.

"What do you mean 'cursed'?" Adeline politely asked. Alexander told the story to Adeline, and it left her in complete shock. She stood up immediately and grabbed his hand. "Get up, you're coming with me." She ordered

"I don't understand, where are we going?" Alexander slowly stood up.

"There's no time to explain! We must leave right now!" Adeline took his hand and held it close. She grew fond of Alexander, and Alexander grew fond of her back. They got on the back of the bear together and off they went the short distance back to her home. The bear galloped and galloped, and soon enough they arrived at Adeline's house. They arrived at Juliesary by night leaving them less than 24 hours to return back to Augusta with the bread to replace. She stormed into her home aggressively, for she knew how close they were cutting in time.

"Mother, Father!" She called through her house. Her parents were so worried and relieved to see her, yet they were startled to see the strangers she's returned back home with.

"Go on! Get out of here!" Adeline's father yelled towards the bear.

"No Father, you don't understand, they're good to me! They saved my life and helped me through the forest!" Adeline hugged her parents tight and told them the story of the witch of Augusta. Her father and mother shed tears of joy, for they were so happy Alexander saved her life. They insisted on helping Alexander out, and agreed to replace all the bread necessary and more.

"Oh, Adeline! Your father owns the bakery of Juliesary? I wasn't aware of this knowledge! I cannot accept any bread from you! I don't deserve it!" Alexander modestly refuted the offer, and insisted to the bear they go on search to the next nearest bakery.

"Don't speak this rubbish! You're going to take this bread, and we're going to go back to Augusta to undo this curse...together," Adeline held Alexander's hand tight, and her father insisted as well. Anybody who saves his daughters life is of quite importance to him and may be loved as his own son he would say. Adeline, Alexander, and the bear gathered as much bread as they were able to carry and on they went back on their journey. They went on their way rapidly when suddenly they were stopped by a fellow friend. Incoming came the dragon, which landed about a safe ten feet away from them.

"Hey, forgot about me? Need a lift?" The bear threw a loaf of bread into the dragons mouth as promised, and on climbed Alexander, Adeline and the bear. They soared in the air making quick stops at each stopping point as promised. A loaf of bread delivered to the sea creature, and another loaf of bread were delivered to the ogre. Soaring and swaying through the dark night, holding each other warm and tight, for Alexander knew the curse would be undone thanks to the help of sweet Adeline.

Dawn broke over Augusta, and the dragon soared into the village beautifully with half the day to kill. They thanked the dragon for their services, and they walked their way over back to the bakery where the witch resides.

"Witch!" Alexander called out. "I have returned with the bread of which you ask for! Now please remove this curse, we've went through great lengths to finish this task!" Alexander's voice drowned out the bakery, and soon enough the witch appeared out of the bakery and became shocked at what were before him. Loafs upon loafs of bread over flowing the cobblestone street, the witch were surprised but indeed extremely pleased.
"Well, well, looks like you've completed my task,
how did you do this? let me whip out my flask,
a little of this, a little of that,
just be a little patient, I didn't expect you'd be back
I congratulate and thank you for the bread you brought to me
now I grant you back your senses, not just you, all the three!"

The witch poured the concoction into a bowl and Alexander drank every last drop. In a matter of moments, Alexander felt himself regaining his senses, and suddenly his world was lit up magnificently. Adeline, holding his hand in comfort sat him down on the ground, and when he opened his eyes it were Adeline that he saw. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and tears of joy came rushing down each other's faces. He fell in love with her beautiful personality and couldn't be more pleased to see how beautiful she indeed actually was.

Out of the forest came Eliot and Janik, running around in joy that their senses were back like a bunch of donkeys. They came to greet Alexander and Adeline, and Adeline simply scoffed them away to show she was with Alexander. Before the witch could make a disappearance, the bear that aided them all along came to the witch and stood on his feet.

"You witch, you don't understand what pain you've caused the good souls in the world. It's time our roles reversed, you are no longer the one the bestow spells upon those who do not deserve them!" With a loud powerful roar, and a long powerful charm, the bear bestowed a spell upon the witch which turned her into a chicken, and the wizard freed himself of his bear identity. The wizard revealed himself back into his initial human form before the witch had cursed him into the unattractive bear, and in return the wizard cursed the witch into a chicken, for nobody would ever talk to a chicken, and soon enough it would only be beheaded and cooked for dinner. The witch of Augusta was finally sentenced to end all witchcraft, and Augusta was saved from all sorcery of evil.

"You helped me all along," Alexander approached the wizard, "How could I ever thank you?"

"You befriended me at my most unpleasant stage in life. Who would ever befriend a bear? There is no way you could ever thank me, your friendship was enough...or better yet, how about a loaf of bread to make it even?" And with a wink, the wizard disappeared off into the forest to aid all other forms of good souls in need.

Wedding bells rang all throughout Augusta, and Adeline and Alexander were so pleased to happily marry each other at last. Adeline's parents approved of her decision to marry whom she was in love with, and declined the offer of Prince William. Adeline's father opened twice as many bakery's as he already owns all over the world, and put Alexander under the management of them. With Alexander's new work, he provided for Adeline with love and care each day, and they lived a beautiful life together. As for Eliot and Janik, the brothers aided in the business, as mere garbage men and they cleaned up after the customers. Adeline and Alex were thankful for the prosperity they've been blessed with, and with their new work, new life, and new company of each other, they lived happily ever after. The end.

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