My Last Celebration | Teen Ink

My Last Celebration

October 9, 2013
By Rubeaner BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
Rubeaner BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I want to grow. I want to be better. You Grow. We all grow. We're made to grow.You either evolve or you disappear.
-Tupac Shakur

2:05 pm
“Hey Roy, you ready for tonight’s game?”
“Yeah, how many TD’s you throwing to me tonight?”
“Hah hah hah hah hah hah hah!”
“Well just finish your work Tony; you know I need you out there tonight. We are the one—two punch.”
“I know, you’re like...actually, you are my brother. I would do anything for you man.”
“Hey since today is going to be our last game as teammates, you want to have a celebration after we win that championship?”
“Yeah most definitely man, where did you have in mind?”
“Oh let’s just say Chris’s…”
“Chris’s Steak House? You know that’s the most expensive resturaunt around, and it’s one hour away!"
“I know, and I don’t care! Were seniors, and we deserve it! This is our last game together. You just committed to Michigan last week and I just did the same with Alabama last night. We have to have one last hurrah!”
“Let’s go!!!!!!! C’mon get hyped! Our last game!!!!”
3:00 pm
“Ahright… I know that they have a better record than us. I know they have more money and fancier equipment than us. I know that everyone transfers to their school for college opportunities, but we are a family, and they’re not. We have the will to win. They think they’ve earned the championship already. They haven’t earned jack squat. We must take it away from them. It’s our time! It’s the time to make a legacy for ourselves. Roy, get up here.”
“Yes Coach! Guys, ever since I can remember I have wanted to win. No one in school history has ever got to the state championship for anything let alone win one. It is our time to create that legacy for other generations. It’s our time to show everyone else, who’s the best. It’s our time to open up people’s eyes and show them who we are. It’s our time. Bring it in guys!
Announcer “Roy Jones lined up in the back field next to Anthony Jackson. 4th and goal on the 7 yard line. 11 seconds left to go in the game, Renegades trail the Hogs 16 to 21. They need a touchdown here or they may never get a state championship. Let’s see if they can work some magic. They snap the ball. Jackson scrambling around, looking for someone open. The clock is ticking. Wait, Roy has separation in the back of the end zone. The ball is in the air…..Touchdown Renegades! For the first time in …”
“Turn up the music Tony, you know this is our song!”
Simultaneously, “Making my way downtown, walking fast, faces pass and I’m home bound. Staring ahead, making my way, making a way, through the crowowowd. …….and I need you…….and I miss you……..and now I wonnnnderrrr. If I could fall, into the sky, do you think time, will pass me by, cuz you know I’d walk a thousand miles, so I could just, see, you, tonight…. Hahahahahah.”
“There it is Roy, turn left.”
“I know how to get here Tony. Chill.”
(Screeeeech…. Boom!)
Roy wakes up and doesn’t understand what’s going on. He thinks he may be in the hospital, but then he sees a lady.
“Miss….miss…what happened, and why am I in a hospital? All I remember was I was driving to Chris’s steak house and then….Tony, where’s Tony? (Beep….. Beep…..Beep.. Beep..Beep.Beep.Beep)
“Calm down…. Calm down………Roy, I am sorry to say this but…”.
“Nooooooooooooo…stop, stop.”
“He passed away at approximately 2:53 this morning…”
“Why, why why. Why did he have to die…”
“I am sorry for your loss, but you have a major brain injury so you must stay overnight so we can fully see what’s going on, but I’ll let you have some time to yourself..”
The nurse scurried out the door, avoiding eye contact.
2 minutes later a guy in an all-white suit is at the end of my bed.
“Roy, I know you loved your friend, and probably hate the world right now, but that is no brain injury. You have gone through so much tragedy and have a good heart we believe that you can do well for others. We have instilled powers in your brain to help you control and bend time.”
“Like a time traveler?”
“Yes, well not exactly. You can travel to the past and slow down time, but you can’t go to the future. You can teleport through time as well. There are a select few of you. You will live your normal life, while helping us control the equilibrium of the world. This is a very important job and a very big gift. However, never save someone’s life completely, because where there is death there will always be death. Now it’s time to meet your partner, Angelina…”
“Hey, I’m Angelina, and you are?”
“R..Ro…Roy, sorry, I’m Roy.” I was blushing. “So how long have you had you powers…or whatever they’re called.”
“I’ve had them since I was 7. It is an extremely tough job, but you feel good about what you’re doing, you know?”
“Yeah, wait where did...What’s his name again?”
“We just call him Boss, but he just disappears sometimes.”
Then I looked right into her eyes, and I saw everything. Her whole past. I knew everything about her. I knew how her dad was a meth addict who overdosed when she was 7 and the guy in the suit appeared and was her father figure. All she had besides him was her mom. She clung onto her like no tomorrow. I couldn’t do anything but feel sorry. I didn’t tell her what I saw, I simply just kept it to myself.
As partners we went everywhere together. After 2 and a half years I started falling for her. I fell so hard that it was inevitable. One day, to escape our surroundings, we went on a picnic, just the two of us. It was our first official date. Then she asked a question. A question that I never answered before.
“So, why were you in the hospital that one day?”
I stared at her and started sobbing. How could I just forget my friend like that? I explained everything to her. Then I explained how I had to go back to save him.
“Are you crazy? You can’t Roy!”
“Why not huh?”
“Don’t you remember, “Where there is death there will always be death..?”’
“I don’t care! He was my best friend, he was my brother.”
Then I blinked to the past. Watching the game, Angelina popped right next to me. She kept trying to convince me to not do it. I kept saying no, that I couldn’t just forget about him. Then everything went sideways. The real truth came out.
“Roy, I need to tell you something. Today my mom died. She was all I had left and I had these powers there was no other choice…”
“I don’t get what you’re trying to say?”
“My mom was driving the car that killed Tony. At first she died. I couldn’t bare it. After weeks, I went back in time and saved her life. She lived, but where there is death there will always be death. Tony died instead of my mom. I wanted to tell you so badly but I fell in love with you. He partnered us up because I needed to learn my lesson and possibly even stop you. I am so sorry…”
“I can’t believe you. You’ve lied to me for over two years. How could you. I trusted you and put everything into you, how could you?”
“I am sorry, I am.”
And then I vanished. I went back to the present. I went where no one could find me. I went to the secret clubhouse Tony and I built when we were 12. I sat there and cried. I just thought to myself. Who would I choose? I loved them both. I couldn’t choose one over the other. I wanted my friend but I also wanted her.
I went back and found her.
“Hey sorry for running away earlier, I just had a lot on my mind.”
“I understand, and I am sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. I’ve decided not to undo what you’ve done. I couldn’t do that to you. All I ask for is a couple hours alone. Please I just need to be rested with the situation.”
“Anything you need. I love you.”
“I love you too, see you later…”
Once she left I went back to the game. I watched the game winning touchdown. I loved Tony. He was family. I followed us after the game in a car. Once they got to that fatal turn, I hopped out of the car. I slowly walked up to the driver’s window…

The author's comments:
I was inspired by a presentation where my best friend died in a car wreck and the feeling I went through.

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