2035: The Dead Rises | Teen Ink

2035: The Dead Rises

October 31, 2013
By theQman BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
theQman BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

2035: the dead rises
we didn’t know much about the incidents that happened in Willamette Colorado but we do know one thing for sure, the dead… or should I say the “undead” are walking, moaning and pissed not to mention they only want to eat our flesh. Our friendly colony located in California needed a two guys to take up the job to transport a medication that stalls the zombification process down a bit and we call it “ zombrex” down to los Lumina in Nevada and guess who were unfortunate victims were? Hiram quiles aka me and a guy named Chris… a merc who has been in plentiful conflicts on bio terrorism so I guess I should feel safe? Ha I wouldn’t bet on it!

Day 1-
You ready to this kid? Chris said to me sounding very cocky. As ready as I’ll ever be… just thinking that they only wanted me because I survived the fortune city incident in san Juan and my knowledge to fix up cars.. I guess college was good for something after all..
As Chris and I proceeded to the weapon room I just kept on thinking am I going to be safe with this guy or is he going leave me for dead like people tried to do back then. Alright lets gear up for this job, alright I said hesitantly he grabbed a shotgun and a assault rifle as for me I got I brought lots of duct tape a pitchfork handgun and a sawed off shotgun and Chris asked me; why do you have duct tape? I said; creativity kills buddy as I tapped the pitchfork to the shotgun.

Day 2-
Fantastic…. The car breaks down right in bumble freak land! I don’t see any zombies out here so I guess I better get to work I said sadly. If crap hits the fans I’ll cover you don’t forget that all right? Said Chris aiming his assault rifle around ready for combat. All right this tin can just needs some TLC and we are Buena haha… I said to keep myself motivated. Roger that buddy just let me know if you need a hand, I wasn’t the best handy man in the b.s.a.a but I can try said Chris. Maybe Chris isn’t a bad guy after all he seems like the type a guy that doesn’t want to rest until the mission is finished. I guess at the end of the day this guy isn’t bad after all.

Day 3-
Finally, we are almost at los Lumina I said very happily. You remind me of my old partner you know that Hiram? Said Chris kind of sadly. I was hesitant to ask him about what happen to his old partner but in the end I did. His name was Carlos…. He died making sure I got out alright… he gave up his right arm to keep me going. Chris looked down in shame; I can’t run away from the past but I’m going to make sure that doesn’t have to happen again and that’s a promise. I looked up to him and said like wise friend, he looked up to me and from there we knew that we had each other’s backs, not as allies but as friends.

Day 4-
Knee deep in the dead! We had a few more miles to go and there is a big angry horde of them hungry creatures. Suddenly I got a bright idea. What if we keep the car on cruise control and keep them distracted by letting the car keep going and the horn on? That’s not a bad idea said Chris. We bailed on the car and headed for the seemingly abandoned alleyway. Not even 3 blocks away from the destination and felt at ease, we finally made it Chris said happily. As soon as we made it to the building we got blind sided by a biter and the worst thing happened… I got bit…. I told Chris to keep going but he just kept saying no but we made it passed a lockable door and I secretly let Chris run through first and I locked the door. NO!!!! Hiram come on! Chris said sadly. Just go! Ill keep them at bay, the world needs a hero! Just don’t forget about you awesome partner haha crying my eyes out I stood my ground and before I knew it I was getting torn apart. I did the right thing, in the end I kept my promise I had his back and he knew it.

The aftermath-

Chris made it back to California and was deemed a hero. At his speech he mentioned Hiram and started crying his eyes out. That’s the friendship they had, even though it was only 4 days they made that bond not only as comrades but also as friends.

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