3026 Rebellion | Teen Ink

3026 Rebellion

October 17, 2013
By Anonymous

3026 Rebellion

The world changed ever since the thirty first century began. The world which was once known as Earth is now lost. Pollution has taken its toll. Forest fires have wiped away every single forest that had once existed. Every single animal species went extinct. The Bees have been gone because of our carelessness. Every single species in the ocean had been extinct for over the past five centuries. There is no sign left of any plant of any kind. There isn’t even any trace of trees, grass, or plants on any kind left on this broken planet. Fruits of any kind have been dried off for four centuries. The atmosphere has been polluted. When the twenty sixth century ended, there were tsunamis, tornados, earthquakes, and eruptions. They came on the thirty- first of December in the year of 2599. Many of our kind did not survive. Some of our kind were able to survive fortunately. A small group of our kind has come with one another and Earth shall be replaced.

The world that was once name Earth is no longer given that title. This world of ours is now known as the Formal. Earth had long been forgotten since the twenty- seventh century began. The Formal was made into a dorm that blocks every single one of us from the lost planet. The Formal had been modeled to keep us away from every single object outside of our little dorm. The walls and floors are sliver painted metal. The only furniture that each one of us has would be beds for us to rest on. There is only one door in the silver rooms. Every single one of us is forbidden to leave our room. We are not allowed to speak with one another, unless we use the wall screen.

A wallscreen is an enormous device that is placed on each one of our walls like flat screen TVs. They look like giant tablets. The wallscreen shows each one of us which whom we are socializing. The wallscreen can also show us our thoughts and our memories. Every single one of us has a hole in our arms. We connect to the wallscreens by injecting a tube into our hole. We then would wait until the person who we are socializing with is on the screen. We are not required to speak with one another in person. We can even use the wallscreen to view our memories or our thoughts. The wallscreen gives us a huge selection of memories known as “clips” for us to pick from. We choose which clip that we would like to view and the wallscreen shows us the memory.

Each one of us never actually gets to taste the food and drink that supplies our needs. We press a small cube shaped button at the lower left side of the wallscreen, it would transfers energy through the tube and inside each of our bodies. We are required to use the wallscreen for twelve hours of each twenty- four hours. Each one of us has a small cube inside our brains that buzzes when it would be time for us to rest our eyes or to be awakened. Our dreams are erased every time we shut our eyes for rest. When we wake up, the hours go by so quickly that it feels like we just blinked our eyes.

Each one of never knows whose daughter or son we are. In the center of the dorm, there is a little room known as the DNA Generated Room. The DNA Generated room has a wallscreen that randomly picks a female and a male to be parents of a new one of our kind. The DNA Generated decides on the heredity of the son and the daughter. Each one of us is born by that there is an energy force machine that builds our body. It would take the machine about nine months for each one of us to be fully developed. The DNA Generated room even randomly selects a first, middle, and surname for each of us.

The life that I had been living has changed forever. The name of myself is Caleb Meier. The age that I am recently living is a seventeen year old boy. My appearance that I had been born with is that I am a 5’8 male with fair skin, blond hair, blue eyes, a few freckles on my nose, and I’m thin. The day that I was created was on the eighth of April in the year of 3010. I am curious about the outside world of the dorm that I had been living inside of every single second of my life. I slipped on my floor once and I noticed that there was a crack on the ground. I wondered where the floor would lead me. I broke off one of the legs of my bed and I slammed it on the ground. The floor instantly broke. I decided that I would try out the lost world. I pull the sheet off my bed so I would be able to use it as a parachute. I jumped through the hole of the dorm. I clinged on to my parachute as I felt the air blowing against my skin.

I fell on the ground of the broken planet. I looked down at the ground. I was finally on actual ground instead of that silver floor in my room. I wandered around the planet. It saddens me that this planet had been destroyed so long ago. I wished that there was a way that I could try to bring this planet back into what it used to be like. Then I met a friend of mine who had also escaped from the dorm. Her name is Joyce Evans.

Joyce and I are the same age except that she was created on the twenty first of January in the year of 3010. Her appearance that she had been born with is that she is a 5’2 girl, with green eyes, pale skin, and curly dark hair. She is thin and beautiful. This was the first time that I ever saw her. I froze as she began to approach me.

“I’m guessing that you found your own way out of the dorm?” she asked.

“Yes,” I blinked. “There was a-“

“I suppose that the council of fates shall punish us when they find out that we had escaped this dorm,” Joyce interrupted.

Joyce has a very good point. The council of fates forbids us to ever leave the dorm. They think that it would be ridiculous that we would try to rebuild this planet. But we had to bring earth back to life. I looked up at Joyce.

“We shall rebel against them,” I said.

“Are you crazy?” Joyce asked.

“No, we need to rebel against them and rebuild earth,” I said. “So we can live an actual life.”

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on Nov. 5 2013 at 4:14 pm
Dr.FeelGood GOLD, Allemen, Iowa
13 articles 0 photos 78 comments

Favorite Quote:
"is oxygen a gas?" brought to us by my friend the blonde.

needs to be longer you hurried through it. take your time and this can be a great piece.