Surprise, Surprise | Teen Ink

Surprise, Surprise

October 17, 2013
By Anonymous

I wonder what it would be like to be normal; to wake up with my only trouble being whether or not the clothes I have on impress the girl I like. What would it be like to be just a teenage guy without any real problems? What would it be like to be a normal kid? Sadly, I’ll never know. In my version of normal, my dad would be at the kitchen table when I got up. Breakfast would be the same, just a bowl of cheerios. I’d eat, sleep, study, train and then do it again. Nothing ever changes in my “normal world.” Today though, my life would be changed forever.

When I woke up there was no one at the kitchen table, instead there was a note:

Got a new assignment, that Mangoon serial killer, Jo Blu. He was spotted in South Miami, probably in for a trade, no threat there. Should be back by tomorrow night.
Love you,
Now this was normal, my dad was always traveling. He’s an intergalactic bounty hunter for the Galaxy Guard, and is stationed on Earth. Whenever alien criminals are found on Earth, it’s my dad’s job to kill them. I have a pretty awesome father, if I do say so myself. I never worry about him. His job is dangerous, but he’s the best at what he does. This time though, I was nervous and didn’t know why. Something about this one assignment just didn’t feel right. Maybe it was that name, Jo Blu, it bothered me and I didn’t know why.
I’m from a planet called Ogle, the closest planet to Earth with life, and the most beautiful planet in the universe. Everyone on Ogle has powers, or Gifts. These Gifts are similar to those Marvel’s characters do, the only difference being that we exist. Because we are a far more advanced society, we use our powers and technology to protect the weak and innocent planet Earth. In what was 1602 Earth years, we formed the Galaxy Guard. Earthlings had just discovered their planet wasn’t flat, whereas Oglian scientists were working on rocket engines that would make ships go faster than the speed of light. You guys really needed some help.
The Galaxy Guard started as a way to protect Earth from the evils in space and in time became the “Space Police” as some officers like to call it. It’s been around for centuries, yet no Earthling knows we exist. They sure do praise our work though. Many famous people in history were actually Oglians; Alexander Graham Bell, Buddha, Confucius, and George Washington are among the few. You might find that surprising, but do you truly believe the Americans could’ve won the American Revolution without some help?
We have many agents stationed on Earth, most are just here to keep tabs on your planet, any true fighting happens in space so no Earthlings get hurt. Although some aliens find ways to sneak onto Earth and hide out, those are the people Dad finds. And kills.
My morning routine is different than most people’s; I eat breakfast, read a few pages of a textbook, and then go work. Work for me is pretty fun, minus the few chores I’m forced to do. I lift weights, practice my aim at the range, work on self defense, and then do small tasks to develop my powers. Everything I do is a part of my training, training to take my father’s place. One day, hopefully a day far in my future, I will be a bounty hunter too. It’s the family trade.
As I do what I do every single day I feel different, very different. It’s almost as if I shouldn’t be in our apartment working on my Gifts; I should be out with Dad, using them. Why do I feel like this? Am I finally skilled enough to fight? Or does this have anything to do with that name I recognize but do not know, Jo Blu? Thinking of this is clouding my thoughts; my aim is off, I can’t stay invisible for more than five seconds, and I was immediately fatigued. My practice today had been a waste of time, I took nothing from it but aching pains and the need for a shower.
The cold water down my back slowly cleared my mind; my hour of unexplained sorrow was suddenly over. Once I got dressed, in my standard t-shirt and athletic shorts, I turned on the TV. Nothing good was on, of course there wasn’t, it wasn’t even two in the afternoon. I guess it was time for a nap, oh how I love naps.
Suddenly I’m at a beach; two men are fighting in front of me. They are about fifty yards in front of me and I can’t get a good look at them. I begin to walk closer, very curious but cautious too. As I got within thirty feet I recognized one of the men, it was my dad. He seemed to not be faring well, this might not be good. I called out his name but got no reply, the only sound being Dad’s cry as the man fighting him drove his sword into him. I want to run and kill the man in front of me, but as I start to charge at him he disappears and so does my dad.
Looking around, scared and confused, I get hit in the back causing me to fall face first into the sand. I turn over and open my eyes but it is pitch black, I start to yell and call for help but I am interrupted by a loud, booming voice.

“Fifteen years ago your mom and dad came to arrest me and in our tussle, I took your mother’s life. Your Father was stupid enough to search for me and get revenge; I hope you aren’t as dumb. If you are, I’ll be waiting.”
When I wake, I am covered in sweat and chills are going through my body. My hear t is beating unusually fast and it’s hard to catch my breath. Scared doesn’t describe what I’m feeling, because in a way, I’m not. I’m just confused.Is what that man said true? I don’t know, but I have to find out. Time to pack my bags, I’m going to Miami.

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