Fight for Life | Teen Ink

Fight for Life

November 12, 2013
By Anonymous

The wind was furious in my numb ears as I ran for my life. The man in the dark coat was somewhere just behind, but to look back now would most certainly mean death. If only I hadn't made that stupid wish I'd be sitting back at home, maybe eating dinner with my Mom and Dad. But I would never see them again even if I managed to escape this madness, he already took them... I couldn't keep this up, my breathing became heavy and I was slowing down, I only had one option to unleash my demonic powers and fight.
My feet skidded to a harsh stop nearly falling from the frozen street. I felt the strange rush of wind moving inside my body, and the feeling of the cold begin to drip from my skin, turning black, as my body temperature rose to an unimaginable heat. The odd sensation of my eyes turning completely white and my teeth growing sharper. A pain in my back as large torn black wings sprouted just between my shoulder blades. White fire began to cover my hands as they clenched into fists.
The man stopped no less than five feet away. No head. The headless thing said, "You're fast. Too bad you only have so much energy in that human form of yours. Now allow me to introduce myself, I am Baron Von Nullarum. I'm a demon hunter." Suddenly a row of sharp white teeth appeared where his mouth would be if he'd had a head. "You hunt demons? Isn't that a little hypocritical?" It was a smart remark but it was all I could think of. A loud horrible laugh came from the floating mouth. "You think me a demon? How foolish of you, I am no demon, I am a god!" The word rung out all around us. "Now you shall perish," he pulled a large crossbow from his back and aimed. "Goodbye demon."
Everything went white. No, I was in a room? Yes a large infinite white room, completely empty except for a stair case that seemed miles away. I stood up and glanced down at my hands, pitch black, I was still in demon form. "Well, guess I'd better figure out where I am."
As I walked I heard only the echo of my foot steps. This went on for nearly eight minutes until I heard the faintest sound of smooth jazz coming from the direction of the now closer stairs. I started to run forward and as I did the room began to get dark I turned back and saw only a glimpse of white until the only source of light was a very dim one that came from the top of the stairs that I had now reached.

"Welcome Jared... to insanity."

The author's comments:
If this gets high ratings I will write the next part.

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