April 12th | Teen Ink

April 12th

November 22, 2013
By Anonymous

It was a bright, cold morning in April and the clocks were striking thirteen. The usual quiet streets of New York were buzzing with early morning excitement. “Today is the day! Today is the day!” Everything seemed to be saying. The wind that whipped at peoples hats, the cars humming along the clean streets and even the people seemed to be saying it just by the way they walked and smiled. Today was the day that the stars would come out at night and stay for two days! Planet Venus had been blocking the earthling’s view of the night sky since 2113. Every twelfth of April, Venus would move and the stars were again visible for two days. Today as you can tell is the twelfth of April; people will be staying up all night gazing at the stars, happy to be able to see them again. Then on April fourteenth Venus will again block the night sky and people will go around in their glum quiet way waiting for the next time where again everything will seem to say, “Today is the day!”

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