Perfect world | Teen Ink

Perfect world

November 29, 2013
By Anonymous

They locked us up in this cage because we were different form the others. The others are perfects blond hair and blue eyes. That’s what our capturer wants and we didn’t fit the bill. I’m Raven and I want to get out of this cage. I will kill anyone that is in the way from my freedom. Basically we eat, drink, go to the bathroom and go to bed that’s it. Trust me you don’t want to tell your friends that you live in a cave otherwise your pride and self-esteem goes down. The only good thing about this cage is that you have company. I like having the other girls here because they know what you’re going through and feel your pain. Oh here comes Gladys the glob.

“Hey Gladys you look so skinny,” I lied.

“Thank you Raven, got a keep eating those Twinkles,” Gladys said stuffing her face with Twinkles.
“Stop lying to her Raven your image will go down,” Narcissi said. Narcissi have been jealous of me since she came to the cage, which I don’t know why since I’m not like Kelly. Kelly is the only one with blond hair blue eyes. All the men in the country wanted her, so our capturer locked her in this cage and wanted her for himself.
“The only one that has an image is me because I’m hot,” Kelly said.

“I think you should use your beauty to get money,” Veronica said.

“Don’t get greedy Veronica,” I said. Veronica made a deal with our capturer saying that she gets half of the country’s money. She was locked up because our country went into debt because of her deal with our capturer.
“I’m tired being trapped in this cage, I want get out of here,” I said.
“I kind of just want to relax if you don’t mind,” Laruen said. Oh I forgot about Laruen I don’t really remember her because she doesn’t do anything. She was really lazy at her job so they locked her up here.
“We can’t relax we’ve been relaxing far too long, now whose with me” I said.
“I am I want to rip of our capturers hands!” Anne cried. Her name sounds like otherwise but she was actually a serial killer which was kind fitting for her to be with us.

“I have a plan,” I said. The plan was that Kelly was going to distract the guards with her legs. Veronica was going to steal their wallets and bribe the central guard. The central guard is the one with the cameras. Gladys can eat trough her life so we bribe her with beacon, so she can knock down the entrances like a mad women. As my job being the leader I have to sacrifice myself if it doesn’t go well.

“Are you coming Lauren?” I asked.

“Fine,” Laruen said. Everything went well expect when we went got to the end of our prison.

“What are your girls doing at of your cage,” our capturer said.

“We’re going to get out of here,” I said. Our capturer looked at me and back at the girls.

“I’ll make you a deal Raven, I’ll let the other girls go but you must die,” the capturer said. I look at the girls grim faces and back up at him.

“Fine,” I said.

“Perfect,” the capture said. Suddenly the guards closed the gates.

“You broke our deal,” I said.

“I didn’t break any deal Raven since I love you honey,” my evil farther said.
“Send the other girls back to the cage,” my farther said. As the other girls starting walking away with the guards he shot me.

“We need a replacement,” he said.

“Yes we do sir,” one of the guards said. That was the last thing I heard before I died.

Perfect World
They locked us up in this cage because we were different form the others. The others are perfects blond hair and blue eyes. That’s what our capturer wants and we didn’t fit the bill. I’m Raven and I want to get out of this cage. I will kill anyone that is in the way from my freedom. Basically we eat, drink, go to the bathroom and go to bed that’s it. Trust me you don’t want to tell your friends that you live in a cave otherwise your pride and self-esteem goes down. The only good thing about this cage is that you have company. I like having the other girls here because they know what you’re going through and feel your pain. Oh here comes Gladys the glob.

“Hey Gladys you look so skinny,” I lied.

“Thank you Raven, got a keep eating those Twinkles,” Gladys said stuffing her face with Twinkles.
“Stop lying to her Raven your image will go down,” Narcissi said. Narcissi have been jealous of me since she came to the cage, which I don’t know why since I’m not like Kelly. Kelly is the only one with blond hair blue eyes. All the men in the country wanted her, so our capturer locked her in this cage and wanted her for himself.
“The only one that has an image is me because I’m hot,” Kelly said.

“I think you should use your beauty to get money,” Veronica said.

“Don’t get greedy Veronica,” I said. Veronica made a deal with our capturer saying that she gets half of the country’s money. She was locked up because our country went into debt because of her deal with our capturer.
“I’m tired being trapped in this cage, I want get out of here,” I said.
“I kind of just want to relax if you don’t mind,” Laruen said. Oh I forgot about Laruen I don’t really remember her because she doesn’t do anything. She was really lazy at her job so they locked her up here.
“We can’t relax we’ve been relaxing far too long, now whose with me” I said.
“I am I want to rip of our capturers hands!” Anne cried. Her name sounds like otherwise but she was actually a serial killer which was kind fitting for her to be with us.

“I have a plan,” I said. The plan was that Kelly was going to distract the guards with her legs. Veronica was going to steal their wallets and bribe the central guard. The central guard is the one with the cameras. Gladys can eat trough her life so we bribe her with beacon, so she can knock down the entrances like a mad women. As my job being the leader I have to sacrifice myself if it doesn’t go well.

“Are you coming Lauren?” I asked.

“Fine,” Laruen said. Everything went well expect when we went got to the end of our prison.

“What are your girls doing at of your cage,” our capturer said.

“We’re going to get out of here,” I said. Our capturer looked at me and back at the girls.

“I’ll make you a deal Raven, I’ll let the other girls go but you must die,” the capturer said. I look at the girls grim faces and back up at him.

“Fine,” I said.

“Perfect,” the capture said. Suddenly the guards closed the gates.

“You broke our deal,” I said.

“I didn’t break any deal Raven since I love you honey,” my evil farther said.
“Send the other girls back to the cage,” my farther said. As the other girls starting walking away with the guards he shot me.

“We need a replacement,” he said.

“Yes we do sir,” one of the guards said. That was the last thing I heard before I died.

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This article has 1 comment.

Tman2 GOLD said...
on Dec. 5 2013 at 4:57 pm
Tman2 GOLD, North Palm Beach, Florida
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