Grendel's Diary | Teen Ink

Grendel's Diary

December 1, 2013
By emilyconig BRONZE, LaPlace, Louisiana
emilyconig BRONZE, LaPlace, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Each small task of everyday life is part of the total harmony of the universe" St. Therese of Lisieux

Dear Diary,

August 25, 1990

Today, I went to Herot because of the party that was going on there. I went in there just to see what was going on and that was when some random drunk guy yelled, “Yo, look at that ugly thing!” After that I lost my cool and turned into man eating monster. I ate thirty men that night and felt terrible after that because they made my stomach hurt. After that the Danes abandoned Herot, so I made it my secondary home.
Dear Diary,

August 25, 2002

The Danes didn’t like it too much so they sent in the god-like warrior of the Geats. He was Beowulf, evil’s greatest enemy. He came into Herot, sent by king Hrothgar, to kill me. The man sent to kill me came in with no weapons to fight. We fought for a while and I put up a good fight, but he tore off my arm and won. He took my arm and hung from the ceiling. That really made me upset and I went to my mother’s house and she was mad. She killed some people and Beowulf came back. He swam underwater to get her. He came to kill evil and his mother. First I listened to him chop off my mother’s head. Her final groans were terrible and I thought about how could somebody kill my mother. Then my last defenseless sight was of Beowulf with a sword slicing through my neck. My evil spirit left my body and I saw them carrying my head on a stick.

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