To Save a World | Teen Ink

To Save a World

December 19, 2013
By pizza10023 BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
pizza10023 BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Time after arrival: 4 minutes
Place: Some gloomy place in the middle of nowhere
Status: Completely and utterly stranded
Just great, Kane thought to himself, as he meticulously wrote down notes on his pad. Drizzling rain soon accompanied the dreary clouds, as if weather itself was laughing at his predicament. Kane was a dedicated scientist in the group accomplishing the warp. Key word: was. It never occurred to him that he would be so stupid enough as to attempt the experiment without his consent. In his haste and excitement, Rouge went through with the warp without understanding what it really did.
Just a few minutes after his arrival in the middle of the plains, he noticed a small outcrop in the distance and decided to head towards it. In reality, though Kane did not realize yet, his son's rashness in entering the warp already changed his time. In essence, the world he came from no longer existed, or ever existed. Kane alone knew the true purpose of the warp, and it seemed his plan was a failure. It was Kane's life goal, his very meaning for existing. To create a warp not through space or time, but through dimensions, or put simply—worlds. Kane thought, what was the point of achieving time or space travel when someone in some other world had already figured it out? He kept his “multiple world” theory a secret, for he realized either multiple worlds did not exist, and he would be scoffed and ridiculed lunatic, or that they did. If other worlds existed, if other advanced civilizations did exist, well...the consequences and ramifications would be so immense that not even Kane would be able to predict them.
Sitting under the outcrop, he pondered why Rouge jumped, why it all had to go wrong. It was me, Kane thought, if only I understood him, perhaps he wouldn't have gone. I probably should have told him... no I definitely should have told him. At least I was right...heh what a ironic thing to be happy for. Meticulously he scanned the countryside, and preformed a few experiments with a couple twigs and stones. Kane determined that physics remained consistent with his world. For a brief, brain-jerking moment, Kane thought that he might still be in his world, however the simple fact that he was not found and destroyed meant that there was no way he was still in his world, or at least his time line at the very least. Kane now had two goals in mind. Find Rouge and get out of here. On I side note, if a surveillance state hasn't been set yet, I might not be in the technologically advanced world I was hoping for. I could even be stuck a world with no sentient beings! Kane remembered setting up the warp so that it would only jump to a world where the requirements for human life could be met, yet no sign of any sentient civilization could be seen. Kane started walking forward in the rain.

Time after arrival: 5 days
Place: Motel in Rec, Ohio
Status: Still stranded
Kane found the nearest highway, and reasoned through a billboard advertisement of a human kid sliding down a waterside that the world he was in was sentient, followed some humanoid evolution similar to his own world, and was not so primitive as he feared. He guessed that this world was around the time where the general populous started enjoying materialism and luxuries, water parks seemed to fit the bill. Kane decided that contact with this world's sentient race would be safe and decided to hitch a ride to civilization.
Within 5 days(Kane had to manual adjust his digital clock to match this planet's day night cycle), Kane learned not only Rouge's whereabouts, but also a place where he could gather funds to rebuild the warp. While Kane was smart enough to bring some precious metals (he did not know which would be considered valuable), allowing him free stay at the motel for as long as he wanted, he still needed a way to acquire funds to build another warp. On the fifth morning, a newspaper came with headlines: “The New Einstein?” Of course this meant nothing to Kane. While your average warp traveler might not pay attention to such a newspaper, as it had nothing to do with finding a source of income to reconstruct the warp. However Kane was a dedicated scientist at heart, and he knew he needed every scrap of information he could obtain to survive in this world. Not only does this world-planet Earth-follow a sentient humanoid evolution, their English language parallels my world's. It might be possible that these worlds are the most similar, requiring the least energy to warp. Most likely more energy is needed to warp into other worlds. While reading the newspaper, a familiar name quickly caught Kane's eye. Rouge, with a picture of him quite older then he last remembered, repeated numerously throughout the front page. Kane smirked, that little brat is exposing Realon's Theory, a theory our world had known for centuries. Kane realized that Rouge's plan was to slowly reveal technology and theories that his world had already known, but this world did not. But this couldn't have possibly made him so famous as to put him on this local newspaper in the middle of nowhere in the span of 5 days. Then he remembered the picture. He is older! Perhaps as old as me! Unless he mastered time travel in 5 days, he must have been warped to this world a good 5-10 years before me. This revelation to him was astounding. Unless there was a variable unaccounted for, the warp not only jumped worlds but also jumped time! If this was true, he couldn't rebuild the warp like he had done originally. As far as he knew, his jump and Rouge's jump here were carried out the exact same way. That meant that his current warp not only jumped someone with no reliable way to return, it jumped someone to an arbitrary time. This drastically increased the time he meant to stay here; he only meant to rebuild the warp, pick up Rouge (who was supposed to be right around the area I jumped to), and get back. Now I have to find and drag his sorry hide back with me while engineering a new warp.

Time after arrival: 3 weeks
Place: New York
Status: Need I repeat myself?
Time after arrival: 4 minutes
Place: Some gloomy place in the middle of nowhere
Status: Completely and utterly stranded
Just great, Kane thought to himself, as he meticulously wrote down notes on his pad. Drizzling rain soon accompanied the dreary clouds, as if weather itself was laughing at his predicament. Kane was a dedicated scientist in the group accomplishing the warp. Key word: was. It never occurred to him that he would be so stupid enough as to attempt the experiment without his consent. In his haste and excitement, Rouge went through with the warp without understanding what it really did.
Just a few minutes after his arrival in the middle of the plains, he noticed a small outcrop in the distance and decided to head towards it. In reality, though Kane did not realize yet, his son's rashness in entering the warp already changed his time. In essence, the world he came from no longer existed, or ever existed. Kane alone knew the true purpose of the warp, and it seemed his plan was a failure. It was Kane's life goal, his very meaning for existing. To create a warp not through space or time, but through dimensions, or put simply—worlds. Kane thought, what was the point of achieving time or space travel when someone in some other world had already figured it out? He kept his “multiple world” theory a secret, for he realized either multiple worlds did not exist, and he would be scoffed and ridiculed lunatic, or that they did. If other worlds existed, if other advanced civilizations did exist, well...the consequences and ramifications would be so immense that not even Kane would be able to predict them.
Sitting under the outcrop, he pondered why Rouge jumped, why it all had to go wrong. It was me, Kane thought, if only I understood him, perhaps he wouldn't have gone. I probably should have told him... no I definitely should have told him. At least I was right...heh what a ironic thing to be happy for. Meticulously he scanned the countryside, and performed a few experiments with a couple twigs and stones. Kane determined that physics remained consistent with his world. For a brief, brain-jerking moment, Kane thought that he might still be in his world, however the simple fact that he was not found and destroyed meant that there was no way he was still in his world, or at least his time line at the very least. Kane now had two goals in mind. Find Rouge and get out of here. On a side note, if a surveillance state hasn't been set yet, I might not be in the technologically advanced world I was hoping for. I could even be stuck a world with no sentient beings! Kane remembered setting up the warp so that it would only jump to a world where the requirements for human life could be met, yet no sign of any sentient civilization could be seen. Kane started walking forward in the rain.

Time after arrival: 5 days
Place: Motel in Rec, Ohio
Status: Still stranded
Kane found the nearest highway, and reasoned through a billboard advertisement of a human kid sliding down a waterside that the world he was in was sentient, followed some humanoid evolution similar to his own world, and was not so primitive as he feared. He guessed that this world was around the time where the general populous started enjoying materialism and luxuries, water parks seemed to fit the bill. Kane decided that contact with this world's sentient race would be safe and decided to hitch a ride to civilization.
Within 5 days (Kane had to manually adjust his digital clock to match this planet's day night cycle), Kane learned not only Rouge's whereabouts, but also a place where he could gather funds to rebuild the warp. While Kane was smart enough to bring some precious metals (he did not know which would be considered valuable), allowing him free stay at the motel for as long as he wanted, he still needed a way to acquire funds to build another warp. On the fifth morning, a newspaper came with headlines: “The New Einstein?” Of course, this meant nothing to Kane. Your average warp traveler might not pay attention to such a newspaper, as it had nothing to do with finding a source of income to reconstruct the warp. However, Kane was a dedicated scientist at heart, and he knew he needed every scrap of information he could obtain to survive in this world. Not only does this world-planet Earth-follow a sentient humanoid evolution, their English language parallels my world's. It might be possible that these worlds are the most similar, requiring the least energy to warp. Most likely more energy is needed to warp into other worlds. While reading the newspaper, a familiar name quickly caught Kane's eye. Rouge, with a picture of him quite older then he last remembered, repeated numerously throughout the front page. Kane smirked, that little brat is exposing Realon's Theory, a theory our world had known for centuries. Kane realized that Rouge's plan was to slowly reveal technology and theories that his world had already known, but this world did not. But this couldn't have possibly made him so famous as to put him on this local newspaper in the middle of nowhere in the span of 5 days. Then he remembered the picture. He is older! Perhaps as old as me! Unless he mastered time travel in 5 days, he must have been warped to this world a good 5-10 years before me. This revelation to him was astounding. Unless there was a variable unaccounted for, the warp not only jumped worlds but also jumped time! If this was true, he couldn't rebuild the warp like he had done originally. As far as he knew, his jump and Rouge's jump here were carried out the exact same way. That meant that his current warp not only jumped someone with no reliable way to return, it jumped someone to an arbitrary time. This drastically increased the time he meant to stay here; he only meant to rebuild the warp, pick up Rouge (who was supposed to be right around the area I jumped to), and get back. Now I have to find and drag his sorry hide back with me while engineering a new warp.

Time after arrival: 3 weeks
Place: New York
Status: Need I repeat myself?
After passing some downright primitive tests and obtaining a few false documents, Kane was officially Kane Wright, a PHD and a masters degree in nearly all the science fields had to offer. After applying for a private lab on the university campus and all the funding the nation United States had to offer, Kane finally felt ready to confront Rouge on his fraudulent stealing of their world's ideas and claiming it as their own. Not only is he living off other people's work, he is being treated as a a God, when all he really is child with a rebellious streak. In truth, Kane was nervous and downright scared of Rouge. Not only was Rouge as old as him, he now possessed vast amounts of power in both the scientific community, and whatever money could buy. If Rouge didn't want to go back, Kane couldn't force him. Kane put that out of his mind, he's a grown adult now, what does it matter to me if he stays here? My goal is to fix my world. I can do that without him.
After flying to New York, he was met by a few fans of his own. It seemed in just 3 weeks I can also stand out above the rest. I suppose it was meant to be; I was a distinguished scientist back in my own world too. In all honesty, Rouge was pretty bright for a kid, probably had even more potential than me to save our world. In my blind rush to get the warp completed I failed to notice and care about him and as a result I failed as father. Kane pushed those thoughts away as he called a cab. The apartment wasn't hard to find. News trucks, reporters, even paparazzi, were crowded around an unmistakable skyscraper. Rouge, a well-known, well-liked genius, had built himself up as a “Chosen One”, in the sense that he made the world (or at least this world) believe that he would be able to solve all of their problems. And to be frank, if Rouge wanted to, he could. After some thorough research, Kane found that Earth's “problems” were nothing compared to his world's. After all, they haven’t even gotten close to overpopulation yet, much less any real weapons that could destroy the a planet a few times over. Kane might have had trouble getting to Rouge, however it seemed luck was finally on Kane's side. Rouge, a tall black-haired fellow, with sharp blue eyes, and a clean “hip” goatee. What he thinks is stylish, I think is stupid. I wonder if we'll ever see from the same viewpoint. Kane tried shoving the heaving masses away in an attempt to get to Rouge, but a couple burly bodyguards stood in his way.
“Whoa there, Prof. R is getting ready for his interview, he'll sign autographs after the...”
Rouge, caught completely off guard, spun around to stare at him. For a split-second his face was pale, then an icy facade washed over him.
“Call off the interview.... I need to talk with an old friend of mine.”
A huge buzz of noise erupted from the media, but seeing the 7 feet tall bodyguards made them keep their distance. Kane was admitted to the skyscraper, and was escorted to an elevator. The elevator was made of sleek shiny glass, and turned dark and opaque once the elevator started moving. The more I see of this world, the more I'm reminded of my own. Their technology parallels our own in so many ways. Architecture, design, and culture seem to be echoed in this world. After reaching the top, Rouge dismissed his guards and sat down calmly on the sofa. The moment they left Rouge jumped up.
“Why did you follow me? Why, after 10 years, did you now decide to show up! “
“How old do you think I look,”Kane calmly replied.
“I don't know, you look just like the tyrant I left.”
“Well, would you believe me if I told you I jumped right after you?”
“Ha, that's not possible unless... NO! Your warp travels through time as well! You did it again!”
Kane turned his back to him.
“Old man, do you even understand why I left that accursed world in the first place! You were their savior, their little pretty scientist that would build their wants and dreams! And what of me! All caught up in your work, accomplishing grand feats of innovation, one after another, you never ever cared for me, asked how I was, or even looked at any of my projects.”
“And so you've think you've matured? You think you've grown? You're still whining about your own woes; did you ever think about others, your own world? I admit I was a bad father... so what? Does that justify jumping into a new world, using other expert's hard work and claiming it as your own? I tried to save my world, to restore the barren landscape I loathed to see everyday.”
Kane turns around, flushed with anger and embarrassment.
“You never needed me to save your world, you never have. I'm not a kid anymore, I don't need anyone to look after me. You can go return back to your precious little world, here I am respected, here I am known, here I am the person I was meant to be! Here I don't have to live in your shadow anymore!”
“You think I have means to jump back into my own world? If I had we'd already be there right now. I never waited 10 years to perfect the warp, I don't have a return mechanism. Because I jumped right after you...for you.”
“Does it matter? I don't need you anymore, I don't need my old world, I have everything I've ever wanted. Except one. You have yet to build a perfect warp...I'll build it first. I'll beat you, and I'll feel like I've never lived under your shadow.”
Rouge was calling for his guards to escort Kane out when Kane chuckled and pressed a button on his ear.
“I always come prepared, Rouge. You of all people should know that. I can't have you build a warp, a time traveling device, just to satisfy your spite. Our presence in this world could have effects no one could predict. It, albeit unlikely, could be the reason—our world started dying. Even if you don't care about it, it is still your world.”
Rouge, shaking with anger and fear, exclaimed,
“Our entire conversation was recorded, and its been sent to the every government, as well as every monitor in the world. In addition, I've sent some more proof, a mini-warp I've built that can take partials back in time for a few seconds. Your ruse is up, Rouge.”
Rouge had a few backup plans of his own. He jumped back into the elevator and shot up to the roof. In just a few moments Rouge had fled the country in his modified jet helicopter.
Time after arrival: 1 year
Place: My Lab
Status: Complete
Kane was able to obtain American funding to rebuild the warp. With his prior knowledge and notes Kane was able to complete a fully functional warp, with an added ability to time travel and return mechanism. Rouge on the other hand was in his own lab somewhere not even Kane knew. Without any national funding, Rouge was forced to develop some inventions of his own. Unable to sell any, he turned to the black market and developed and sold high-tech weapons. He needed the money to make the warp. The result was utter chaos. Just a few high-tech weapons turned wars in favor of the highest bidder. Nations fell, blood was shed, and anarchy was widespread. Very few nations could keep peace and safety without having weapons of mass destruction as deterrents, ones that could decimate cities, even whole countries.
After finishing the warp, he attempted to travel back to his original world, only to find he couldn't do so. He used the exact amount of energy it took for the warp to jump him to Earth. He realized that for some reason his world was inaccessible, or that is was gone. The similarities between these two worlds are too prevalent to be just a coincidence. If one thought, idea, or action in one world could influence the other, then its possible that with Rouge's weapons of mass destruction, this world could end at any moment. And the destruction of one world could, say, cause a blight on the land of the other, to the point where the blighted world could no longer exist. Originally, Kane wanted to return to his world to get some people to help him stabilize this world. Now that those people might not exist, Kane was forced to rethink his options. I have to stop Rouge before he introduces tech, weapons, and ideas ahead of this world's time. Any radical change in this world could potentially destroy mine.
Kane knew that there was only one option left. He jumped back to the past to the place where Rouge first jumped to Earth.
Time before arrival: 10 years
Place: Some gloomy place in the middle of nowhere
Status: Ready
Kane stood under the same outcrop he had taken shelter under in the past...or was it the future? He saw Rouge, a familiar scrawny teenage boy looking around in awe at the landscape. Kane stepped out and confronted him.
“Son, I am sorry. You deserve every right to run, but your coming here is what's causing our world to die.”
“What are you talking about! You have no idea how the warp fully works, do you? You haven't even made a return device yet!”
“You mean this?”Kane waves around a simple looking remote with a few buttons. “I've come from the future, and... lets just say bad things happened. I'm sorry for being a horrible father to you, and I'll do my best to make it up to you. The threat on our world should be over, and you can be a normal teenager again.” Kane looks into Rouge's eyes, “You are going to be one to lead our world, not me. Me? I've been thinking about retirement.” Kane winks at Rouge while he extends his hand. “Shall we go back?”
Rouge blinks out the tears in his eyes, and clasps Kane's hand. “You really mean our world's safe? You don't have to spend days cramped in your lab anymore?”
“That's right, son.”
They both jumped back to their world, to find that their world was safe. Blights stopped occurring, and without any threat, Kane soon found himself without a job. Nonetheless, Kane was happy. His world was safe, and his son wasn't off destroying the world.After flying to New York, he was met by a few fans of his own. It seemed in just 3 weeks I can also stand out above the rest. I suppose it was meant to be; I was a distinguished scientist back in my own world too. In all honesty, Rouge was pretty bright for a kid, probably had even more potential than me to save our world. In my blind rush to get the warp completed I failed to notice and care about him and as a result I failed as father. Kane pushed those thoughts away as he called a cab. The apartment wasn't hard to find. News trucks, reporters, even paparazzi, were crowded around a unmistakeable skyscraper. Rouge, a well-known, well-liked genius, had built himself up as a “Chosen One”, in the sense that he made the world(or at least this world) believe that he would be able to solve all of their problems. And to be frank, if Rouge wanted to he could. After some through research, Kane found that Earth's “problems” were nothing compared to his world's. After all they haven’t even gotten close to overpopulation yet, much less any real weapons that could destroy the a planet a few times over. Kane might have had trouble getting to Rouge, however it seemed luck was finally on Kane's side. Rouge, a tall black-haired fellow, with sharp blue eyes, and a clean “hip” goatee. What he thinks is stylish, I think is stupid. I wonder if we'll ever see from the same viewpoint. Kane tried shoving the heaving masses away in an attempt to get to Rouge, but a couple burly bodyguards stood in his way.
“Whoa there, Prof. R is getting ready for his interview, he'll sign autographs after the...”
Rouge, caught completely off guard, spun around to stare at him. For a split-second his face was pale, then an icy facade washed over him.
“Call off the interview.... I need to talk with an old friend of mine.”
A huge buzz of noise erupted from the media, but seeing the 7 feet tall bodyguards made them keep their distance. Kane was admitted to the skyscraper, and was escorted to an elevator. The elevator was made of sleek shiny glass, and turned dark and opaque once the elevator started moving. The more I see of this world, the more I'm reminded of my own. Their technology parallels our own in so many ways. Architecture, design, and culture seem to be echoed in this world. After reaching the top, Rouge dismissed his guards and sat down calmly on the sofa. The moment they left Rouge jumped up.
“Why did you follow me? Why, after 10 years, did you now decide to show up! “
“How old do you think I look,”Kane calmly replied.
“I don't know, you look just like the tyrant I left.”
“Well, would you believe me if I told you I jumped right after you?”
“Ha, that's not possible unless... NO! Your warp travels through time as well! You did it again!”
Kane turned his back to him.
“Old man, do you even understand why I left that accursed world in the first place! You were their savior, their little pretty scientist that would build their wants and dreams! And what of me! All caught up in your work, accomplishing grand feats of innovation, one after another, you never ever cared for me, asked how I was, or even looked at any of my projects.”
“And so you've think you've matured? You think you've grown? You're still whining about your own woes; did you ever think about others, your own world? I admit I was a bad father... so what? Does that justify jumping into a new world, using other expert's hard work and claiming it as your own? I tried to save my world, to restore the barren landscape I loathed to see everyday.”
Kane turns around, flushed with anger and embarrassment.
“You never needed me to save your world, you never have. I'm not a kid anymore, I don't need anyone to look after me. You can go return back to your precious little world, here I am respected, here I am known, here I am the person I was meant to be! Here I don't have to live in your shadow anymore!”
“You think I have means to jump back into my own world? If I had we'd already be there right now. I never waited 10 years to perfect the warp, I don't have a return mechanism. Because I jumped right after you...for you.”
“Does it matter? I don't need you anymore, I don't need my old world, I have everything I've ever wanted. Except one. You have yet to build a perfect warp...I'll build it first. I'll beat you, and I'll feel like I've never lived under your shadow.”
Rouge was calling for his guards to escort Kane out when Kane chuckled and pressed a button on his ear.
“I always come prepared, Rouge. You of all people should know that. I can't have you build a warp, a time traveling device, just to satisfy your spite. Our presence in this world could have effects no one could predict. It, albeit unlikely, could be the reason—our world started dieing. Even if you don't care about its is still your world.”
Rouge, shaking with anger and fear, exclaimed,
“Our entire conversation was recorded, and its been sent to the every government, as well as every monitor in the world. In addition I've sent some more proof, a mini-warp I've built that can take partials back in time for a few seconds. Your ruse is up, Rouge.”
Rouge had a few backup plans of his own. He jumped back into the elevator and shot up to the roof. In just a few moments Rouge had fled the country in his modified jet helicopter.
Time after arrival: 1 year
Place: My Lab
Status: Complete
Kane was able to obtain American funding to rebuild the warp. With his prior knowledge and notes Kane was able to complete a fully functional warp, with an added ability to time travel and return mechanism. Rouge on the other hand was in his own lab somewhere not even Kane knew. Without any national funding, Rouge was forced to develop some inventions of his own. Unable to sell any, he turned to the black market and developed and sold high-tech weapons. He needed the money to make the warp. The result was utter chaos. Just a few high-tech weapons turned wars in favor of the highest bidder. Nations fell, blood was shed, and anarchy was widespread. Very few nations could keep peace and safety without having weapons of mass destruction as deterrents, ones that could decimate cities, even whole countries.
After finishing the warp he attempted to travel back to his original world, only to find he couldn't do so. He used the exact amount of energy it took for the warp to jump him to Earth. He realized that for some reason his world was inaccessible, or that is was gone. The similarities between these two worlds are too prevalent to be just a coincidence. If one thought, idea, or action in one world could influence the other, then its possible that with Rouge's weapons of mass destruction this world could end at any moment. And if the destruction of one world, could say cause a blight on the land of the other-to the point where the blighted world could no longer exist. Originally, Kane wanted to return to his world to get some people to help him stabilize this world. Now that those people might not exist Kane was forced to rethink his options. I have to stop Rouge before he introduces tech, weapons, and ideas ahead of this world's time. Any radical change in this world could potentially destroy mine.
Kane knew that there was only one option left. He jumped back to the past to the place where Rouge first jumped to Earth.
Time before arrival: 10 years
Place: Some gloomy place in the middle of nowhere
Status: Ready
Kane stood under the same outcrop he had taken shelter under in the past...or was it the future? He saw Rouge, a familiar scrawny teenage boy looking around in awe at the landscape. Kane stepped out and confronted him.
“Son, I am sorry. You deserve every right to run, but your coming here is what's causing our world to die.”
“What are you talking about! You have no idea how the warp fully works do you. You haven't even made a return device yet!”
“You mean this?”Kane waves around a simple looking remote with a few buttons. “I've come from the future, and... lets just say bad things happened. I'm sorry for being a horrible father to you, and I'll do my best to make it up to you. The threat on our world should be over, and you can be a normal teenager again.” Kane looks into Rouge's eyes, “You are going to be one to lead our world, not me. Me? I've been thinking about retirement.” Kane winks at Rouge while he extends his hand. “Shall we go back?”
Rouge blinks out the tears in his eyes, and clasps Kane's hand. “You really mean our world's safe? You don't have to spend days cramped in your lab anymore?”
“That's right, son.”
They both jumped back to their world, to find that their world was safe. Blights stopped occurring, and with out any threat Kane soon found himself without a job. Nonetheless Kane was happy. His world was safe, and his son wasn't off destroying the world.

The author's comments:
A rushed I felt like doing cause I love reading fantasy, sci-fi books.
Also 2900 words, so yeah.

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