The Bus that couldn't stop | Teen Ink

The Bus that couldn't stop

January 7, 2014
By JacobTJohnston BRONZE, Lisbon, Maine
JacobTJohnston BRONZE, Lisbon, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To be or not to be

It was a dark gloomy night in the busy town of Topsham Maine. Everybody was having a good night, there was a Christmas festival going on over by Target. You could see everybody running around looking for sales at all the stores. I was with my group of friends over at Best Buy. Everybody wanted to walk over to Gamestop to pick up the newest first person shooter game. But some of the people wanted to take a detour and smoke marijuana on the back road. The moment we got over to the spot we saw the police pull in to where they were about to smoke. We all just ran, the group broke up it was just Adam and I left. As we went around back to Best Buy, we heard Mikey get arrested. Only two people out of the group were going to smoke pot, Thomas and Joe. But I knew we could not turn around and risk getting arrested for something that we didn’t even do. When we started crossing the road I saw headlights coming towards us. Adam was on the other side of the road as it hit him. His head flew off into the woods somewhere as his body exploded like it had a bomb blow up inside of him.

I ran away from the scene. It was the scariest thing I have ever seen, my best friend just got hit in front of me. How am I going to tell his mother what happened? Am I supposed to say “your son was crossing the road and got hit out of nowhere”. I’m scared I just saw the bus turn around down at the end of the road, it’s coming back at me. I feel the headlights burning through me with hatred. I see it driving straight at me, I run to the woods to hide. I watch it go by there was nobody driving the bus. I am shocked, This bus has a mind of it’s own. I’m so scared I run home. As I was arriving at my house I see that my parents are not home. My mom said she would be home from her meeting at 5 o’clock, It’s 9:30 now. I try to call her but nobody answers I figure that she will call back later. So I go into the kitchen and get food and sit down on the couch and watch tv. As I’m scrolling through the channels I stop on the news channel and see that 2 people were killed in a hit and run. As I see that cop cars pulled into my driveway. I see an officer get out of the car and come up and knock on my door. I go over and answer the door the cops says “I’m sorry son, but your parents have been killed in a hit and run”. That’s it I break down into tears. I lost my best friend and parents both in the same day. After the cops leave I go straight up into my room and cry until I fall asleep.

The next morning is when it really hits me that I’ll never see my parents or Adam again. I call my girlfriend to see if she heard what happened. She said she heard about my parents just a few minutes ago, but she had no idea about Adam. She asked me if she could come over. I don’t want her to risk driving right now I don’t want it to happen to her also. So, I tell her that I’m going to just drive over there. On my way over her house I see the bus in my rearview mirror I speed up as soon as I turn around the corner there’s a cop right there. So I get pulled over and I don’t have any explanation that’s reasonable. I just take the ticket and go on my way. Luckily my girlfriends house is right up the street so I’ll be fine. I pull into the driveway and she comes outside crying. Seeing that makes me start crying again. I get out of the car and walk over to her she says “I’m so sorry. Have the figured out who did it?” I tell her that I haven’t talked to the police since last night they said they didn’t have any leads at all.

So I stayed and had dinner with her family. After they apologized to me all dinner I left and started driving home. It’s a five minute drive between my house and my girlfriends house. When I arrive home I see my grandmothers car in the driveway. As I walk into my house I see her sobbing on the couch with a picture of my mom next to her. I break down when I see that. I’ve never seen my grandmother cry it’s the saddest thing I have ever witnessed. I have to leave. I can’t deal with this stress anymore. I have to go out and get fresh air. I don’t know where I am going but I’ll figure out whenever I get there. So I tell my gram that I am leaving and that I’ll be back. I don’t know if that is true, I don’t know if I will be back. As I’m walking out to my car I hear her yell “Drive safe, I love you!” I holler back to her that I love her too. When I pull out of my driveway I realized that I am not coming back to this house. I can’t cope with everything that has happened in the past few days. I could never deal with the emotional pain that would come with staying here, knowing that my parents will never be back. I’m going to find a place out in the middle of nowhere and get away from everybody and everything.

I called my uncle and and asked him if I could go live on the farm with him. He said it was okay with him. I go over and visit my girlfriend to tell her I am moving over 3 hours away. I told her that it would make everything easier for me right now. She told me it was okay and that we can stay together and try to make things work. I leave for my uncles house, out in the middle of nowhere. I’m driving on the backroads all the way there. It’s just giving me time to think and not have to worry about the dangers of the highway. When I’m about an hour away from my Uncles house I realize that somebody is following me. They’re staying around 100 feet away from me.
As I slow down for a stop sign it comes up right behind me. It is a school bus. Where would a school bus be going at 1 o’clock in the morning. I leave the stop sign, still questioning why there would be a bus out this late. I’m going to pull over to let the bus drive by as I do that I realize that the bus is pulling over with me. I get out to go talk to the bus driver and there’s nobody there. I rush back into the car and drive off. The more I think about it the more I realize that’s the bus I watched hit my bestfriend Adam. I think it’s coming after me, it’s speeding up. It’s catching up to me. I need to get away from it. I speed up and it’s catching up to me still. As I turn the corner I lose control and hit the tree on the corner. Suddenly I feel the impact of getting hit. The next thing I remember is waking up in the emergency room. Everybody is around me crying. They tell me that I’m internally bleeding. As I lay here and take my final breaths I realize I forgot to tell my girlfriend how I was doing. But before I could I feel myself dying.

The author's comments:
It is da bes ting I eva wrote dude

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