When Dragons Lived. | Teen Ink

When Dragons Lived.

January 27, 2014
By xxpancakersxx BRONZE, Spring, Texas
xxpancakersxx BRONZE, Spring, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"For a dream night's the only time a' day."


Way,way,way back, like before even dinosaurs, that was when the dragons lived. Dragons were not fond of us humans, so they often stayed secluded away from all towns. Mothers frightened their children with tales of giant dragons which would come and eat them if they were bad. Every child, however, dreamed of one day meeting and riding a dragon. It was common for the men to leave for months on end, searching for the legendary dragons.

The dragons were curious about the humans, why were humans so fasinated by them? But, never the less, the dragons moved to avoid being found by the humans.

Centuries pasted without their paths crossing. That was until Sama. Sama was born in a small village, and grew up to be a fine young man. Like his fathers before him, he left the village in search for the dragons. It was years before he would meet Uratha. Uratha was an old, old dragon, who grew too weak to avoid the humans anymore.

So one day Sama found Uratha's cave. Uratha growled as he entered her cave. Sama promised her he ment no harm, and as he drew closer he felt pity for the old dragon.

"Please let me stay here with you, so you don't have to die alone."

Uratha allowed him to stay, though she didn't understand his pity. Dragons are born alone and they die alone, 'tis the way it's been since the beginning.

As the days past Sama told Uratha everything about his village, their customs, all the way back to their ancestors.

Uratha listened, making noises of approval here and there. And, eventually, the noises stopped. Sama knew Uratha was gone, yet he kept talking.

Years and years went by and Sama stayed talking to 'Uratha' leaving only to get food and water.

The people in the village spread rumors that Sama had found a dragon, and it boiled him into a soup. But, they too began to forget him.

Slowly, Sama forgot everyhting, he even forgot Uratha.

Sama died twenty years after Uratha. People say he died curled next to her.

Legend goes that if you stare at the sky for too long you'll see Sama and Uratha flying through the clouds, yet when you glance back they'll be gone.

101% True.

The author's comments:
I was feeling a bit bored, and I started to wonder: what would have happened if dragons had lived?

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This article has 1 comment.

Bryn.B GOLD said...
on Feb. 14 2014 at 12:26 pm
Bryn.B GOLD, Spring, Texas
18 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Maybe who I was cannot be captured, only reminisced; all I know is I'm my favorite me I've ever been."

-Michael W. J. Yearout

Marvelous! Love it!