Another Dying World | Teen Ink

Another Dying World

February 6, 2014
By karkatsbabe BRONZE, Nowata, Oklahoma
karkatsbabe BRONZE, Nowata, Oklahoma
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Another Dying World

My side’s burn. Why can't they just stop chasing us? All the running and hiding wasn't going to help us, so why did we do it? Instinct perhaps or sheer stupidity.

Everything was in shambles. Our planet was being destroyed, not by alien invaders like everyone thought it would be, but by the government itself. All the pollution in the last fifty years had been caused by them, they thinking to build a new home on the moon. Only to find out that the moon crumbles within a year of being 'colonized'.

"Duck!" We dive to the ground as a net made of electrical wire was shot at us. We got up as fast as we could. We didn't need to be killed or worse captured. Being part of the remaining ten percent of females on this planet, if we got caught it would spell forced child production until our bodies broke from all of the children.

The ground started shaking indicating something much worse than our pursuers. I grab my companion by her hand yank her toward a dilapidated building. We reach it only moments before a corralling tank passed by. It was an older model that didn't have heat vision, thank God. I know we'll eventually be captured but to hold off on it for as long as we can is the best option.

"Korena, we must leave quickly." my travelling companion whispers to me. I nod in agreement, the longer we stay the more likely we'll be found. Moving quickly and silently we make our way to the back of the building. I check to see if there are any snatchers outside, as I’m older. Seeing that the way is clear I motion for us to go. The area is a clearing that is free of any hiding places, the exception being a few craters in the ground.

"We must move quickly Monora. Don't trip into a crater." I tell her. Yes it's difficult to have a traveling partner but it makes some things better, like the loneliness, and I couldn't leave her where I found her. I was born twenty years before the moon broke apart. I unlike the majority of people, I have retained my humanity.

We slip quietly out of the out of crumbling structure. We go as fast as we can even though we are tired and broken on the inside from years of running for our lives. We are almost across the clearing when a corralling tank comes out from some hiding place that I didn't see. It's a new model, we're doomed.

"Run Monora! Run!" I can't save myself but just maybe I can save the girl. I run with her for a ways then turn to the oncoming tank and stop, gathering my breath, preparing for what I'm about to do.

"Korena!" So Monora noticed what I'm doing, I hope that my sacrifice wasn't in vain.

"Run and don't look back! Go, now!" I shout as I start to run at the tank. I look back for a second to see if the young girl followed my orders, she did, to an extent. She standing at the other side of the clearing, watching me with tears running down her cheeks. I will forever be grateful that she was the one I spent the last years of my freedom with.

I look forward again and when I'm thirty feet away from the thing, it was readying a net to shoot. I suddenly change direction, heading to the left.

There's a stinging sensation right as I make it to a line of trees. My heart, having been over worked from so many years of fear, felt like it was seizing. I fell to the ground, the world leeching of color, growing numb. The ground should be hot from the summer heat but it felt cold, perhaps I was going into shock. Or maybe, just maybe, I was dying. I didn't feel any emotion at that thought, so yes I was going to die. I had been in shock before, many times, and always my emotions were there.

Everything was growing black. The pain I had felt for so long was gone. Yes without anything holding me back I realized I loved that girl, as if she were my own. Maybe that's why I did this for her.

That was the last thought I had before everything was gone.


I awoke from a long sleep to find myself in my room. I felt sad but there was nothing I could do. I had done everything I could. it was up to her now to make her own way of life.

"Grofan? Are you finally awake?" the voice of my super viser asked.

"Yes, Maxit. I did as I was told. The girl is on her way to meet the boy." I wished I could have spent more time with her. Helped her with the one she was meant to fall in love with, but my job was only to lead her to him.

"Good. I'll have a new assignment in a few days." Maxit was a nice Guardian, kind and caring to those that worked for him, but he didn't understand how some of us could come back attached to our charges.

"Maxit, why do we let the humans survive? They destroy everything that they touch, and abuse one another." I heard him sigh. I knew others asked him this but I honestly didn't know.

"We let them survive because they are sentient. Yes they start wars over the stupidest of things and many don't have any compassion for others but there are those like the one you were helping, Monora, that aren't like that. They don't destroy everything they touch, they make things grow with just a whisper of encouragement. All humans are born being selfish and greedy, but some learn to get past that and they grow. Everything in the universes has a purpose, even humans. I know you think I don't know how you can grow attached to your charges but I had to do the same thing as you for a couple million years. I know what it's like to love them as if there your own.

"Every creature in creation is caring. Only the humans chose to care about something other than their survival and planet. We are the beings that try our best to continue the races of all creatures until told otherwise. We have been helping humans advance and learn thousands of years. We have done our best to stop their wars and to areas that have famine but it only takes one human to undo all of our work.

"We have helped them since before they could speak, before they could walk upright, before they were human. All our efforts have lead up to this era in their time. This is when two children will be born that will change all of their views, their beliefs of what they have done. You helped their grandmother, Monora, find their grandfather. These two children, a boy and a girl, will be more like us and they will have enough compassion to revive the planet that they will be moved to." Maxit was all a glow with this story. I still couldn't believe it. Humans were uncaring things with a few black sheep that produced love and care like the trees on Earth produce oxygen.

"Maxit, could you please calm down. You're giving me a headache."

"Oh, of course, I'm sure you're tired, having your mind in a human body for thirty eight years will do that. I'll leave you to your rest." and with that he walked out.

I lay back down, thinking of Monora and how her survival will be more difficult without me there. What Maxit said about her and her grandchildren is true, I know that, but the future is not ingrained in the veil of existence. I hope Monora doesn't get captured, or die painfully. I truly do care about her.

My mind, with these thoughts and worries, was soon over taken by slumber. "Be safe Monora."

The author's comments:
I enjoy writing stories. My hope is that others will enjoy the stories that I have written.

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