Outside Home | Teen Ink

Outside Home

February 20, 2014
By sapphirechase BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
sapphirechase BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My friends egged me on to come outside and play. I asked mommy if I could. She said yes. We went to a deserted land lot and played as heroes. We would destroy monsters and evil emperors. We always pretended to be like men, but our imagination went to far one day.
It happened. Things that aren't described with words or sounds, created the most growing up experience in the world. Helicopters and jet planes flew through the air with something that looked like a magnifying bubble attached to the backs of the air crafts. All I could think about was why all these planes would be flying over our town, our small little town of Coya, Idaho. What was the bubble thing?
As the bubble settled perfectly over our town, the planes released their strings attached. It came pounding into the ground, and when four out of five of us figured out what it was, we were already trapped, two of us on the outside and two of us on the inside and one trapped underneath the between. We all freaked out, our friend was killed. We just played with each other not five minutes ago. It was the most memorable thing I have ever experienced in the ten years that I've lived. We we were all about six or seven when he died.
When we gained back the reality of being trapped, we tried to push back the fear and to move on to survive. I took the lead as Jimmy, completely lost it and started crying for his mommy. Course I understood why he was crying, that was his brother that died. He wanted comfort, but he and I were locked out and we had to find a way in, before we were killed by nature.
This was the beginning of our journey to manhood.

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