In The Beginning. | Teen Ink

In The Beginning.

February 28, 2014
By Grantz BRONZE, Saint Joseph, Missouri
Grantz BRONZE, Saint Joseph, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There are two sides to every hero. The side people recognize and praise, and the side they ignore.

The Peacekeeper strode into the Hall of Judgement. The once full council seats stood empty. The air smelled of death and tremors shook the foundation of the place as a whole. The Peacekeeper’s once gleaming armor was dull and spattered with mud. In the middle of the room stood a figure in black armor of which no light reflected nor glanced off of, and on which no light seemed to show.
“Why on the verge of victory would you come here?”
“That is simple, Peacekeeper. I have come to have you join me.”
“You already know my answer, Jacob. I would never cast my lot in with your filth.”
“Behold, though, my old friend! Behold all that we have gained while the great war between light and darkness raged around us!”
“We have gained nothing but power...”
“Exactly my point. We have gained power, more than enough. We now have the power to rule over all the inhabitants of this world.”
“The only thing that stems from power is corruption. That is why we are no longer friends.”
“Your council members too gave into corruption. However, just as I they did not lose themselves! They learned to channel it!”
“Only leading them closer to evil. You know, it is true what the legends say. That the world was once covered in light. So blinded by that light we were, that we could not see past our own desires. However, once the power of darkness was discovered, everything changed.”
“I know our history, Peacekeeper.”
“Still you sought power Jacob, or should I say Nagol?”
“Do not call me that.” The figure in black armor hissed.
“Still you lead the dark ones on a quest for power. You forget your place dark one. You forget the law!”
“Still you judge the dead, light one.”
“So you will not see reason...”
“If you will not submit then you shall die!”
“Funny, I was about to say the same thing to you, you filth!”

From a sling his back Jacob pulled a large curved sword that resembled a massive sharpened fang. It was blood red, a testament to the many lives it had claimed. The Peacekeeper pulled his sword from the sheath at his side. It had a long blade that was as straight as an arrow. It too was stained with blood yet somehow it seemed radiant as ever.
Summoning forth their power and channeling it into their respective blades the two clashed. One wielding light the other darkness their blades sparked as auras of energy pulsed from their bodies. Jacob Leaped into the air sword raised above his head. He swung his blade downward. It crashed into the floor as the Peacekeeper sidestepped to the right.
Jacob quickly recovered and swung his sword in a half circle to the right. The Peacekeeper raised his left hand palm open. As the blade of Jacob’s sword crashed into his hand the Peacekeeper grabbed it.
The armor covering the Peacekeeper’s hand immediately crumpled, still it held. Jacob pushed onwards the Peacekeeper grunted as he struggled to hold back the sword. His feet began to slide across the ground.
He raised his sword and swung downward. Raising his hand Jacob grabbed the blade of the oncoming sword and held it in place. The Peacekeeper and Jacob remained locked. Both struggling to push their blades harder into the others hand.
“Submit Peacekeeper! You know as well as I, killing me won’t end this war! In the end our world will be consumed unless we take control!
“Spare me your lies!”
The Peacekeeper raised his left leg swiftly and rammed it into Jacob’s side. Jacob staggered back. Then as he regained his footing the Peacekeeper was upon him. The Peacekeeper knocked Jacob to the ground. With one foot he held Jacon in place, with the other he kicked his sword away.
“I was always the better swordsman. Now join the other betrayers in death!”
With that the Peacekeeper pulled back his arm and plunged his blade through Jacob’s throat, severing his head.

The author's comments:
This is an excerpt from an ongoing project of mine. It serves as the prologue and is the most refined piece from the story so far. I have been working on this project since middle school and it has already gone through innumerable changes. As a final comment it must be stated that this simple beginning grows into something much more complicated.

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