The Land of Opposition | Teen Ink

The Land of Opposition

March 5, 2014
By Anonymous

Trevor was walking the wet sidewalks of Washington. The cold rain poured heavily on Trevor drenching him as he walked. There were puddles everywhere, some deep other small and a few big ones. There were so many Trevor didn’t care if he stepped in one. He walked through the puddle, hearing his feet slosh through the water with a noisy splash. He was walking back home from his soccer practice and it started raining shortly after washing the mud from his cleats. He stepped into another puddle, his foot falling right trough as if there was no ground. He fell in head first, darkness swallowing him as he fell even further into the puddle. Trevor felt he was falling for maybe hours or even minutes but time he could not tell. Then a bright light shined and blinded Trevor as he fell hard on the ground landing on the red grass dazed. Red grass, nothing like that existed. This was not Washington, he felt the blue sun shining on his face, blue sun, and this was truly not Washington. Trevor looked around; he was in a red field of grass, the sky purple and the blue sun above. In the distance he saw trees with black trunks and dark red tops. Trevor first thought he was colorblind but this was different he could see the green water flowing through the stream irrigating the red field. If he were color blind he couldn’t have seen the red or green. He turned around seeing houses with white roofs and black walls as if opposing any color a house could be. He saw deathly white people with black eyeballs and white pupils. He walked up to one of the people on the streets and asked “where am I”.
The man he had asked turned his head and said, “You are in the land of opposition; here color is opposite to the earth balancing the forces of life through color.” “For all things have an opposite and without a world holding the opposites of the earth then none would be in balance” said the man. “My name is Nallig and to keep my wonderful life, the people here and this world, I should show you the way back to earth to even out the balance of opposition”. Then Trevor asked Nallig

“How long until this world is destroyed by the unbalance I have caused.” “Three days until corruption, two for the journey to balance mountain” said Nallig. “

The balance mountain why is it called that?” asked Trevor.
“The mountain is the fulcrum of the two worlds, it holds them at two ends” said Nallig. “Enough talk we have one day to prepare for our journey” After that Trevor followed Nallig into his white and black house. Inside the house the walls were black just like the outside wall and he saw furniture black also.
“Why so much black” asked Trevor
“It is the rule of the land, when something has many colors to it on earth it is black here.” “This house may have no taste but I know with it I can lead a wonderful life” said Nallig. Trevor walked around looking at the odd colors for the everyday objects he saw like in a corner he saw on a desk black notebook paper with white lead written on it. While Trevor looked around Nallig would look at him making Trevor feel with those black eyes that he looked into his very soul.

The Two of them packed food and clothes for the trip. They packed black sandwiches with dark blue oranges and orange apples. Trevor then rested for the night on a bed with black sheets and wood. They woke early eating a good breakfast of red eggs with green bacon. When he got outside he was surprised to see two horses striped as a rainbow having every color a horse wouldn’t be.
“Nice horse” Trevor noted and hoped on one unsure on how to ride one. “How do you ride one Trevor asked
“Experience” Nallig replied
Later Trevor was riding his horse, not well but enough to get him forward. After they had rode some miles the two began to talk and Trevor learned that Nallig worked as an opposition coordinator. He works to make sure that the opposition in the land is in check. Surprisingly he goes with no pay and only does it to keep the life he has. Trevor came to the conclusion that he could trust Nallig and that he was a friend to him.
Neal was sitting in his red straw house; he didn’t care if it was straw but similar to the homes on earth. Neal had been born in this land but he hated every part of it. He wanted a land similar to earth full of color and joy. His Erahs did the chores outside and scouted the surrounding valley for OC (opposition coordinators) that would try to catch Neal. These creatures worked for Neal because they believe in what Neal told them and they wished for a world of color and enjoyment. The Erahs were frightening creatures with purple eyes, long sharp claws, sharp teeth, and to long ears to go with their white fur. Then one came in; the chief of the Erahs.
The chief spoke and said “master there is an earthling heading to the mountain”
“Good, make sure this earthling never makes it to that mountain” said Neal.
“It shall be done, I will send the full herd” replied the chief

Trevor’s muscles ached everywhere as he stopped to camp for the night. They tethered their horses to a nearby tree. The fire was started almost instantly the fires green flames going up and spreading its light and warmth to the two tired men. They pitched their tents a few meters from the fire. Then Trevor heard a thumping in the distance and looked to see its source. Out in the distance on the red field that lay endless around the land he could see a giant mass of moving white creatures.
“The Erahs!” yelled Nallig.
“What are they” asked Trevor.
“Those are Erahs; creature big enough to eat a horse, they do it with their sharp teeth and claws” said Nallig. The giant rabbits ran closer and Trevor could see their fur glow in the feint firelight. Nallig reached into his pack and threw an object at Trevor
“This will keep them at bay” Nallig said.

Trevor looked at the object that had landed in his lap; he saw a short blade, a dagger in a sheath. The Erahs came only a meter away. Their feet thudding on the ground as they surrounded the two, and blocking the path that was Trevor’s only hope. Then Trevor saw Nallig take his dagger and stabbed it into a nearby Erah. The creature screamed in agony that sounded like a roar and slumped to the ground now dead. The Erahs snarled at Nallig but didn’t harm him.
“These creature aren’t too smart, they must have been ordered by Neal” said Nallig
“Neal?” questioned Trevor.
“The lord of the red valley, an evil man that goes on the belief that if you stay here this land will become identical to earth” replied Nallig. Trevor had the blade in his hand, glinting as he moved it
“Kill the Erahs, they won’t harm you, they haven’t been ordered to” said Nallig. This was beyond what Trevor believed, killing an innocent creature that had been raised on a false belief. No, this was their only way out, and then Trevor stabbed a nearby Erah. It yelled in pain and slumped over dead.
When it was pitch dark almost half of the Erahs were dead. The two men were exhausted from the monotonous killing and they had a fire going in the circle of fur. The number of Erahs at the time seemed far too many to count.
”We cannot take the time to kill all of them that would take days so I have a plan” The blue light of the sun was now peaking over the horizon. “What is it?” Trevor asked eager to get to the mountain.
“We will jump the line of Erahs and run our horses to a stream a mile away from here”
“Why the stream” questioned Trevor.
“The stream is filled with lukewarm water that is both acidic and poisonous, we can drive the Erahs into the stream” replied Nallig. They then packed their stuff on the horses and stamped out the fire but the Erahs paid no attention. They then mounted on their horses and backed up for the jump,
“Ready” Nallig asked, “Ready” Trevor replied. Then they whipped their horses forward its hind legs kicking it off the ground and covering the line of Erahs. The horse toppled some Erahs then Trevor urged his rainbow horse forward at a fast sprint catching up right next to Nallig. The Erahs growled, and Trevor and Nallig could hear the thud of feet as they followed behind. They rode for five minutes until the green stream came into view, the stream getting closer each second. Trevor could now smell the acrid smell of acid in the air as they got closer. When the stream was only meters away their horses leaped into the air. Relief filled Trevor as he jumped the sizzling green waters and his horse’s hooves hitting the ground. The Erahs ran forward splashing in the green water with a sizzling hiss and the smell of burnt flesh filling the air. The two men turned around and rode to the mountain now free from the Erahs.
Neal was riding on his brown painted horse to the mountain. The Erah chief had told him that the boy and the opposition coordinator were heading up the mountain. The chief was Neal’s only Erah left and it was time to stop the two. He rode to the mountain only a mile away from the red valley he lived in. he stopped and tethered his horse on a fallen log and walked away. About a couple meters away Neal came upon the trail the travelers would pass. He crouched behind a bush that was near the trail. Neal waited for the men that would come over the trail he overlooked.
Trevor and Nallig were now halfway up the mountain with only six hours until the balance was broken. They rode at a fast trot encountering no trouble. Then a mountain lion walked onto the trail growling at them and its white fur blending into the white rocks underneath. Then Trevor heard a thwack! Trevor saw Nallig’s dagger in the dead cougar, Trevor staring at Nallig as he picked up the blade and cleaned it
“Practice makes perfect” Nallig said to Trevor’s unsaid question.
Then a man appeared from behind a bush with a dagger in his hand and an evil glint in his eyes. He took the blade and stabbed it into Nallig’s ribs; Trevor stared in horror as his mentor and friend dropped to the ground with a look of shock in his eyes. Trevor urged his horse to a fast gallop making him jiggle in his seat on the rough terrain. The loose rocks beneath the horse’s hooves were kicked at Neal as he tried to chase Trevor. Neal was in a rage to get Trevor and he raced after him with his dagger in the air. Then Trevor came upon a cliff hanging over a dark ravine. He felt the horses muscle tense as it got ready to jump. The horse then leaped over the gap struggling, to make the land. Its hooves hit the ground and the shock of the jump went through Trevor’s body. Neal was following behind his gaze on Trevor and not the perilous ravine. Neal ran forward and saw the gap but it was too late, Neal tripped on a rock a fell into the chasm following a “thump!” as Neal’s body collided with the ground. Trevor rode on until he came upon a lake that was on the summit of the mountain. He looked to his right and saw a sign that read Summit Lake. The lake was a solid white, like milk and the depths of the lake Trevor couldn’t see. He left his horse near the lake by a patch of red grass Trevor’s thoughts going through his head. What should he do? The answer was obvious he had to leave the way he came in. Trevor gathered his courage, his heart racing in his chest and his heart aching at the memory of Nallig and his kindness towards Trevor. Then Trevor jumped in the water his mind in total doubt. Trevor crashed into the wall of water letting his breath out from the shock of cold water. He held his breath in then when his lungs burned with air he swam to the surface unsure if this was the way home. Trevor emerged from the lake and looked around and saw everything was in place the trees around were green and the sky blue. He gave a sigh of relief as he saw that he was finally home. He swam to the shore asking a nearby person; “can I get a ride home”
The land of opposition was now a better world, other people in the land held a ceremony in honor of Nallig knowing the story from the chief Erah. Without a herd and a leader the Erah had seen the importance of the land. Soon after Trevor had learned that from the distance of the two worlds time had been different. Trevor had been gone for only five minutes when he arrived on earth. When he had gotten home he explained to his mom that he had gotten a ride home surprised that she wasn’t suspicious. Then he asked “can we get a horse?”

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