The Light in the Darkness | Teen Ink

The Light in the Darkness

March 17, 2014
By sambamrav SILVER, Rancho Cordova, California
sambamrav SILVER, Rancho Cordova, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chapter 1
“Another one found dead in the wood couldn’t identify the body.”Yelled the town’s news boy. Family’s hiding in their house scared to come out. Nobody trusting friend barley trusting family. Everyone terrified of what is causing these deaths, whatever it was it was gruesome it had no remorse. Evan woke up not knowing where he was or how he got there. He gets up rubbing his head feeling something wet he looks at his hand. He starts to shake in fear, his hand covered in blood… his clothes torn blood and shreds of skin. Shaking he gets up, as he walks he finds pieces of torn clothes he picks up them up following the trail. It leads him to a dead body the skin peeled away from the bones. Evan whispers to himself
“What is happening?
Did I do this?
Help me.”
He slowly walks to the corpse, it looked like a boy about 16 his ribs broken but there was no heart… where is his heart Evan thought to himself. He heard leafs crunching, someone was walking his way he hid behind a tree. He heard voices it sounded like a girl. My poor friend, this is what had to happen. Evan jumped out from behind the tree he started running towards her; he pushed her to the ground pinning her down until she couldn’t move.
“Who are you?”
“What happened? Who is this guy?”

He started to get angry his eyes started to change colors from blue green to a grey white color, his bones started to crack… he was turning. The girl just laying there in amaze. Evan about to attack her, she yells stop Evan! He scratches her on the fore arm. She immediately heals. She is immortal she can never die. She leads Evan to a cave deep in to the forest where no one could find them. Until Evan calms down and goes back to normal. When he woke up he was alone. But there was a fire burning. He walks over to it warms up his hands. He looks around the cave; there are claw marks on the walls along with blood and bits of hair everywhere. He starts to get dizzy and falls back, his eyes half way open he sees a goddess like women running towards him, screaming his name

Chapter 2
“Evan stay with me! Comes on stay awake!”
Tears rolling down her face he reaches up and touches her face. He drifts off to sleep. 5 days later he wakes up once again, he sits up but Sara tells him to stay down. She brings him so water holding his head up so he could drink. He asks what happened to him. She hands him some bread and fish to eat. He asks again what happened. She sits there poking the fire with a stick. He stands up “I want answers” starting to get mad he starts to change again. Sara tells him you need to calm down you will get your answers just not yet be patient. He already changed he runs out of the cave, Sara chasing after him screaming “Evan come back here.” It was getting to be dark; it was very dangerous to be in the woods after dark. How dangerous can it be when you’re with the most dangerous thing in the woods? In the faint way she can see light it’s the town’s people trying to hunt this beast. She can’t see Evan anymore.

The author's comments:
its kind a short/long story but its not finished yet

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