The House | Teen Ink

The House

March 19, 2014
By Anonymous

“Its just for one night, you’ll be fine," Henry says as we turned the corner.

The emotion I right now can only be described as fear. John is driving, snickering about my fate. Henry turns to me and gives me a charismatic grin masking his true intentions. The rest of the car ride is not that important. They turn on the radio and listen to a song I have never heard. Finally the car pulls in the lot and parks. I'm blindfolded and bound then walked in. After a bit of walking guided by Henry I am sat in an uncomfortable chair and my blindfold is removed. I see Henry walk out giving me one last smile. A warm beginning to a cold night.

My hands begin to flex, my bonds are not meant to hold me through the night. After a minute of twisting and turning, even wrestling with my bonds I am freed. The only light provided to the room is from a window. Out the window rays of light from the moon shine in. This is the challenge I think. To escape the house. Not too easy. I remember the way back. The first part of the challenge is to find out what the challenge is. Looking out the window a second time I notice something. A piece of poster board in the tree. Something has been sloppily written on it. L,L,R,GO uP STaIRS. The L’s and R’s mean left and right. Directions. This is too easy I think as I walk out the door.

After two lefts and a right I find myself looking up the stairwell. The stairwell turns every few steps. I am entering a tower. I saw this tower briefly before I was forced out of the car. After a few flights of stairs I look up. This tower seems to go up endlessly on the inside. But on the outside it can’t go more than three stories above the rest of the building. I take another look down and stare. The floor beneath me goes down further than I can see. I’ve only gone up a few flights of stairs and began with nothing below me. Turning around my fear escalates higher than it has ever been before. A door...

Was it there before? No, I would have noticed its contrast to the wall. The second thing I notice about the door is that it doesn’t belong with the rest of the house. Its metal and painted a clean white. Not faded paint tearing of the walls but clean white. This building was built over 75 years ago, how has a metal door found its way in here. Must be part of the challenge. I reach out and grab the doorknob. I walk in and everything around me fades out of my vision. For a second everything is pitch black and just as I had came I faded back out of the darkness.

There is a fireplace. Burning weakly illuminating the room damply. Once my eyes have adjusted I realize the room is occupied by more than just a fireplace. Three knights defend the walls. One on each of the walls with no fireplace. Looking up I realize that the ceiling is just as infinite as the tower I was climbing thirty seconds ago. Above the fireplace words have materialized. With my night so far I have lost all surprise in this. In red they read: Do Something Unexpected.

Behind me I can hear a sound. Clinking. A metallic and rusty clinking. One of the knights is stirring. His helmet creaks slowly in my direction. He starts towards me and runs into something. There is glass surrounding him and his pedestal. I must be saved. Whoever has created this home has trapped the knight to antagonize me. No. He hasn’t.

I stare at the knight who has began to bang on his glass. It slowly cracks. Then around the room I can hear the same clinking. His racket is not just to bail him out of his prison but to waken his friends from their slumber. Soon the cracking can be heard from around the room.
Looking back at the writing I see something else has materialized near to it. An arrow. Pointing down at the fireplace. No not the fireplace. In Front of the fireplace. A sword.

Running towards the sword I grasp it. It is shining by the light of the fireplace. But I am too late. The knights have broken loose in unison and are currently roaming towards me. I say they roam towards me because they roam, sometimes changing directions and taking their time. After about a minute they have cornered me by the fire place. Swinging the sword at the closest knight it crumbles. Instantly turning to sand. The knight punches me in the gut and I fall to the floor. Behind me I can feel the heat of the fire. Anything else but this. The fire even could be better than this. The fire. I crawl to it with all my remaining might. Anything is better than this, anything. Closing my eyes I dive in.

As my eyes open ready to confront the afterlife I find myself staring at the sun. I am no longer jumping into the flames or being tortured by the knights. I am outside the building staring at the beautiful sun.

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